Wednesday 24 June 2015

CNBC Magazine

CNBC Magazine.

CNBC Business Magazine, and in speak too now, and of 'Crossing the Line' that is.

Monday 15 June 2015

Odu Meji

Odu Meji.

This entry, now does simply ask of one, and if, or if not, the said too African Experience, is simply said to truly matter anymore that is. For most though, and today too, and as said African that is, it can be said, they in all, are not believed to possess, many a said Notion here, and of Dignity, and if not of Integrity too, and in now too, supposedly saying that, it is via speak of the African Experience, and that the African in all and so to say, does in all even awaken, and to what Dignity, or Integrity too, is simply said to be that is.

That the African Experience, is now said in all, replaced, and by that too said American that is, and in speak now too, and of the said even search, and by the Modern African, and for Dignity, Integrity, and if not in speak too of Esteem in itself that is, and away too, and from speak and of many an African Initiation that is. 

When one does speak of the African Experience, and as versus that said too American that is, it is perhaps best to ground it all, and in speak now, and of Slavery in the Americas, African, and as referring, and to speak too of said Yoruba Warrior-Priests, and in the Caribbean that is. That it is these said Slaves, Warrior-Priests too, and who do in all even, it is said by some, think up that is, many a way or manner in all, and of preserving the African Experience, and in the Americas, and in further speak too now, and of Capoeira too, and as often said too Yoruba that is.

In all, the question does remain, is the African Experience, still truly believed, beneficial or relevent to any of us, said African too that is, or should we in the very least, simply study the Qur'an/Koran? That in now saying that, the very world of the Yoruba Warrior-Priests, and in the Americas, did in all even come to be said truly, a part of the Jamaican Music Heritage, it does in all even now refer, and to something many might not be aware of, and which does in all even say that, the Odu Ifa, and as said Oracle too, is not the African Oracle in itself either. That the African Oracle, is simply said associated, and with certain Experiences, and that could be said even, grounded in all, and in speak too of the Bottom Line for instance, but that in all again, the Odu Ifa, is believed in all even said difficult to interpret in its ways/manners in all that is, for most in all, do now associate it all, and in Experience, and with speak too of Male/Female (Masculine/Feminine) Energies that is and something too, believed said even best interpreted in all again, and from a said even Communal/Commune/Community perspective that is.

In all, what we are trying to get at here, is that, most of us, and as said African too, might not be said genuine in all, and in their ways/manners that is, and in regards too, and to the very said manner we do feel about ourselves that is, or of others too, for it is acknowledged by many, said African too, that the very said even World, and of the Yoruba Warrior-Priests of old, does appear to have to it, Experiences, that most said African today, still do in all even seek out here and there and so to say, and in speak now, and of the said even never ending/dying, popularity in all, and of Bob Marley's Music that is, and as with it all even said to speak interestingly enough, and of Slave Revolt and in the Caribbean, deemed even rather machiavellian in its ways, and as compared and to that said Haitian too that is.

In all, nobody does truly know, what to make of the African Experience, and other than refer to it, and when one does in all even falter that is, but that in all again, and in speak now too, and of our said living in highly Media driven environments that is, is to now too, perhaps, associate, the African Experience, and as now simply said to speak too, and from a said even here, Media perspective that is, and of African Cultural practises too, and that do speak of Libation, Oratory/Oration, and if not of Praise in itself too that is. In all, speak now and of the 16 Odu Meji, said Ifa too, and as now said too, part of the African Oracle, and in regards and to Interpretations made, and that do refer to, or speak of Oratory/Oration, Libation, and if not of Praise in itself too that is.

The Yoruba Warrior-Priest:

Tuesday 9 June 2015



This entry, will attempt to deal, and with what some would term/say in all, to be, the said even endless or prevalent too, incrimination, and if not stereotyping too, and of those simply said/termed African that is. That to be African, is not an Experience in all, said even Painful too that is (and in speak too now and of Asia truly), or one said truly Turbulent too, but one in all even, simply said even Torturous that is. 

In helping one understand all this better, the said even, endless incrimination in all, and of those said African too, and as often in all even, believed History in itself, that said African too, is to now too, say it all even, Behaviour, and that does in all even emanate, and from speak too of Egypt that is. That Africans in all, and from a said Egyptian perspective, are now too, perceived in all, and from a said Physical Stance or Perspective too, and which does in all even speak, and of Phenotypes/Genotypes too that is. That Egyptians in all, and as said African too, are in all even now said Pyramid Builders that is. Another manner in all, and of viewing Africans, is now too, said Chemical, for it does in all even speak, and of the very rise, and of the said Alchemical Tradition in itself, and if not Alchemy truly, and in Egypt too that is. A said Tradition in all, and as now said too, part of the Middle East, and which does in all even speak of Religious practises, said Egyptian in all, but believed in all even to speak truly of Africa too, and which does in all even incorporate, the very use of Drugs, Stimulants, Substances, Portions/Concotions etc., and in speak now too, and of Religion, Alchemy, and that does in all even awaken or open one up too, and to just about all sorts in all, and of said Experiences that is, and that could best be equated too, and to speak of Dream Psychology for instance. That Alchemy, now does speak of Africans that is, and as capable, and of bringing all sorts in all, and of Experience, and to the World that is. The third of these, now does perceive Africans, and from a said Biological perspective, and which does in all even involve, the very study too, and of Botany, Biology, and Zoology too that is. A manner in all, and of perceiving Africans, and that does meet speak too, and of Asia that is, for it is in speak of this very manner in all, and of viewing Africans, and simply where and in all again, all said even spiteful sentiments in all, and of Africans too, do arise, and as said even to speak of Sexually Stereotyping Africans that is.

There is though, a said here, differing level in all it can best be said, and of perceiving Africans that is. Something too in all, and that does speak of the African Experience, and as said even to refer, and to speak too of African Religion in itself, and as said now speaking truly of Africa only for instance, for it does in all even, speak of whom/who in all, Africans are, and when simply asked, to Conform to anything that is. That Conformity, now does speak too, and of most said African Religious practises, and as said meeting too, the very said world, and of Djinns, Jinns, Marids and Ifrits too that is.

This entry though, now does in all even speak of, and of the most fundamental in all, and of manners too, and of viewing Africans that is. That Africans, are now simply said differing, and from Egyptians too, and in speak now too, and of the African Oracle too perhaps, and which does in all even simply say, being African, does speak of Humbleness in itself that is, and in further speak now too, and of Christianity, and as said even having its origins, and in the African Experience that is, or in speak too of Humility, and which does in all even lead us to believe, that, all Myth out there, is simply too, said African that is.

Monday 1 June 2015

The Front Lines

The Front Lines.

The Front Lines, and as now said too, a Line in the Sand, now does speak too, and of the African Oracle, and as said defining African Identity that is, and in speak now truly, and of the Posit in itself that is, for the Posit in all, now does in all even refer, and to speak of the African Oracle, and in regards and to speak of Divination/Guidance, the (Fortune) Telling, the (Palm) Reading, the Forecasting, the Consultation/Regulation, the Diagnosis/Rule etc., and as said in all even to refer, and to an African Mandate that is [and not Constitution, Legislation or Judiciary either].