Friday 16 October 2015

The Cause

The Cause.

This entry, can be said a follow-through, and to the previous entry, and on Culture Shock that is. That it all, this entry, now too, does deal, and with speak and of said even, African, and Black Identity (and in said comparison, and to speak of African presences too), and in South America, or Brazil truly. That Africa, and in speak too now, and of African Identity, and as said too, entangled or enmeshed, and not matching either, said Identity in all, and to be seen outside Africa that is, could in all even be said, to speak, and of what too, a Popular Vote, is said to be all about, and if not in speak, and of what Popularism, and if not Africanisms, are too simply in all, said to be all about.

That in all, the unknown belief that, African Identity, and outside Africa too, does actually speak of entanglement, or of the enmeshed too, and not of Equality truly either, while speak of the Caribbean and of Culture Shock too, the very belief that, speak of a said African Make-up/Profile, does too actually speak and of the Caribbean, and in said comparison, and to what an African Aesthetic, is simply said to be all about. However, what too can be said is that, in speak of Brazil, or of South America too, and as often said truly racist in all, and towards those said African, and if not Black too, is to now say that, such said groups in all, said African too, and in South America, and Brazil, do not in all even, speak truly of African presences, and as most often are made to believe, but have in all even, evolved, and to speak too and of African, and Black Identities, and which do in all even lead, and to speak and of what, a Political, and Social, Cause, are too in all, said to be all about, and respectively said too that is.

Culture Shock

Culture Shock.

When we do in all, speak of Culture Shock, we can now too, be said, and to approach it all, and from speak of Fundamentals that is. That Consciousness, is believed said to arise, and in Egypt, but does in all even come to be said defining, and of many another Civilization out there, and in now equating it all, and to speak too of an American Consciousness for instance, and if not and of that which does too speak, and of Islam, Jerusalem, or of Buddhism too that is. However, not all of the World, does in all even adhere, and to what Consciousness, is truly said to be, for Europe in all, has often been said Revolutionary, but in speak of Italy, and in Consciousness, said to speak and of Renaissance, while in speak of Africa, speak now truly, and of the Evolutionary that is.

In now though, saying that, Culture Shock, can in all even be said approached, and from a said Global, International, Worldly, or a said even African Consciousness too that is, is to now equate it all, and to the said Slave Experience, and of said African Slaves, and in the Caribbean too that is. That African Slaves, and on arriving in the Caribbean, does in all even now, have to face it all, the Experience at hand it can be said, and from speak too of Culture Shock, and in Adaptation too that is. In now saying that, what they do often term Slave culture, and in the Caribbean, has evolved along such said lines, and of what Culture Shock is said to be (or in speak too, and of what many a said Barrier, Obstacle, (Emotional) Wall, Hurdle etc. are in all even said to be), is to now too though, claim that, Caribbean Culture, has in all even come to be defining, and of the said too Canadian Experience, and in saying too that, most who do travel and to Canada, and find themselves incapable in all, and of simply adjusting to life in the place, do in all even have to face it all, or approach it all too, and from speak too and of Culture Shock, and as said too here, and to speak of the History of the Caribbean in itself, and of the said too Afro-Caribbean Experience, and if not from speak of the said Ambivalent nature, and of the Canadian too that is.