Sunday 29 November 2015

The Psychodrama

The Psychodrama.

When we do in all, speak of the Psychodrama, we can in all too, say it best equated, and to speak too, and of what they do term 'the Pathology of Disease'. That Disease, and in its cure, is said now, and to very much take, said Individual dimensions, and in regard, and to its said Diagnosis that is. That Disease in all, dos very much shape us, and in said Individual formations that is, and in now too claiming that, not only is it known that, Africa, is believed said Disease ridden, but that the said Disease, and as said too, very much defining and of many an African life, and as said too growing up, now too, can be said none other, and than that, they do term Migraine that is.

In having said that, the above that is, the said now, belief here that, the African Oracle, does in all even support the very said view, that life, and in Africa, can too, be said equated, and to speak, and of the said search for Solace in itself, and if not Solitude too, and as said too defining of one, and in Experience or Memory in itself too, and if not in speak truly, and of what they do term, a Psychodrama that is.

Monday 23 November 2015



When we do in all talk of Margins, we are in all even said to speak of, what is said an Error, and not what too, is said too Mistake, or Warning that is. That the Margin, and in Error too, can in all even be said, to refer, and to speak and of the Proverbial, the Mechanical, or of the Technical too that is.

In speak here though, and of Marginalization, and of the African Oracle too, is to not only speak and of those readily said excluded in all, and from speak too of Political life that is, but is to in all again, readily associate it all, and with speak and of what they do term Discourse, Political, Social or Civil too, and as said in all again, to speak, and of the Margin in itself, but that in speak and of Africa and as such, is to now equate, the said Subject, or said Topic too, or said even Matter that is, and of Discourse, and with speak and of Death in itself that is.