Tuesday 21 July 2015

Efun Chalk

Efun Chalk.

When we do in all, speak of Efun Chalk, we are in all even, referring, and to said manner in all, and of viewing the African Oracle, and as said too, very much Sacred in itself that is. That this in all, now does too, speak of the very manner in all, the African Oracle, does in all even perceive what they do term Mediums, and if not Media in itself too (and as said too, 'all there is'). 

That in getting straight to the said problem/task here, is to first off, ask in all, and of the very manner that is, those who do ascribe in all, and to the African Oracle, do in all even believe, to speak, and of what in all again is said, (1). the Shortest Line, (2). the Thinnest Line. In many a way too, while the latter said, does speak of it all perceived, from a said Talking format, speak now too, and of the Telling format, and of what in all again, is believed said, the Point-of-no-return. Finally, and as with it all even said to speak of a said Timely format, what in all again, is believed said, a Line in itself, and one too, not said short, long, lengthy, thick etc.

That the pondering of these/such things, does in all even open one up, and to what the African Oracle, is said to be, and in a said even Metaphysical sense, and as versus speak now, and of all it all even said, Theoretical in its ways that is.