Saturday 24 January 2015

Olduvai Gorge

Olduvai Gorge.

This entry, does very much have to speak, and of the Spiritual basis, and that does in all even underlie, the African Oracle that is. That the Oracle, or the African Oracle, and as perceived and from speak of African Humour, now does in all even speak of it and as perceived in all even, and from speak of the Opening, of Charge/Incitement/Excitement, and of African Rule too that is [Link]. In all, the African Oracle and as perceived as such, does in all even speak of the Wrestling tradition in Africa, and as said regional in identity, but with it in all even believed said centered, and in speak of the Igbo-Cameroon Complex, and as with it said more of a Humour Complex, and not a Cultural Complex truly either. 

The very world though of the African Oracle, and as now said not to speak of Odu truly, but of the Lines/'Markers', and that are said representative of Odu in itself, and as said very much in all even now, speaking of the African Oracle, and from speak too of Ceremony that is. That Ceremony, is believed said and as according to the Leakey Family and in/of Kenya, to have very much in all marked, the distinctive characteristics, and of the so termed Hominid remains/findings, and that do in all even speak of Olduvai Gorge that is. In all, a belief here that, the African Oracle, does not find a home, and in speak of origins, and in Ancient Egypt too specifically, but in speak now and of Spiritual and Religious Systems in all, and that do in all even speak of the Serengeti and the Maasai Mara, and in both Tanzania and Kenya respectively too that is, and as with it all even said Religion, highly characterized in all again, and by Ceremony, and in speak too now and of many a Line crossed or drawn, or speak too of changing Positions and Displaced Views too that is.

Tuesday 20 January 2015

Social Stratification

Social Stratification.

This entry in all, does have to do, and with speak of what is said to constitute for 'African Inferiority', and as versus speak of 'Black Inferiority' too that is. For 'African Inferiority', and as perhaps measuring it all, and to speak of African Christianity too, does in all even speak of Kinship, while speak of 'Black Inferiority', and as with it all even referring and to Swahili Identity in Africa, speaking of Caste now that is. In all, speak now, and of if Africa in all, today, can be said African or Black, and in speak now, and of if, everyday life in Africa, is to be perceived and from speak of Kinship or Caste that is.

In having said the above, is to now speak of the very struggle, that Black and African Identity in Africa, does face, and as with regards and to speak of Modernism that is. That Modernism in all, does in all even state or speak of our very World, and as said fast-paced too, and if not ever changing, and in speak now of the proliferation of Media today, and as said to in all speak of future Trends and Undercurrents in many a way. 

In all, the very end result of Modernism, and in Africa too, has been the very rise of Social Stratification, and as with it all even and interestingly enough, truly said associated, and with speak of History, and as very much perceived from speak of Social/Political Displacement that is.

In all, it must also be mentioned that, Social Stratification and outside Africa, is in all very much even perceived and from speak of Caste, and in all ways even, speak too and of Perceptions here, and of most Media and as seen/found in the World today that is.

In all, Social Stratification and in definition, is believed said to translate in all again, and as according to wikipedia (Link), and to speak of socio-economic tiers, and that do in all even speak of wealth, income, social status, occupation, and power too that is.

In all again, Modernism, can very well be said in the very least, to in all deal and with issues/matters and as pertaining to Social Stratification, and in speak too now, and of Identity and as often perceived from speak of Racial/Ethnic Heritage that is [Link].

In all, what is been said here is that, there has been alot of talk, and of Africa and of Black people too, as simply said, being left behind that is, and by the Western World so to speak, and in basic speak of Developmental Research for instance, in that, some have even formulated in all, a belief, that the Fourth-World, could one day be said to exist that is.

In all, what is been said here, and as with regards to the Development, of African/Black Cities, African/Black Universities, African/Black Progress, African/Black History etc., is that, the World does work, and in a manner/way most in Africa, are probably said not aware of, or speak too, and of their said not accepting it that is. That in all, this does speak of Modernism, and of the very belief that, despite any Successes associated and with the Internet in itself, alot of Knowledge deemed handy in all, is often kept secret, and only shared between a few, and in speak too of the Top-Tiers in society, and further speak too, and of their said deciding on future Trends and Undercurrents that is. 

In helping one understand all this better, is to perhaps speak of Black Identity, and as said pertaining to Modernism, and as it does in all even truly differ, and from that said African that is. For Black Identity in Africa, is believed said tied down and to speak of Modernism, and as found/seen outside Africa in all, and as compared to speak of Modernism and African Identity, and which does in all even incorporate elements and of African History that is.

In all again, speak here now, and of Black Identity and in speak of Modernism, and as perhaps asking of them, and of simply how in all, they do define themselves and as with regards to the following:

1. Bravery/Bravado/Bravura
2. Creationist Myth / 'Myth of origins'
3. Gender/Reproduction Myths
4. Outlooks/Horizons
5. Restitution

In many a way now, speak of African Identity, and as speaking of Modernism too, and as said grounded in all again, and in speak and of what does constitute for Literacy, and as with it all even not truly translating, and into speka of the ability to read or write that is [or speak too and of the 3 R's in all]. In all again, what does constitute for Literacy, can be said to be a complicated formula in all, and as it does in all even speak of whom/who in all we are, and with Critique, Worldviews, Tradition, History, Religion, Dress/Fashion, Ethics etc., but that in all truly, it does now in all even speak of African Identity, and as said complicated and as with regards to speak of History, and as now very much in all, and in speak of Literacy too that is, now associated, and with speak of the Orisha for instance, speak of Egyptian Masonry (Link), that said Masonic (Link), Yogism (Link), and speak too of Spiritism (Link) too that is.

In all, a call to every African here, and in speak of the very manner/way they do perceive Modernism, and in speak now and of society and as said divided into many a Knowledge Network (and if not Email List too), and of Competition, and as defined and in speak of Competitive Edge, Competitive Strategy, and if not Competitive Advantage too that is [and all this too, and as speaking of Modernism in all, and as said often defined, Worldwide too, and along speak of Black Identity that is (Link)].


Monday 12 January 2015

Archaeological Finds

Archaeological Finds.

History, and that does in all even, speak of the African Oracle that is.

Saturday 10 January 2015



This entry, very much has to do, and with speak not only, and of the very best of ways, and to go about Developing Africa, but in all ways truly, speak of the very manner/way that most Africans, do in all even perceive their very environs that is. That this in all, does not speak only of the African Oracle, and in speak of life too, and as perceived and from speak of Lines crossed or drawn, or speak furtherly even, and of Displaced Views and many a Position changed that is, but in all truly, speak now and of the very belief that, Modernity in all, and as said a Media, is now in all even said truly associated, and with our Perceptions of Normality, and as with regards to speak of our very selves, and if not speak of our environs truly that is. 

In speaking of attempting to truly define Africa and in speak of Normality, and as with it all even said associated and with Conscious States and if not speak of Awareness/Consciousness in all, and that does speak of the World and as it is, and as said Modern/Western, Global, International Worldly etc., we now do in all even seek here, and to very much associate Development in Africa, and with speak too and of the Netherlands, the UK/England, France, Germany, Portugal and the United States of America too that is.

That in referring and to Development in Africa, and as said in all even not referring and to speak of the African Oracle, but speak too of Normality in our lives, is to first associate here, the Netherlands, and as with regards to speak of Africa, and in helping Africans in all, truly ascertain, what does stand for an African Taste that is. That the Dutch in all, have come to very much and historically too, define European Taste, but that in all ways even, speak now perhaps, and of African Taste, and as said associated and with speak of Osanyin for instance [Link]. In speak here and of the UK/England, speak and of the very manner Africans in all, do perceive Gender Constructs, and in speak too of the changing Times that is, and as with they in all even perhaps, said to speak and of the Hunter too that is. In speak of France, speak now and of Africans, and as with regards and to speak of Sexualism, and of Society, and in Intellect too, and as said associated and with African Ethos/Character, but that in all ways even, it does now perhaps speak and of the very name Ajaka for instance [Link1, Link2]. In speaking of Germany, speak now and of Development in Africa, and as very much associated and with speak of Ritualism, and as with it all even speaking of the very manner/way in all, Africans, do think of Money that is. In speak here and of Portugal though, they in all now perhaps, now truly associated, and with the redefining of Modernity, and in African societies too that is.

While the above does speak in many a way, and of the very manner most in all, do theorize African life, speak of it now, and from the very perspective of the United States of America, is believed in all even and to offer the most clear of Pictures in all, and as with regards and  to speak of Developing Africa that is. That this in all, and in speak too of the African Oracle, does now actually speak of Methodology in itself, and as in stating that, it is believed that Africans could in all gain in many a way, and from learning here and there, and from what does constitute for an American Methodology, and as with it all even speaking of the American Militaries for instance (Link), and if not speak of African Wrestling in itself too that is.

Wednesday 7 January 2015

The Alaafin

The Alaafin.

This post, does very much have to do, and with speak truly, and of Tradition, and of what it does embody too that is. For Tradition in all, and as with regards and to speak of the African Oracle, does in all even speak of the term Aki, and while it is often said to speak of Courage, one cannot help but feel that, Aki, does in all even embody speak of the Immortal, and if not speak of Ethos/Character too that is.

In understanding the above better, is to now speak of Africa, and as said in trouble, and from speak too, and of Tradition that is. That Tradition, and as with regards and to speak of the African Oracle, is now said to arise, and with speak too of the Yoruba Title of the Alaafin, and as with it a Title, and that does associate Tradition, and with speak of Occupation in itself too that is [and speak too perhaps, and of a said Ifa Tradition, and that does now attempt to associate many a person, and with the Work/Occupation simply said truly best for them]. The very world of the Alaafin though, is probably not known well to most, and in speak of Occupation too, but according to some Scholars, and such as Ali Mazrui too, the belief that, a certain said Malian Emperor, Mansa Bukari II, is believed said to have attempted, or did truly in all, cross over to the Americas, and in the name of Trade too perhaps, but something believed said somewhat pretentious or outlandish, and by some, and in speak too of recorded History, and as certain said Maritime Historians in all, do in all again associate the discovery of America, and with Christopher Colombus in himself too that is. What is been said here though, is that, such Myths, and as speaking of Tradition now, now are said best perceived and from speak too of Occupation, and not Exploration or Empire/Expansion either that is.

In many a way, speak now and of the discovery of Africa, and by many a person outside to it, and as often said European too, should now best speak of Tradition in itself, and not Expansionism truly either. That in better understanding this, speak now and of Europe and in Tradition in all, and as said whole or singular too, and as defined by Tradition, and that does speak of the Four Great Inventions, and as with they in all even said truly Greek, and not Chinese truly either [for it was Alexander the Great, and who did in all invent Asia that is]. In all, European History as often presented and from speak of the Four Great Inventions, does now associate it and with speak of Paper-Making, and in further speak too now and of European Material Traditions, European Dress/Fashion, and if not speak of European Custom in itself too that is [and in speak too now of European Monarchies, and of European Kings and Queens too that is]. This manner though, and of associating European History and with its Material Traditions in all, is not believed adequate, for Europe in all, does come to be, and in speak truly of Gunpowder, and as with it all even referring and to the very world of Shakespeare too that is. Europe though, and in speak of the Printing Press, does now in all even associate it, and with speak of the Church in Europe too that is.

In all, the belief here that, so termed European Slave-Traders, do in all arrive in Africa, and in speak of Gunpowder, and as with it all even referring and to speak of the History of Mercantilism/Banking in Europe, speak too now and of European Royal Houses (Bonapartist), and if not speak now, and of European Heraldry, and of European Spirituality in itself too, and as said born of an European Rite that is [Link]. In all though, what is been said here is that, African Spiritual Traditions in all, do in all again triumph over those said European (and not Christian truly either), and in speak now of the Haitian Revolution for instance.

Africa after Slavery, and in speak now of the Alaafin, now does speak in all and of the said presence of Islam in Africa, and as with it truly associated and with speak of African Poetry / Oriki in all, and as said merging with that, and that does refer and to speak of Allah too that is. In all, Africa, and in speak too of the Alaafin, said developing as such, and in speak now too, and of the development of a whole new African Artistry, and if not Architecture too, and that does speak even of African Identity, and in a Post-Slavery Africa, and that does in all even speak of the City of Lagos in Nigeria, its birth and rise, and in further speak too of a said Malinke/Madinka incursion in all it is said, and into Brazil, and in its Slave holding Era that is, Brasil, and that does in all even speak of a Slave Revolt in Brazil, and of the said spread of Islam, and in Brazil too, and as said speaking of the presence of 'Mosques', and in Northern Brazil too that is. In all, Africa and as said, now associated and with speak of Islam and in Africa, or speak truly only of Allah in all, and in speak too of a divide and between so termed Animist Africa, and as compared to speak of Islamic/Dervish Africa, and in speak too now and of 'Oyo State' and in Nigeria too, and as with it all even a divide, and that does speak of the Oriki Tradition that is [Islamic/Dervish Identity though, should not be confused with that said Islamist, and as the latter, does in all even speak too of Rastafarian Ideology, and which is not said truly African that is].

In many a way, Africa, and in speak of the Colonial Expansion, does now speak of said Animist Africa (Southern Nigeria and below), and an episode in African History too, Colonialism, not too easy to explain, and as with regards to Intention, and of European Colonialists, and onto Africa, and as speak of Islam/Allah and as said now a driving force of Civilization, does not appear to be actually true, and as European Colonialists in Africa, do in all even appear to engage Islamic/Dervish Africa and in Warfare, and in speak of Conquest too, while Animist Africa, is now associated and with speak of the Destruction of society in all, African, and in speak too of Walter Rodney for instance (Link), and in speak furtherly now and of Animist Africa, and as with regards to speak of European Colonialism, now truly said associated, and with the attempt to erase African Identity, and in speak now of an African Consciousness and as said embodied and in speak of African Art / Artifacts, African Religion or African Expressionisms too [and the very belief that, those said Animist in Africa, often do make for the best of Christianity followesr that is]. In all though, speak here and of the attempt in all, and by Europeans, and to in all even covet Animist African culture, and in speak too of Abstract Expressionism for instance, and if not speak of Existentialism/Humanism too that is.

In all, speak now and of Tradition and this Blog, and of the African Oracle that is, could still very well be said and to speak of Aki, and as speaking too of the Oriki Tradition, and alongside speak of Allah too [Link]. However, and in speak of so termed Animist Africa, and speak too of the Political divide, and between Animist Africa, and speak too and of not only so termed Islamic/Dervish Africa, but in many a way too, speak too of Azania / Southern Africa, and if not further speak too of the cultures of the Horn of Africa in all, so termed Animist Africa, and as probably now in all, developing Tradition, and that does in all even speak of Osanyin too for instance [Link].

Monday 5 January 2015



This entry, does have to do, and with our Perceptions of Time that is. That it is in all believed here, and in this very Blog too, that our understanding of what Time is, does truly make for all the difference, and in speak too now, and of what does constitute for Emotional Intelligence that is. That in many a way, the very belief here that, Africa and as said lagging in its ways, does in all even speak of their having, Africans, poor Perceptions of Time, and in speak too now and of History for instance, and as said a Tool, and as used and in speak of Political Manipulation too that is.

In helping one understand all this better, the poor belief by many in Africa, that, Time in all, and in speak of Modern/Western Development too, is said in all even recorded or encoded, and in speak too of the Social Sciences, and such as speak of Sociology, Anthropology, Archaeology, Political Science, Social Studies, Urbanization etc., and such that, most in Africa are believed in all said not to have a clear picture and in speak too for instance, and of the very manner the Western World in all, did Industrialize that is [and as with it all even said to go along and with speak of Nazi Ideology too that is].

What of the very manner, and of Perceiving Time, and that does in all even speak of African Folk that is. African Folk, and that does speak of African Folk Music, African Folk Art, African Folklore, African Folktales, African Folk religion etc., and as with it all even now speaking of the very belief that, African forms of Presentation/Representation in all, are believed even said Inferior, but in all truly even, it is believed by many on the otherhand, and to speak of Africans and as said possessing a remarkable Emotional Intelligence in all, and when it is all viewed, African Folk, and from speak too of Digital Art, Graphic Art, Studio Arts (Photography/Film), Visual Arts, Liberal Arts, Fine Arts, Technical Arts, Industrial Arts etc. The very false belief that, so termed Western.Modern manners/ways of Presentation/Representation, are in all ways even simply said superior, and to those said not Western/Modern, and which are in all even simply said and to speak of a lower civilization that is.

This entry though, does in all even truly believe that, Time, African, and as said to speak too of Adaptation and if not speak too of Direction and of 'the Survival of the Fittest' too, does in all even speak of Time, and as very much encoded in all perhaps, and in speak of Odu, and as very well in all even, Perceived, and by the Hunter, African, too that is.

Sunday 4 January 2015

The African Drama

The African Drama.

What can one say in all, does stand for or represent for in all again, and for Drama, and in the World we do live in today, and as said defined truly, and by Television, and if not by speak of the (National) Press that is [and as with it all even said, the Press, and to in all document Human Behaviour too that is].

For while Modern/Western Drama, and as often said associated too, and with speak of the Television and the Press, did in all give us the Iraqi Wars for instance, one does truly wonder, simply what in all again, does constitute and for an African Drama, and in this said Age of Television too that is. That African Drama is said many a thing, but with it said recognizable to most, does in all even speak of it said Yoruba, Igbo and if not speak of Sarafina too that is.

For that said Yoruba, is in many a way indoctrinated, and in speak of Omoluabi too that is (Link), while that said Igbo, in many a way too, does in all even speak of this Blog here, and in speak too of the term Gidigbo, and as said to speak of Igbo Wrestling too that is [and in speak here too, and of the Masquerade that is].

In all, what is been said here is that, this all might not be something too difficult to ponder, and as it does in all even speak of the African Oracle, and of many a Line crossed or drawn that is (and in speak too of World Media and as deciphered as such), but one in all again, cannot help but feel, that African Drama in all, is said to have significant depths to it all, and in speak too perhaps, and of the name Ajaka too for instance [Link].

Ade / The Crown

Ade / The Crown.

Those living in Africa, and as said acquainted and with the Yoruba Language in all (and as said Tongue too), do in all even know of the word/term Ade, and as with it all even said defined as 'The Crown' that is. The Crown too, and in speak too now, and of one finding Meaning and Purpose and in ones life that is.

In helping one understand all this, Meaning/Purpose in our lives, and as said to speak of Ade, or 'The Crown', speak now perhaps and as said here first off, and of the work posted above and by Kayode J. Fakinlede, and as said in all again, a Yoruba, and that does in all even speak and of the African Wrestler and in Personality too that is.

Having said this, speak now and of what does constitute for Meaning or Purpose in our lives, and in speak too of Ade, and of Oracles, and in speak now of lines crossed and not crossed (Purpose), and of lines drawn and not drawn (Meaning). That this in all now, does speak of associating Evolution in all again, and in speak of the African Oracle here, and as said referring in all, and to speak of Familial Duty or Responsibility too that is [and in speak too of Ancestral Worship in all here].

That in understanding all this better, now to ponder the very question, and of why we do come down to Earth in all, and rather than stay up in Heaven in all again, and in speak now and of the complicated nature and of what does constitute for Evolution, and in speak of Re-Incarnation too, and away too in all, and from speak of Ori that is. That the first of these reasons, and as often associating life, and with speak of Naming Ceremonies, Cleansing Ceremonies, and if not speak of Ritualized Killing Ceremonies / Offerings, does speak too and of just where in all again, Africa, does meet the Chicken that is. That this in all, now does speak of life, and as said truly associated, and with the term Zeal/Eagerness, and as with it even speaking of a way of life, said Greek too, and where in all again, the Gods in all, are said to come down to Earth, and in order it is said, and to Battle in all for instance, and all in the search for Honour or Glory too, and as with it all even speaking of the very reason, we are on Earth that is.

The above manner of living though, is believed now said out-moded in all, that of the Gods in themselves, but in speak of the World as it is, today, speak now, and of life and as re-created in all perhaps, and in speak now too, and of it said primarily and if not fundamentally in all, defined, and in speak too of Empathy, Sympathy and if not Apathy in itself too that is. That this in all does speak too of the African Oracle, and in speak too of Lines crossed /  not crossed, or those said drawn or not yet drawn that is, but in all ways even, a manner of thinking of life, more realistic in its ways, and in speak of the World we do live in, and as with it all even referring in many a way, and to the very History of Jerusalem too, and of Solomon in many a way that is [Link][that this path in all, does speak of being true to Oneself, and if not History in itself that is].

Finally though, a third manner of thinking of Purpose and Meaning, and in speak of the African Oracle here too, and as now said to speak of the term Source, and in speak here too of God and as said a Source that is. That this in all, does now even speak of coming across a work, a Source too, and that is believed in all even, said to truly change or impact ones life that is. A work in all, or a Source too that is, and that does go along in all even, and in referring and to the African Oracle, and as with it all even said deciphered in all, and in speak of Lines crossed or drawn too that is [Link]. In all, God and as said a Source, and in speak of African Wrestling now, does now in all again speak of equating God and to speak of Infinity too, and in speak now and of the very word/term Humour, and of God, and as said truly encompassing Humour and in its entirety, and as with it all even believed and to spring up in all again, and in speak of African Wrestling in itself that is.

Saturday 3 January 2015

President Jonathan

President Jonathan.

In speaking of this Blog, and as truly going along in all, and with what Line said not to cross, or that which said to cross, speak now too, and of viewing American History, and as said African-American too, and in speak too now and of the US Navy, the US Airforce, the US Marines, and if not speak of Law Enforcement and in the United States of America too that is.


of Money.

Of Irosun (Odu) Powder: [Link], [Link].

This entry in all, will attempt and to speak in many a way, and of African Socio-Political Identity that is. For this Identity in all, is believed said to not only speak of the very world of African Wrestling, but in all ways too, it in all speaking of African Kings and Queens, and if not African Slaves and Beggars too that is. In all, African Socio-Political Identity, and as often said tied down and to speak of Money, and in Africa, and as compared and to speak of Family/Economic Identity too that is.

In helping one understand all this better, is to first off in all, truly ask, simply what in all again, is the African Oracle said to be? For Oracles are many a thing, but with that believed said embodied in all and in speak of a Space, and of Gods Presence in it too perhaps, embodied in it, now in all even associating the African Oracle, and with speak of the Line too that is. That what in all again, is said a Line, and when one does speak of Oracles that is? It in all, and in speak of Spaces too, now does in all even refer perhaps, and to a Line drawn for instance, and as said to speak of measures/gauges, faults, breadth/force/power, equi-distance, sight, the problematic etc., and as with it all even speaking of God, and as deciphered in all, and within an Oracle that is [that God in all is simply said represented, and by speak of a Line that is].

In knowing oneself as such, as a Wrestler, African, or as a Personality in all, and in speak of Lines too, and as said crossed or drawn in all, speak now and of Spaces in all again, and of Oracles, and in speak too of God and as said represented in all and by speak of a Line, now does in all even speak and of one and as holding many a Displaced View that is. That this in all, now does speak of Intelligence possessed, and as going along in all, and with speak and of one truly knowing just what in all again, a Position is said to be, in that, upon coming across a Line, and as said now to speak of Oracles, Spaces and Rules of Engagement too perhaps, one in many a way does developed many a Displaced View, and as speaking of changing one in Position, and in truly helping one understand in all, just how in all again, to go about not undermining oneself in all, and in speak now of knowing what Line in all, can be aid drawn, and that said not to be crossed that is [hopefully all this is understood, and in speak here of being fair for instance].

In speaking of Oracles as such, and as simply said defined by a Line, and whether it be the kind of Line used to underline a Text, or speak even, and of the kind of Line used to judge a Text by, and in speak of it all and as said coherent/clear that is, and in the reading, speak now perhaps, and of African Wrestling, and as simply believed one of the more superior forms of Wrestling out there, and as it now does require Personalities, and not Body Builds either, and that do in all even speak of one and as truly holding highly advanced in all, Displacement Views that is, and in knowing in all again, what advantage for instance, any Position held in a Space, Wrestling, might hold in all, but that in all ways even, African Wrestling, now known to encompass many a Martial/Fighting form/art in all, and that does speak even and of Wrestling in itself, Boxing, Kickboxing, Stick-fighting, the Grappling Arts, Capoeira as a Grappling Art, Knife fighting, and if not speak too of the very world of Wrestling, Spears and Theatre/Drama too, and of the Video Game Martial Arts world too that is [and in speak too of Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat for instance, and which in all, do not truly appear to speak of the Asian Martial Arts that is][and other than speak of Muay Thai here]. In all, African Wrestling and as deciphered as such, simply speaking of one in Personality, and as knowing what Line not to Cross, or what Line to Draw in all, and in speak of Oracles and Spaces too, but that in all ways even, it all simply speaking of Displaced Views and Positions held, and in speak of Linear Motion in itself too that is [and if not speak of that said to speak of Teleportation in itself too in all, Aki, and in speak of Spaces, Gods Presence, and of Lines drawn too that is].

In all, though, speaking of African Wrestling as such, and as with it all even associated truly, and with speak of Oracles, and in simply knowing what a Line does truly represent for, and as with it in all even said to speak of Sizes, Heights, and if not Points too, and in the drawing in all, and if not the crossing too, and of many a Line, now said in all even associated and with speak and of what does constitute for Energy, Resources and if not Money in itself too, and as truly associated in all perhaps, and with speak here in all and in the name of clarity too, and with concepts and that do speak of B2B Marketplaces for instance. That Money in all, and in the very world of the African Wrestler, is now said associated, and with many an Exchange, and that does in all even speak of the very interesting world of African Trade, and in speak of Lines not to cross or not drawn in all, and of the very world too, and of African Slavery in itself that is.

Why the very world of African Wrestling in all is deemed of great interest here, is in the very least because, it is believed those sold into Slavery perhaps, Trans-Atlantic, and who are in all knowledgeable of African Wrestling in all (and if not African Wrestle too that is), and who are in all ways believed even, said involved, and in speak too of 'Slave Revolt in the Caribbean' (-- Link), and if not speak of the Congo, and of the Haitian Revolution too that is [and as with it all even referring and to many a Line crossed, or many a Line said not drawn that is].



African Art

African Art.

The African Oracle

The African Oracle.

The very purpose or meaning truly, and of this Blog, is actually rather simple. That it in all, this Blog, will attempt to speak and on what does constitute and for the Living Experience, and away from speak of Vogue, Cosmopolitan Magazines, and if not London in itself too that is [Link]. That this Blog, will not focus on African Lifestyles and as many other Blogs on developing Africa do perhaps (Link), or do pertain to speak of in all, but that this Blog, will in all speak of helping develop Africa, and in speak of African Ways of Living, African Livelihoods, and if not African Modes of living too that is [Link].

That this Blog in all, will attempt to speak on what does constitute for life and as mentioned above, and in speak now of African Oracles. That African Oracles are believed said many a thing, but the Oracle of choice here, does in all even speak of the very world of African Wrestling that is [and as with it all even said not truly Wrestling in all, but in all ways even, simply said Wrestle that is]. That in understanding this better, the very world of African Wrestling, and as said to speak of the Grappling Martial Arts too for instance, and if not speak of the African Spearman in himself too, and in speak too now of the Oracle, and as said associated and with speak of the Opening in itself (and as said grand opportunity too), and of Charge/Excitement/Incitement, and if not speak and of what does constitute for African Rule in itself that is.

In all, something not probably too easy to see, but in speak of African Wrestling Spaces in all, and as now said associated and with speak of God and as said Oracle too, speak now perhaps, and of it all even and as said summarized, and in speak too of Adages perhaps, and such that said Ifa 'If your life gets better, my life gets better', and if not of that rather famed olden known Adage in all, and that does say 'Man, Know Thyself'.