Saturday 10 January 2015



This entry, very much has to do, and with speak not only, and of the very best of ways, and to go about Developing Africa, but in all ways truly, speak of the very manner/way that most Africans, do in all even perceive their very environs that is. That this in all, does not speak only of the African Oracle, and in speak of life too, and as perceived and from speak of Lines crossed or drawn, or speak furtherly even, and of Displaced Views and many a Position changed that is, but in all truly, speak now and of the very belief that, Modernity in all, and as said a Media, is now in all even said truly associated, and with our Perceptions of Normality, and as with regards to speak of our very selves, and if not speak of our environs truly that is. 

In speaking of attempting to truly define Africa and in speak of Normality, and as with it all even said associated and with Conscious States and if not speak of Awareness/Consciousness in all, and that does speak of the World and as it is, and as said Modern/Western, Global, International Worldly etc., we now do in all even seek here, and to very much associate Development in Africa, and with speak too and of the Netherlands, the UK/England, France, Germany, Portugal and the United States of America too that is.

That in referring and to Development in Africa, and as said in all even not referring and to speak of the African Oracle, but speak too of Normality in our lives, is to first associate here, the Netherlands, and as with regards to speak of Africa, and in helping Africans in all, truly ascertain, what does stand for an African Taste that is. That the Dutch in all, have come to very much and historically too, define European Taste, but that in all ways even, speak now perhaps, and of African Taste, and as said associated and with speak of Osanyin for instance [Link]. In speak here and of the UK/England, speak and of the very manner Africans in all, do perceive Gender Constructs, and in speak too of the changing Times that is, and as with they in all even perhaps, said to speak and of the Hunter too that is. In speak of France, speak now and of Africans, and as with regards and to speak of Sexualism, and of Society, and in Intellect too, and as said associated and with African Ethos/Character, but that in all ways even, it does now perhaps speak and of the very name Ajaka for instance [Link1, Link2]. In speaking of Germany, speak now and of Development in Africa, and as very much associated and with speak of Ritualism, and as with it all even speaking of the very manner/way in all, Africans, do think of Money that is. In speak here and of Portugal though, they in all now perhaps, now truly associated, and with the redefining of Modernity, and in African societies too that is.

While the above does speak in many a way, and of the very manner most in all, do theorize African life, speak of it now, and from the very perspective of the United States of America, is believed in all even and to offer the most clear of Pictures in all, and as with regards and  to speak of Developing Africa that is. That this in all, and in speak too of the African Oracle, does now actually speak of Methodology in itself, and as in stating that, it is believed that Africans could in all gain in many a way, and from learning here and there, and from what does constitute for an American Methodology, and as with it all even speaking of the American Militaries for instance (Link), and if not speak of African Wrestling in itself too that is.