Monday 5 January 2015



This entry, does have to do, and with our Perceptions of Time that is. That it is in all believed here, and in this very Blog too, that our understanding of what Time is, does truly make for all the difference, and in speak too now, and of what does constitute for Emotional Intelligence that is. That in many a way, the very belief here that, Africa and as said lagging in its ways, does in all even speak of their having, Africans, poor Perceptions of Time, and in speak too now and of History for instance, and as said a Tool, and as used and in speak of Political Manipulation too that is.

In helping one understand all this better, the poor belief by many in Africa, that, Time in all, and in speak of Modern/Western Development too, is said in all even recorded or encoded, and in speak too of the Social Sciences, and such as speak of Sociology, Anthropology, Archaeology, Political Science, Social Studies, Urbanization etc., and such that, most in Africa are believed in all said not to have a clear picture and in speak too for instance, and of the very manner the Western World in all, did Industrialize that is [and as with it all even said to go along and with speak of Nazi Ideology too that is].

What of the very manner, and of Perceiving Time, and that does in all even speak of African Folk that is. African Folk, and that does speak of African Folk Music, African Folk Art, African Folklore, African Folktales, African Folk religion etc., and as with it all even now speaking of the very belief that, African forms of Presentation/Representation in all, are believed even said Inferior, but in all truly even, it is believed by many on the otherhand, and to speak of Africans and as said possessing a remarkable Emotional Intelligence in all, and when it is all viewed, African Folk, and from speak too of Digital Art, Graphic Art, Studio Arts (Photography/Film), Visual Arts, Liberal Arts, Fine Arts, Technical Arts, Industrial Arts etc. The very false belief that, so termed Western.Modern manners/ways of Presentation/Representation, are in all ways even simply said superior, and to those said not Western/Modern, and which are in all even simply said and to speak of a lower civilization that is.

This entry though, does in all even truly believe that, Time, African, and as said to speak too of Adaptation and if not speak too of Direction and of 'the Survival of the Fittest' too, does in all even speak of Time, and as very much encoded in all perhaps, and in speak of Odu, and as very well in all even, Perceived, and by the Hunter, African, too that is.