Saturday 3 January 2015

The African Oracle

The African Oracle.

The very purpose or meaning truly, and of this Blog, is actually rather simple. That it in all, this Blog, will attempt to speak and on what does constitute and for the Living Experience, and away from speak of Vogue, Cosmopolitan Magazines, and if not London in itself too that is [Link]. That this Blog, will not focus on African Lifestyles and as many other Blogs on developing Africa do perhaps (Link), or do pertain to speak of in all, but that this Blog, will in all speak of helping develop Africa, and in speak of African Ways of Living, African Livelihoods, and if not African Modes of living too that is [Link].

That this Blog in all, will attempt to speak on what does constitute for life and as mentioned above, and in speak now of African Oracles. That African Oracles are believed said many a thing, but the Oracle of choice here, does in all even speak of the very world of African Wrestling that is [and as with it all even said not truly Wrestling in all, but in all ways even, simply said Wrestle that is]. That in understanding this better, the very world of African Wrestling, and as said to speak of the Grappling Martial Arts too for instance, and if not speak of the African Spearman in himself too, and in speak too now of the Oracle, and as said associated and with speak of the Opening in itself (and as said grand opportunity too), and of Charge/Excitement/Incitement, and if not speak and of what does constitute for African Rule in itself that is.

In all, something not probably too easy to see, but in speak of African Wrestling Spaces in all, and as now said associated and with speak of God and as said Oracle too, speak now perhaps, and of it all even and as said summarized, and in speak too of Adages perhaps, and such that said Ifa 'If your life gets better, my life gets better', and if not of that rather famed olden known Adage in all, and that does say 'Man, Know Thyself'.