Tuesday 4 August 2015


of Broadcast.

Many a said African, have in all even truly, heard of the term/word of Broadcast that is. For most though, a said loss in meaning, and with speak now of equating it all, and with speak of Technology too, but in now saying too that, Broadcast, is said a term ancient in its ways in all, is to now too, speak of the Middle East, and of the very said fact that, History in the Middle East, is said even tracked in all, or said recorded too, and in regards and to speak of Broadcast, and as simply said even an everyday tradition in all, and in the Middle East too that is.

When one though, does in all even think Broadcast, and of the African Oracle too, is to now too, view it all, and from speak too of the African (Wrestling) Circle [Ring] that is. That what is been said here is that, this  all is said what, does constitute and for a Broadcast culture, and in regards and to speak of the African Oracle too, and in now truly attempting, to associate it all, and with speak too of a said even African Pedagogy that is. That Broadcast, and in speak of the African Circle in all, of Circles, the Moon, African, the Circular, is now used in helping, learn it can be said, and of what does constitute for problem-solving in itself, and not in speak truly, and of actually, solving problems that is.

That in helping make all this too clearer, is to now too, associate speak of the Circle, and with speak too of the Capoeira Roda for instance. That unknown to most, the Capoeira Roda, is not actually truly African, but can be said Egyptian, for the Roda in all, does attempt to help teach one, how to solve many a said problem, and in a said even, abstract manner too in all, and via speak of Example that is. That Example, is believed said even truly Egyptian, and in Pedagogy, for Africa in all, is believed said even ruled over, and by the Lesson, and in speak now and of what does pass for Markers/Identifiers, and in just about any said given Situation too for instance. In having said this, of Example and Lesson, is to now too say that, most of the World, is in all even guided, and in speak of Pedagogy, and by speak too of the 'Line of Thought', and of the Direct/Indirect, and in Reference too, and if not anf of what they do term in Italy, the Modus Operandi that is.

In saying that, the African Oracle, does differ, and from the rest, is to now associate such a said Pedagogy in all, and that does speak of the African Oracle that is, and with speak truly, and of Trial-and-Error in itself that is. That this in all, is believed said to speak, and of what too is believed said to speak of the Initial, the Start, or the Beginning too, and as said too paramount and to the rest, for it all does not only speak too and of what does pass for a Line drawn, and of a Line crossed too, but in all again now, speak truly, and of said even, ever-changing Perspectives, Views and Lens too, and in regards now, and to speak and of what does pass for an African Pedagogy, and if not of the African Circle/Ring, and as with it said symbolic too, and in having all said Present, as simply said as one too that is.

In all, speak of an African Pedagogy, and in regards and to speak of the Circle/Ring, African, and as said even encompassing, talk of Call-and-Response, talk of Salutation, talk of the Equidistant, or of Equal force/showing that is, talk of Casting (and if not of Technique too), talk of Bartering etc., and in now too associating, the African (Wrestling) Circle in all, and with said Theatrics/Dramatics, and that do in all even speak truly, and of just whom/who in all, one is said to be, and in the said Act too, and of solving any said problem too that is.

In all, and finally, while speak of Broadcast, and in Africa History, does in all even go along and with speak of Egypt, and in speak too of the Egypt of the Pharaohs, or of said 'Egypts land' too, in more recent Times, Broadcast, and in Africa, now said too South African, and in speak of said even African Progress, and in defining oneself, and as said Human too, but in now too saying that, South Africa is not of said paramount significance/importance and to Africa, and in regards to all this, is to now truly say that, African Broadcast, is simply in all even truly said believed Nigerian that is.