Tuesday 4 August 2015



This entry, does in all even presuppose, and to in all even claim that, what they do term Fight, and if not speak too of the Martial, and of the Martial Arts too, do in all even carry in all, or hold or possess too that is, a said even, Logic to them, and that does equal, match or even surpass too, that said to speak of Science, or of Art too that is. That this Logic, is not understood by most, and in speak too now and of most, not simply knowing, what Violence, is simply said to be, or in speak too, and of what does pass for Insult, Harm or Injury too that is.

In now associating Freefight, and with the African Oracle, and if not in speak too of the African Wrestling Circle/Ring, is to now too, speak of the said too, American Fighting Artforms, African-American too, and of 'Catch as can catch', a Wrestling Artform, and if not that of 52 Handblocks too that is. That both these Artforms, are said even falsely believed by many, truly African, when they in all, can too, be placed and within many a said Egyptian context that is. That what is been said here, and in speak of Freefight too, is that, these Artforms, are said too, grounded in all, and in speak of Awareness in itself, and if not in speak of Conscious States too, and in speak too now, and of what is believed said to pass for Demonstration, and as said too, grounded in all, and in speak of Proof that is.

Freefight, is too though, found/seen in all, and in Capoeira that is. It too though, is believed said even somewhat Egyptian in its ways in all, for Freefight and as said Capoeira, and in speak too of Proof, and in Demonstration, is known to lie, and in the said too Capoeira/Candomble Concept of Exu, and as said to simply speak too of the said term/word of Force that is. However, what is been said here is that, and in regards to speak of the African Oracle too, a said even African Freefight form in all, and as said too, possessing its own said Logic, and in speak of what does pass for Demonstration that is, does exist, and as with it all even made out, and in speak now truly, and of a said Traced Line that is, and one too, said traced in all and without any said stops to it all, or Intervals too, and in speak now too, and of what is said to serve for the Underpinnings to it all, and not speak of Proof either that is [that Underpinnings, do in all even speak and of said unknown or unseen Forces in all, and as said too part of it all that is].