Friday 14 August 2015



The very name or term truly, and of Kismet, can too, be said readily acquainted in all, and to speak of Egypt that is. That Kismet in all, now too, does speak and of the very manner in all, the African Oracle, does too, perceive Egyptian Civilization, and as said Ancient too. That Kismet, can too, be said associated in all, and with lots of talk, and that does in all even refer, and to speak of Chickens/Cockerels, and if not of said pejorative speak, and of whom in all, the 'Funky Chicken', is said to be.

That in attempting to address this all, speak too now, and of that said age-old question, and that does in all even attempt to ask, or answer too, 'What in all, did come first?' 'the Chicken or the Egg?' That it all too, and in speak of Lines crossed, or drawn, now does too, attempt to ask, what are said believed the said true roots in all, and of Egyptian Civilization, and in now too saying that, Ancient Nubia, did in all even associate itself, and with speak of Grain, and of the Granary too, and in regards, and to speak too of Festival in itself that is.

The second of these, and in speak of displaced Views, and of changing Positions too, now too, does attempt to answer or ask, and of simply why, the Chicken, did cross the road that is. That she actually did, is not what is often openly acknowledged, but, what can be told here, does in all even say that, while talk of Kismet, does in all even hinger too, and in speak of the African Oracle, is to now and in all say that, the Egyptian Oracle, is too said to be real, and is to said even acquainted in all, and with speak of the Cobra, and of what too, Aim in itself, is actually said to be [for Aim, is not often believed said to speak of Instinct, or of Intent too that is].