Sunday 6 September 2015



The best said here, acronym above, and of TOE (T-O-E), is in all even said to speak, and of the said Theory of Everything. That it all too, now does speak and of the said Intent by some, to in all even uncover it can be said, the said Secrets of the Universe, or of the Cosmos too, but with it all too, said perceived or deciphered in all, and in speak and of what some too, do term a Grand Unified Theory (GUT) that is. In saying though, this entry has nothing to do with GUT, is to now too say it all, GUT that is, to in all probably speak and of the Undeciphered, and of the Undefined too that is. TOE though, or T-O-E, is believed said different, or said to duffer, for T-O-E in all, can too be said, to speak of Africa, and with GUT too, said too here, Egyptian that is, for T-O-E in all, does in all even it is believed here, speak, and of what Regulation in itself, is simply said to be, and as said too perhaps, embodied, and in a Name too that is.