Wednesday 23 September 2015

The Egyptian Oracle

The Egyptian Oracle.

This entry, will in all, introduce the reader, and to what one could too term, the Egyptian Oracle that is. For Oracles, and as said too Greek, do in many a way too, speak of Africa that is, and in a said too, Contextual manner in all. That while it was said, and in a differing post too (Link), that the Egyptian Oracle, does in all even speak of Aim in itself (and of the Egyptian Cobra too), the Egyptian Oracle, can too simply be said to speak, and of what Rule is said to be, and in said comparison, and to speak of Regulation that is [and which too, does speak of the African Oracle in itself].

In now too saying that, there is more to this, is to now speak, and of the very manner in all, and in a said distant manner too, that the Egyptian World, has in all even come to shape, what is believed said to speak of the Human, for what too, they do in all call/term Cognition, or speak too of Physical Views in themselves, are too, simply in all even believed said Egyptian that is [and in said speak here too, and of the said birth of Tyranny, and in the World, History, and as we do know it too that is].

That in saying that, the above does too speak, and of the Egyptian Oracle, and as said to speak of Aim in itself too, is to now too say that, the Egyptian Oracle, can too, be said to have its said roots, and in speak and of what they do call/term, the '1000 and One Nights' that is [or of the Alf layla wa-layla, and of the Arabian Nights too that is]. For in speak of Africa, the 1001 Nights, are too said Fable, but what we are trying to say here is that, the Arabian Nights in all, and as said truly having Egyptian origins, does in all even actually speak of Culture, said too African that is, and in speak of the Fable that is, but does in all even and again, speak, and in a said Romantic stance here too, and of the very manner in all, the Blogger here, does attempt to view Africa, and as said even savage or primitive in its ways too in all [that Africa, and in Imagination that is, is now too simply said Fable, and that does too speak of the 1001 Nights that is].

In saying that, the 1001 Nights, are ruled over and by the Ruling, is to now too claim that, the said roots of the Egyptian Oracle, do in all even speak of the 1001 Nights that is, but, what we shall in all even say here, is that, the African Oracle, does too, attempt to free one, and from what too does pass for a said Tyranny here, and that does speak and of what Cognition, Physical Views too, and if not said Logic that is, are, for what it too can be said is that, most don't truly see or comprehend, the very manner in all, the World, is said in all even grounded, and in speak of Views, Physical, and that do too simply speak, and of Egypt in itself that is.

The African Oracle: