Saturday 26 September 2015

The Lining

The Lining.

It is believed said, that the Egyptian Temples of 'lore', were in all even ruled over, and by those, simply said too, to in all even possess, DNA, and that would too, talk of a Spirituality, and that is said too, to speak and of the Dinosaur that is. That in saying too that, the Dinosaur, does too speak and of the Lizard in Egypt, is to now too say that, when we do talk, and of said advanced societies in all, and with said too advanced Technology to them for instance, African, and in Africa, is to now too talk of Lizards, Iguana, African, and in now simply asking of one, and of what a/the Lining, is said to be [that it all too, does speak and of a said African Technology that is, and of what too, is said is].