Monday 30 March 2015

The U.S of A

The U.S of A.

How in all, do Africans in all again, truly define Friendship and in their lives, and if not in speak too of Companionship in itself, or of Acquaintanceship too that is. That Africans, are in all even believed by some, and as not properly or truly evolved, and in regards to all this, but a view in all again, not simply held in many a way, and in speak now, and of the African Oracle that is.

In helping one understand all this clearer, is to now speak and of the said History of Racism and in the United States of America too, and vis-a-vis, that said to speak of Europe in all. For the latter in all again, could very well be said to speak too, and of the following Blog in all (Link), but that in all again, most often do not perceive American life, and as it truly is, for American life, and in speak of Politics in all, is in all even believed said defined and by the (Political) Party system that is, and which does in all even somewhat mirror, talk of Egbe, and within African Religious, Political & Social Circles too that is.

Most though, are unaware, and of what a Party system, is said believed, truly all about. That for most, it does speak too of many an electoral vote in all, and of many a Representative too, but that in all again, the Party system, it said basically Republican or Democrat too, and in the United States of America that is, can in all even be accused of partisanship, and that does in all even appeal, or speak too of Popularism in itself that is.

The US of A though, is believed born of the United States of America, and as discerned as such, but that in all again, rather than engage, and in the very belief that, American life, does only function truly, and under the Party system so to speak (and in speak too of the birth of the United States of America, and as said divided into the following: the East Coast, the West Coast, the Midwest, the South and the North), there is an alternate or differing version of American History in all, and that does in all even associate the rise of Community in the United States of America, or speak of America too, and with what they do term Merchant/Investment Banking that is. In all, this all does speak too, Merchant/Investment Banking, and of the US of A that is (and which is also said inclusive, and of America too in all, and as described in the following terms: Stateside, and 'the States'), but that in all again, it does all speak too and of the very fact here that (it is believed), those who do in all even adhere, and to the African Oracle in all, will find the US of A, whom/who in all they are, and when they do think of the United States of America that is.

In all, the US of A, and as descriptive of the United States of America in all, and not only in speak of Community building, but in all even now, asking of Africans, to truly ponder in all again, whom/who in all they are, and in Friendship, Companionship, or speak truly even of Acquaintanceship that is, and in speak now of Friendships, and that do truly work, and alongside speak even perhaps, and of the 'Biblia ya Kiafrika' post below that is (Link).

In all, the US of A, and as now presenting in all again, a troubling view and of African History in the United States of America, and as now said originating in all, and not arising truly either, and with the History of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade that is, and that does in all even say that, migrating groups and of Africans, but of others Peoples too and from all over the World, and into/to the United States of America that is, does in all even have them failing in their ways, and on getting or arriving there so to speak, and due to the very manner in all, they do define/create/manifest Friendships, Companionship, and Acquaintanceship in all that is. In all, certain said migrant groups from Africa, and after Slavery is abolished in the United States of America too, and as said Institution that is, do not in all even fare as well in their ways (Link), and as African-Americans in all did, and in a said here post-slavery America that is.

Thursday 26 March 2015

Biblia ya Kiafrika

Biblia ya Kiafrika.

Bibilia ya Kiafrika - Blue version 

(Paulines Media/Publishing Africa)

African Expressions

African Expressions.

This entry, now does have to do, and with the asking and of the very question, and of if, the African Oracle, is in all said to be real that is. That in all again, does the African Oracle actually exist? And is it in all even, sold in a Box-Set of a kind that is. In having said this/that, is to first off mention that, the African Oracle, does not actually speak of Ifa, and of the Opon Ifa too, but is best in all again, and here too perhaps, said best associated, and with the world of the Awo that is [and as with he in all even said, a Pundit/Scholar and of a kind too that is].

In saying that, the African Oracle, does not actually speak of the Opon Ifa, and as many in all, do privately perhaps, and if not in speak and of the absent-minded too, driven to believe that is, is to now associate it all, and with speak too and of African Expression(s), and not of African Oral Traditions/History either (and of African Oratory too), or in speak too of African Customary practises [and as leading in all, and to speak too of the Practice that is].

In saying that, African Expression(s), do in all even differ and from African Oral Traditions/History in all (see Credo Mutwa here in all again, and in speak too of African Belief that is), is speak too now, and of the said African Storytelling Observance/Ritual that is, and as with it all even said not truly Tradition, or in speak too and of the very world of African Literature in all again, and as now said defined, and in speak too of African Beliefs and Imagination too that is. 

The very world though of African Storytelling, and in speak now and of the African Oracle too, now does speak too, and of African Expression(s), and in speak too, and of Possessive states that is [and as best said here perhaps, and as now associated, and with speak too of a Comedian that is, or in speak too of Improv. Jazz in all].

In now associating the African Oracle, and with Africa's Storytelling Observance/Ritual that is, and in speak too of Africans and as said Conversationalists that is, is to now speak of defining the African Oracle, and from a Material Sub-stratum and of a kind too that is. That this in all, and in speak now and of African Material cultures too, now does speak too perhaps, and of Ifa, and as said Religion too, and as said divided and into four so to speak. That Ifa and as most do know it, and as said African Religion in all, Traditional too, now does in all even speak too and of the Egun, the Egungun, and of what some do term Egbe too that is. Ifa though, and as now speaking and of African Oral Traditions/History in all, is often believed said truly associated, and with speak too of African Food Traditions, and that do speak too and of African Food stuffs/substances that is. Ifa though, and in speak too of its Oracles, and as said including speak too of the Obi, and in further speak too of the Diloggun that is, now does speak in all again, and of Oriki in itself that is, and as said referring, and to speak too and of African Metaphysics that is. It is in speak though and Ifa of in all, and as said meeting the African Oracle, that we do in all even come across now, speak too of the Itan for instance, and as said to speak too and of the Storytelling Observance/Ritual truly, and as said meeting Ifa that is. In all though, the Itan, should not be confused, or considered truly, and as said the African Oracle in itself that is.

In further speak now, and of the African Oracle, and as said Symbolic in its ways, is to now associate it too, and with speak of Africa, and in further speak too of Lion Symbolism that is (and as said Artwork too in all) [Link], or speak too of the Acacia Tree and in Symbolism, but in speak too and of the Log Fire, and in Symbolism too that is [that this all, should not be surprising to one, and in speak too now, and of African Ceremony that is, and of the very fact that, such Symbolism in all does speak too of Ceremony, and in speak too now and of the Serengeti and Maasai Mara, and not that said to speak of the Igbo-Cameroon Humour Complex that is]. That this in all, is the very manner in all the African Oracle, in Ceremony that is, that said Ancient too, is said to solely exist that is.

The African Oracle in all though, and in speak of the African Storytelling Observance/Ritual too, now does speak too of Language in all, and of Behaviour/Belief too, and as said to speak of the Versatile /Versatility and on one Hand, and on the other Hand so to speak, speak of it all, and as said to speak of the Improvisational/Improvisation that is [and in speak now too, and of African beliefs, and of the so termed/called Solar Plexus that is]. 

In finality though, speak now, and of the African Oracle in all, and as said in all again truly, struggling to deal in all, and with what does constitute and for the Natural, and of the Unnatural too, and in regards and to speak of anything that is. In all, speak now and of Identity created, and in speak too of, what they do call/term Ethnobiography, Ethnography and of Oppositional Ethnography too that is  [Link][and with the last/latter in all, now said speaking too perhaps, and of Lucumi in itself that is][Link].

Wednesday 25 March 2015

African Demographics

African Demographics.

This entry, will attempt to deal, and with the very manner in all, we do in all again define African Demographics that is. That Demographics in all, and as often said signifying change in a society too perhaps, now do speak too, and of the very nature in all, and of problems faced by many a said struggling African society or Country too, and which in all even are believed said multi-faceted that is [or believed said too, taking many a dimension to it all, and in speak of basic problem solving too for instance].

In having said that, is to now speak on, the very manner in all, Demographics are defined and in Africa today too that is. That it is believed here that there is a four-fold manner in all, and of viewing Africa that is, and in speak too of Demographics in all.

The first of these, does speak too of Government in Africa in all again, and in speak too of Nationality that is. That it in all, now does go along in all again, and with speak of what is believed said the true, genuine or valid History of Africa that is, and in speak too of its peoples, and such that, Nationality in Africa, and in speak of Government too, now is in all even said defined, and in speak too of Standards/Ideals that is. In all, the very attempt to in all again classify African peoples/groups in all, and in a Historical fashion too, and such that, it does in all even speak of an attempt to present Africa in a positive light, and if not in speak truly of Labour Skills, Talent Pools and Worker Ethic too perhaps. In all, the very manner most in all do in all even view African History, and in speak too now of Standards/Ideals, but with their failing perhaps to realize, that African History, is best said perceived and in speak too and of the diversity of its peoples, and such that, most out there fail to recognize or realize that, in many a place outside Africa, the people to be found in such places, are often registered as persons, people or said too a person that is, and not in speak of peoples truly either, and which does speak in all, and of the manner in all again, Africans, are often said registered that is.

The second of these now, does speak too and of Africa and in Demographics, and that does in all again even, speak of Africa, and as said divided in all, and into two Political Spheres and if not Realms too that is: the Public, and the Private. That the Public in all, is often believed said Government too, and if not in speak of Administration that is, and not Bureaucracy either, and as now often said referring and to speak too of Banking in Africa that is. That said Private though, is believed said to now entail in all, speak, and of the Health, Education and Law Industries, and which do in all even though fall under Government/Administration too, and as often said Sectors that is. In all, a manner in all again, and of viewing African Demographics, and that is in all even said associated and with speak of News Media and in Africa today, and if not speak too of the symbolic representation in all, and of Africa too, and in speak now of African Presidencies, Flags and Western Custom/Dress too that is.

The third of these, now does speak too, of Religious/Cultural Institutions in Africa in all again, and with they in all even now, said merging, and with those that do speak too of Government for instance. A manner in all, and of viewing Africa, and that does in all even speak too of Africa, and as said War-torn that is, and in speak now and of Africa, and as often said having religion to it, and that does speak too of Christianity, Muslim/Islamic beliefs, Islam, Traditional African Religions, and if not in speak of religion and as said too Modern or Western that is. In all, speak now and of Media in Africa, and that does in all even attempt to Profile many a person, group or community/commune in Africa, and as simply said exemplar in their ways that is.

The fourth of these, now does speak too perhaps, and of the African Oracle that is, and in speak too now, and of the said dormant or said died out too in all, African Royalty (Class) that is. That this now and in all again, now does speak too, and of whom/who in all Africans today are said to be, and in speak of Media, and with the said coming of the Internet too that is. That Opinion formation in Africa, can be said to reside solely today, and in speak of its Media, and including speak too of the Internet, and not in speak of Government truly either, or of Government/Intellectual/Political Circles in all, and that in all again, African Royalty now, and as said defining Africa and in its Media, does speak too of Independent African Media Houses, and of Opinion formation too and in society that is, and such that, in speak of Africa today, and in Demographics too, it all now does speak too of Social Sicknesses, Illnesses, Malaise & Ailments, and as said perhaps now in all again, and to speak of the very manner in all, Africans, do define Material cultures that is [that Architecture for instance, and in Africa today too, is best said classified and under Media, and that does in all even speak too and of an African Royalty that is].

Wednesday 11 March 2015



Speak now and of life in itself, and as perceived and from speak of the Test in itself that is.

Tuesday 10 March 2015





Many might be ignorant, and of the true meaning and of the term/word Diagnosis. For many, it does often speak, and of whom/who in all, they are, and when asked to dissect, breakdown, criticize, bisect etc., just about anything and as said within their midsts too perhaps. Diagnosis though, can best be explained, and in speak now, and of whom/who in all we are, and in Opinion and its formation too that is. That this latter definition in all, now does refer, and to speak of our being very much aware in all, and of our environments too that is.

In many a way though, when one does speak of Diagnosis and Africa, one and in many a way too, now does come across speak of Classification in itself, and as having to do and with speak of Type/Fit that is. That this does in all even refer, and to viewing ones environs in all, and in speak of Ranges, Scopes, Spectrums, Halves, Lengths/Distances, Glossaries etc., and such that, one does in all even develop what they do term, a Mental Image, and of their very Being that is.

However, the above definition of Diagnosis, is not believed said the best, and could be said to somewhat speak and of Scholarship/Academia in itself, and in speak now and of the very fact that, Diagnosis, does in all even speak and of what one does believe will happen to one, and in a said set fashion too that is, and in speak of the following/follow-through, and if not speak of said actions or projections, and as taking into account Space-Time realities that is. That Diagnosis, and as often said to speak and of whom/who in all we are, and with Media too, now does speak too, and of viewing Type/Fit, and in speak now too, and of Sets/Graphs, and such that, it now does speak too, and of our very perceptions of Matter, Energy and Time too that is.

Hopefully, the above is fully understood, and in speak too now, and of what they do term pre-meditated Thought that is [and as often believed said Subconscious too].

Saturday 7 March 2015



This entry, does deal and with what some do term Epistemology that is. That what in all again is Epistemology said to be? It in all again, can be said to speak and of the very manner/way in all, we do know something, and with a said certainty to it all, and if not speak of approximations, and of margins of error too that is. That African societies in all, are yet to truly define themselves, and in speak of Epistemology, and in speak too of the very World we do live in today that is. That African societies in all for instance, are often believed, never to have evolved, and in speak of their being said associated in all again, and with believed said genuine/authentic Writing systems that is.

This is not factually true, of Africa and of Writing systems too, and in speak too of the cultures of the Sahel, and if not speak too of Kanem-Bornu, and in speak now, and of why Writing systems in all again, are believed said important that is. For they in all again, are believed said a means of storing Information/Knowledge, and that does in all differ, and from speak too of the term Trance, and the ability to in all enter Possessive states, and that do allow one access to Material in all, and that does in all even speak of Imagination and of Memory as one that is [or speak too of the Iponri - Ori - Ori inu, and as now said in direct alignment in all that is].

In all, Writing systems, can best be understood, and in speak of Writing, and of Drawings too that is. For both Drawings and Writings, do in all even speak of representing or storing Knowledge/Information in all, and in speak of it all said credible, believable or plausible too that is. That in speak of those who do associate Knowledge/Information, and with speak of Trance and other such said Possessive states, the very belief that, such Knowledge in all is believed said credible in all again, and in speak of the merging of Writing/Drawing systems that is.

In all, what can be said here and in many a way, and of past said African societies in all, is that, Knowledge in all again, does appear in all, to have been Represented and Stored too, and in speak of the Common that is [or of Commonality too]. In all, the Storing of Knowledge in all and of the Representing of it all too, now said associated in all, and with speak of the Tangible, and of the Non-Tangible too, and in speak too of what is believed said to consist for an African Physical Memory that is [or that too, which does speak of Oriki for instance][and all this and as compared, and to speak of the often popularized Human Body Model, and that does speak too of the Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual too that is].

In having said all this though, is to now ask of many an African, how they do in all even perceive Primates, and in speak too of Aids for instance. For Primates in all, can be said to speak too of the Collective, and if not of the Imagined and in speak too of Order, and as pertaining, and to speak of Typicalities, Generalities and of the Average too, of Humans and in Rejection, and if not speak of African Bonds & Ties too that is [that in all, this does speak of differing manners/ways in all, and of Storing, and Representing Knowledge too in all, and that could be said suitable, and in speak of the World today that is].

Dead Presidents

Dead Presidents.

Thursday 5 March 2015

the U.S

the U.S.

The U.S, and with it said not the United States truly either, and in speak too of Constitution that is, but a denomination in all, and that most said not White, or simply said African too in all, will in all even find themselves classified under in all, and in speak too, and of the very term Coloured/Alien too that is.

the U.S.A

the U.S.A.

African-American Identity, and within the United States of America too that is.

The African Family

The African Family.

The African Family, and as said Transnational too that is [and all this too, and as versus speak of the Caribbean, and Uncle Toms Cabin in all, the African-American Family and as said Baptist too in all, or speak too and of Nova Scotia, Haiti, Moors and of said African/Black Loyalists too that is].