Wednesday 25 March 2015

African Demographics

African Demographics.

This entry, will attempt to deal, and with the very manner in all, we do in all again define African Demographics that is. That Demographics in all, and as often said signifying change in a society too perhaps, now do speak too, and of the very nature in all, and of problems faced by many a said struggling African society or Country too, and which in all even are believed said multi-faceted that is [or believed said too, taking many a dimension to it all, and in speak of basic problem solving too for instance].

In having said that, is to now speak on, the very manner in all, Demographics are defined and in Africa today too that is. That it is believed here that there is a four-fold manner in all, and of viewing Africa that is, and in speak too of Demographics in all.

The first of these, does speak too of Government in Africa in all again, and in speak too of Nationality that is. That it in all, now does go along in all again, and with speak of what is believed said the true, genuine or valid History of Africa that is, and in speak too of its peoples, and such that, Nationality in Africa, and in speak of Government too, now is in all even said defined, and in speak too of Standards/Ideals that is. In all, the very attempt to in all again classify African peoples/groups in all, and in a Historical fashion too, and such that, it does in all even speak of an attempt to present Africa in a positive light, and if not in speak truly of Labour Skills, Talent Pools and Worker Ethic too perhaps. In all, the very manner most in all do in all even view African History, and in speak too now of Standards/Ideals, but with their failing perhaps to realize, that African History, is best said perceived and in speak too and of the diversity of its peoples, and such that, most out there fail to recognize or realize that, in many a place outside Africa, the people to be found in such places, are often registered as persons, people or said too a person that is, and not in speak of peoples truly either, and which does speak in all, and of the manner in all again, Africans, are often said registered that is.

The second of these now, does speak too and of Africa and in Demographics, and that does in all again even, speak of Africa, and as said divided in all, and into two Political Spheres and if not Realms too that is: the Public, and the Private. That the Public in all, is often believed said Government too, and if not in speak of Administration that is, and not Bureaucracy either, and as now often said referring and to speak too of Banking in Africa that is. That said Private though, is believed said to now entail in all, speak, and of the Health, Education and Law Industries, and which do in all even though fall under Government/Administration too, and as often said Sectors that is. In all, a manner in all again, and of viewing African Demographics, and that is in all even said associated and with speak of News Media and in Africa today, and if not speak too of the symbolic representation in all, and of Africa too, and in speak now of African Presidencies, Flags and Western Custom/Dress too that is.

The third of these, now does speak too, of Religious/Cultural Institutions in Africa in all again, and with they in all even now, said merging, and with those that do speak too of Government for instance. A manner in all, and of viewing Africa, and that does in all even speak too of Africa, and as said War-torn that is, and in speak now and of Africa, and as often said having religion to it, and that does speak too of Christianity, Muslim/Islamic beliefs, Islam, Traditional African Religions, and if not in speak of religion and as said too Modern or Western that is. In all, speak now and of Media in Africa, and that does in all even attempt to Profile many a person, group or community/commune in Africa, and as simply said exemplar in their ways that is.

The fourth of these, now does speak too perhaps, and of the African Oracle that is, and in speak too now, and of the said dormant or said died out too in all, African Royalty (Class) that is. That this now and in all again, now does speak too, and of whom/who in all Africans today are said to be, and in speak of Media, and with the said coming of the Internet too that is. That Opinion formation in Africa, can be said to reside solely today, and in speak of its Media, and including speak too of the Internet, and not in speak of Government truly either, or of Government/Intellectual/Political Circles in all, and that in all again, African Royalty now, and as said defining Africa and in its Media, does speak too of Independent African Media Houses, and of Opinion formation too and in society that is, and such that, in speak of Africa today, and in Demographics too, it all now does speak too of Social Sicknesses, Illnesses, Malaise & Ailments, and as said perhaps now in all again, and to speak of the very manner in all, Africans, do define Material cultures that is [that Architecture for instance, and in Africa today too, is best said classified and under Media, and that does in all even speak too and of an African Royalty that is].