Thursday 26 March 2015

African Expressions

African Expressions.

This entry, now does have to do, and with the asking and of the very question, and of if, the African Oracle, is in all said to be real that is. That in all again, does the African Oracle actually exist? And is it in all even, sold in a Box-Set of a kind that is. In having said this/that, is to first off mention that, the African Oracle, does not actually speak of Ifa, and of the Opon Ifa too, but is best in all again, and here too perhaps, said best associated, and with the world of the Awo that is [and as with he in all even said, a Pundit/Scholar and of a kind too that is].

In saying that, the African Oracle, does not actually speak of the Opon Ifa, and as many in all, do privately perhaps, and if not in speak and of the absent-minded too, driven to believe that is, is to now associate it all, and with speak too and of African Expression(s), and not of African Oral Traditions/History either (and of African Oratory too), or in speak too of African Customary practises [and as leading in all, and to speak too of the Practice that is].

In saying that, African Expression(s), do in all even differ and from African Oral Traditions/History in all (see Credo Mutwa here in all again, and in speak too of African Belief that is), is speak too now, and of the said African Storytelling Observance/Ritual that is, and as with it all even said not truly Tradition, or in speak too and of the very world of African Literature in all again, and as now said defined, and in speak too of African Beliefs and Imagination too that is. 

The very world though of African Storytelling, and in speak now and of the African Oracle too, now does speak too, and of African Expression(s), and in speak too, and of Possessive states that is [and as best said here perhaps, and as now associated, and with speak too of a Comedian that is, or in speak too of Improv. Jazz in all].

In now associating the African Oracle, and with Africa's Storytelling Observance/Ritual that is, and in speak too of Africans and as said Conversationalists that is, is to now speak of defining the African Oracle, and from a Material Sub-stratum and of a kind too that is. That this in all, and in speak now and of African Material cultures too, now does speak too perhaps, and of Ifa, and as said Religion too, and as said divided and into four so to speak. That Ifa and as most do know it, and as said African Religion in all, Traditional too, now does in all even speak too and of the Egun, the Egungun, and of what some do term Egbe too that is. Ifa though, and as now speaking and of African Oral Traditions/History in all, is often believed said truly associated, and with speak too of African Food Traditions, and that do speak too and of African Food stuffs/substances that is. Ifa though, and in speak too of its Oracles, and as said including speak too of the Obi, and in further speak too of the Diloggun that is, now does speak in all again, and of Oriki in itself that is, and as said referring, and to speak too and of African Metaphysics that is. It is in speak though and Ifa of in all, and as said meeting the African Oracle, that we do in all even come across now, speak too of the Itan for instance, and as said to speak too and of the Storytelling Observance/Ritual truly, and as said meeting Ifa that is. In all though, the Itan, should not be confused, or considered truly, and as said the African Oracle in itself that is.

In further speak now, and of the African Oracle, and as said Symbolic in its ways, is to now associate it too, and with speak of Africa, and in further speak too of Lion Symbolism that is (and as said Artwork too in all) [Link], or speak too of the Acacia Tree and in Symbolism, but in speak too and of the Log Fire, and in Symbolism too that is [that this all, should not be surprising to one, and in speak too now, and of African Ceremony that is, and of the very fact that, such Symbolism in all does speak too of Ceremony, and in speak too now and of the Serengeti and Maasai Mara, and not that said to speak of the Igbo-Cameroon Humour Complex that is]. That this in all, is the very manner in all the African Oracle, in Ceremony that is, that said Ancient too, is said to solely exist that is.

The African Oracle in all though, and in speak of the African Storytelling Observance/Ritual too, now does speak too of Language in all, and of Behaviour/Belief too, and as said to speak of the Versatile /Versatility and on one Hand, and on the other Hand so to speak, speak of it all, and as said to speak of the Improvisational/Improvisation that is [and in speak now too, and of African beliefs, and of the so termed/called Solar Plexus that is]. 

In finality though, speak now, and of the African Oracle in all, and as said in all again truly, struggling to deal in all, and with what does constitute and for the Natural, and of the Unnatural too, and in regards and to speak of anything that is. In all, speak now and of Identity created, and in speak too of, what they do call/term Ethnobiography, Ethnography and of Oppositional Ethnography too that is  [Link][and with the last/latter in all, now said speaking too perhaps, and of Lucumi in itself that is][Link].