Tuesday 10 March 2015



Many might be ignorant, and of the true meaning and of the term/word Diagnosis. For many, it does often speak, and of whom/who in all, they are, and when asked to dissect, breakdown, criticize, bisect etc., just about anything and as said within their midsts too perhaps. Diagnosis though, can best be explained, and in speak now, and of whom/who in all we are, and in Opinion and its formation too that is. That this latter definition in all, now does refer, and to speak of our being very much aware in all, and of our environments too that is.

In many a way though, when one does speak of Diagnosis and Africa, one and in many a way too, now does come across speak of Classification in itself, and as having to do and with speak of Type/Fit that is. That this does in all even refer, and to viewing ones environs in all, and in speak of Ranges, Scopes, Spectrums, Halves, Lengths/Distances, Glossaries etc., and such that, one does in all even develop what they do term, a Mental Image, and of their very Being that is.

However, the above definition of Diagnosis, is not believed said the best, and could be said to somewhat speak and of Scholarship/Academia in itself, and in speak now and of the very fact that, Diagnosis, does in all even speak and of what one does believe will happen to one, and in a said set fashion too that is, and in speak of the following/follow-through, and if not speak of said actions or projections, and as taking into account Space-Time realities that is. That Diagnosis, and as often said to speak and of whom/who in all we are, and with Media too, now does speak too, and of viewing Type/Fit, and in speak now too, and of Sets/Graphs, and such that, it now does speak too, and of our very perceptions of Matter, Energy and Time too that is.

Hopefully, the above is fully understood, and in speak too now, and of what they do term pre-meditated Thought that is [and as often believed said Subconscious too].