Saturday 7 March 2015



This entry, does deal and with what some do term Epistemology that is. That what in all again is Epistemology said to be? It in all again, can be said to speak and of the very manner/way in all, we do know something, and with a said certainty to it all, and if not speak of approximations, and of margins of error too that is. That African societies in all, are yet to truly define themselves, and in speak of Epistemology, and in speak too of the very World we do live in today that is. That African societies in all for instance, are often believed, never to have evolved, and in speak of their being said associated in all again, and with believed said genuine/authentic Writing systems that is.

This is not factually true, of Africa and of Writing systems too, and in speak too of the cultures of the Sahel, and if not speak too of Kanem-Bornu, and in speak now, and of why Writing systems in all again, are believed said important that is. For they in all again, are believed said a means of storing Information/Knowledge, and that does in all differ, and from speak too of the term Trance, and the ability to in all enter Possessive states, and that do allow one access to Material in all, and that does in all even speak of Imagination and of Memory as one that is [or speak too of the Iponri - Ori - Ori inu, and as now said in direct alignment in all that is].

In all, Writing systems, can best be understood, and in speak of Writing, and of Drawings too that is. For both Drawings and Writings, do in all even speak of representing or storing Knowledge/Information in all, and in speak of it all said credible, believable or plausible too that is. That in speak of those who do associate Knowledge/Information, and with speak of Trance and other such said Possessive states, the very belief that, such Knowledge in all is believed said credible in all again, and in speak of the merging of Writing/Drawing systems that is.

In all, what can be said here and in many a way, and of past said African societies in all, is that, Knowledge in all again, does appear in all, to have been Represented and Stored too, and in speak of the Common that is [or of Commonality too]. In all, the Storing of Knowledge in all and of the Representing of it all too, now said associated in all, and with speak of the Tangible, and of the Non-Tangible too, and in speak too of what is believed said to consist for an African Physical Memory that is [or that too, which does speak of Oriki for instance][and all this and as compared, and to speak of the often popularized Human Body Model, and that does speak too of the Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual too that is].

In having said all this though, is to now ask of many an African, how they do in all even perceive Primates, and in speak too of Aids for instance. For Primates in all, can be said to speak too of the Collective, and if not of the Imagined and in speak too of Order, and as pertaining, and to speak of Typicalities, Generalities and of the Average too, of Humans and in Rejection, and if not speak of African Bonds & Ties too that is [that in all, this does speak of differing manners/ways in all, and of Storing, and Representing Knowledge too in all, and that could be said suitable, and in speak of the World today that is].