Wednesday 13 May 2015

African Tricksters

African Tricksters.

Many are aware in all, and of the said intimate connection, and that Africans do in all place, and on African Names, and as said truly a determinant in all, and on the very lives of Africans that is. That speak of African Names in all, are believed said by some, to speak of Evolution in itself, and of the search too, and of the said Innate, Idiosyncratic and Intrinsic, or speak simply/truly and of the Inner nature in all, and of a said Human too that is.

In having said that, is to now dissociate in all perhaps, the very nature of said African Trickster Figures, from those found elsewhere and around the World too, and who do in all, the latter that is, speak now and of Transformation or Change in itself and as it is often said, and as versus speak too of African Trickster Gods in all, and who are in all even associated truly, and with speak and of what some do term 'the Ascendant' that is.

In saying now though, and in regards to speak of the African Oracle, that African Names in all, can be said associated too, and with speak too of the Autobiographical and of the Biographical in all, is to now speak too, and of those who do in all even believe that, African Identity, and in Name too, does often truly go along, and with the bringing of Change in all. That in all again, it does speak too now, and of the attempt by many in Africa, to simply in all, differentiate, or separate, or disconnect truly too, and from the rest, and in speak too now, and of what is believed said to speak or stand for a Human Drama that is [and in speak now perhaps, and of the very name of Shango/Sango too for instance].

However, in speak of African Tricksters, and of 'the Ascendant', and of African Names too, perhaps now speak too, and of it all, and in speak of the African Oracle and fartherly too that is, and as said viewed in all and from speak of the very word/term of Submission that is, and as simply said too, and to speak of African Family/Group Identity/Consciousness in all, and as said defined now and from speak and of the very words/terms of Admission, Permission, and of Remission too that is.