Saturday 23 May 2015



If most in all, were to be asked, just how in all, to go about perceiving life, and in its most fundamental of ways in all, most in all again, would probably resort, and to speak of Metrics in themselves that is [and in speak here too, and of what an Inch is said to be, and not a Centimeter truly either]. However, there is another manner in all, and of viewing life, and that does in all even speak, and of what, a Unit, is simply said to be that is.

That Units in all, are difficult to fathom for most but in speak now and of life and as viewed/perceived as such, and in speak here too that is, and of it all said to speak too of the Human Body in itself, is to now and in all even ground life in itself that is, and in speak too of Signals that is. That Signals in all, are believed in all again, to very much underlie everything that is, and in speak too of Intuition in itself, and if not in further speak too of Technology in itself too that is.

Africa though, is said home, and to a varying belief, and in regards to all this. For while the Egyptian tradition in all, now does associate life and at a fundamental level too, and with Signals, but in speak here too, and of Civilization in South America in all, and just where life in all again, has often been grounded in all, and in speak too of Vibrations that is, Africa on the otherhand in all, does have its own traditions, and that do in all associate life in itself, and with speak of the Pulse that is.

In all again, and in speak too now of Units, while the Signal, can be said to speak too, and of what a Second is truly said to be, and with Vibrations on the otherhand, in all even refering in all, and to a Second, and as it truly is, the Pulse on the otherhand, does ask of one, what in all, does actually Pass, and for a Second truly that is.