Sunday 3 May 2015

African Thanatology

African Thanatology.

This very entry, now does have to do, and with the very issue/matter in all, or topic/subject too, and of Death that is. That it in all, does very much hold the very belief that, African Religion and as it does in all even stand today that is, does in all even speak truly, and of 'the spirits of the Dead' / 'the Dead', and as versus speak truly, and of Ancestor/Ancestral Worship that is. That it in all, does speak too, and of Africa, and as said a Continent too, and as often said, at Crossroads that is.

In the link/paper posted above, and by one (Proff.) Matthew C. Chukuweleobe, he does in all even mention, and in the Intro. too, that 'the African World', is simply said Becoming that is. Something in all, probably best understood now, and in speak too, and of the very manner in all, Africans, do in all even define Contigency that is. In speak though, and of Africa, and as perceived, and from speak too of Ancestor/Ancestral Worship in all, is to perhaps associate it all too, and with speak and not only and of Africa, and in Conflict, Crisis or even Concern too, but in speak now, and of the very field of Eschatology that is.

This Blog though, does in all even associate itself truly, and with speak of 'the spirits of the Dead' / 'the Dead', and if not of Thanatology in itself too that is. For Thanatology, and as said African too, now does speak, and of the very defining of Africans in all, and in speak truly of Fear, Phobias and Anxiety too that is. In saying that, it all too does speak too of 'the African World', and as simply said Becoming that is, is to in all even define, the African, and in speak now of Indulgence, Gratification, Morbidity, and if not of Stratification too, and as versus speak of the African, and in Craving, and which does in all even refer, and to an African Eschatology that is.

In a previous post (Link), the very word of Viscosity, was now said tied, and to speak too of African Identity that is. In saying that it did speak of one and in Friction, Social too, is to now not only refer, and to the very world too, of African Charms and Amulets that is, but in all again, now does speak too, and of the very manner in all, Africans, do in all even view, the very origins, and not, their very origins that is, and of life in Africa that is. That this in all, now does speak too of 'the spirits of the Dead', and as with it all even said to speak now, and of the very first of Africans, and in helping give birth/life in all, and to the Continent that is, now said too, and to engage, and in a Drama and of a kind that is. In saying that Drama in all, and as versus Theatre too, is something truly African (and with the latter often believed simply said Egyptian that is), is to now speak too, and of what is believed said African, and of Greek Civilization that is, for Africa in all, it is believed here, is very much home, and to World Drama in itself too that is.

In saying that, speak of Viscosity, and of African Drama in all, now does speak too, and of respecting the very Opinions in all, and of those who did in all even pave the way, and in making life a said reality in all (and in speak too now of accommodation that is), and in Africa (and as with it all even said and to speak of the very moniker in all, and of 'the Africans' too that is), is to speak now of alternate Theories of life in Africa, and that do speak too of 'the Dead', and as said to refer, and to Hybridity/Hybrid Theories, and in speak too of African Resistance in the very least that is. Resistance too in all, and as said to speak, and of the often said Harsh Realities, and of Africa life, and as said to refer to speak too of Disease, Health, Sickness, Illness and of the often said Developed nature and of African Medicine too, for it does in all even refer, and to speak too of 'the Dead', and in speak of them too that is, and in Belief that is (and not Opinion either), for in speak of 'the Dead' in all, is to speak too, and of the very moniker in all, and of 'the African' that is, for it does in all even speak too, and of the very belief that, Africa, is believed said home to World Mythology in itself, but with it all truly said, and to speak and of Africa in Egypt that is [or of Egyptian Religion, and as believed said truly Africans in its ways/manners in all].