Saturday 30 May 2015

The Fight

The Fight.

What do we in all, mean or refer to, and when we do speak of 'the Fight'? It in all even, can be said to truly go along in all, and with speak of the African Oracle, and if not, and of what is said to speak too of an African life that is. That in understanding all this better, while the said World out there, can in all even be said defined, and in speak of the Challenge, those in Africa, truly do in all even, live for the Fight that is.

In understanding the Fight though, is to now ask truly, and of what does in all even, make us Human that is. That in all again, what in all, are we said to be referring to, and when in all, we do proclaim or declare too, that we are simply said Human that is. It is here, and simply where, the often said Christian tradition, and in speak too of Christ and of Freemasonry too, does in all even appear, to take said precedence in all, and in now declaring Man, and as said Human too, and as said in all even described/defined, and in speak truly and of the term/word of Flesh that is. In saying now that, this is not true of most of the World out there, is to now too, speak of the America's in all, and where being Human in all again, and in speak too of Religion that is, is believed said to speak of Muscle/Orifices that is. Something not too easy to make out, and for those unaware and of the very fact that, Christianity in North America, does in all even borrow from Native American Religion that is, and in speak too now of Religion, and that does in all even refer, and to speak and of many a said Revival for instance, and if not of distinctions too, differences that is, paramount, and as said made between Men and Women too that is. In Asia, speak of being Human, now does speak too of Carnals (and in further speak too of Carnal Knowledge), while in Japan, theories now do abound too, and of Human nature, and as said to speak too primarily in all of, Blood Plasma / Protoplasma that is. It is in speak of Africa though, and simply where in all again, being Human, now does go along in all, and with speak too of Human Tissue, but it all said too, and to refer, and to speak too of, Christianity in Africa, and that does in all even associate speak of being Human, and with speak of Human Fat too that is.

Perhaps something in all, difficult to comprehend, but that does in all even speak of the very reason why many differing Religions in all, did exist in the old World and so to speak, for it all, can be said and in a general sense, to in all even refer, and to our beliefs that is, and of the Corporeal for instance.

In saying that, life in Africa, is in all even lived, and in speak of the Fight, is to now too, simply describe being Human and in speak too of Africa, and with speak and of only one said term that is: Humiliation. That in now saying that, the Human Experience in all, is in all even said grounded truly, and in speak of Humiliation in itself, is to now speak too, and of Experience, and as said to speak of the Earth, and if not of the African Oracle too, and as said grounded in all, and in speak of only said term/word that is: the Foul. In now saying that, if every living moment of life and on this Earth that is, can be said to refer and to speak of the Foul, and of the Human Experience, grounded and in speak of Humiliation in itself, then in all, life can only be said truly lived out, and in speak truly and of only one thing: the Middle Line.