Saturday 23 May 2015



In attempting to ask of many an African, and of what is truly believed said in all, and to very much ail in all, our said communities or societies too, it all does in all even lead, and to speak and of the Colonial Experience, and as versus speak too now, and of the African Religious Experience that is. That the Colonial Experience, is now believed by many, not as damaging in all, and as most do claim it to be, for it in all, is now associated too, and with speak and of many a freedom in all, and as said emanating, and in speak of many a said Idea that is, and as said generated too, and as now referring in all perhaps, and to speak best, and of what Modern/Western Time in all, is said to be that is [and as versus that said African too that is]. That the Colonial Experience in all, and in the very least too, now does introduce to one, Modern/Western Time in itself, and as probably said offering to one, the best of Experiences, and if not of Ideas too in particular, and as versus that said African too that is.

In having said that, is to now speak and of the African Experience, and as now said too, diminished in its ways, and if not tainted too, and in speak too now, and of 'Black African' Identity, and of that said Black too that is. That the African (Religious) Experience, and as said in the very least now, to speak too of African Communal life, and in further speak and of many an Idea, and as said generated, and as furtherly said defining life in all, and that is believed in all even to make for a life, Abundant, Plentiful, Bountiful, Productive, Copious, Rich, Ample etc. in its ways in all, is to now too, say it all tainted in its ways that is, the African Experience, and in speak of many a said now, Debate perhaps, and of the said Use/Role or Relevance too, and of African customs, traditions, titles, history, invention/discipline, rites. rituals etc., and in helping in all, make truly better, African lives that is. All this said too, and in speak now too, and of what 'Black African' Identity, is believed in all even to embody, for it is an Identity in all, and that does in all even speak too of Africans, and as in all even said practising that is, Corruption, Bribery and if not Extortion in itself too that is. That 'Black African' Identity in all, is in all even said, to speak and of it all not conforming truly, and to African Identity, and Identity too, African, and that is in all even simply said grounded in all, and in speak too of African Social/Traditional Games that is [and if not of African Norms/Mores too that is].

It is that Identity though, and that is said Black, and that is in all even believed, said the most harmful of them all. For it is an Identity, simply said in all, to speak of Tokenism in itself, and as with it all even now, said truly harming in all, African Organization in itself, and in saying the least of it all that is, and in speak now, and of what they do term Nepotism for instance.