Saturday 30 May 2015



The Fight

The Fight.

What do we in all, mean or refer to, and when we do speak of 'the Fight'? It in all even, can be said to truly go along in all, and with speak of the African Oracle, and if not, and of what is said to speak too of an African life that is. That in understanding all this better, while the said World out there, can in all even be said defined, and in speak of the Challenge, those in Africa, truly do in all even, live for the Fight that is.

In understanding the Fight though, is to now ask truly, and of what does in all even, make us Human that is. That in all again, what in all, are we said to be referring to, and when in all, we do proclaim or declare too, that we are simply said Human that is. It is here, and simply where, the often said Christian tradition, and in speak too of Christ and of Freemasonry too, does in all even appear, to take said precedence in all, and in now declaring Man, and as said Human too, and as said in all even described/defined, and in speak truly and of the term/word of Flesh that is. In saying now that, this is not true of most of the World out there, is to now too, speak of the America's in all, and where being Human in all again, and in speak too of Religion that is, is believed said to speak of Muscle/Orifices that is. Something not too easy to make out, and for those unaware and of the very fact that, Christianity in North America, does in all even borrow from Native American Religion that is, and in speak too now of Religion, and that does in all even refer, and to speak and of many a said Revival for instance, and if not of distinctions too, differences that is, paramount, and as said made between Men and Women too that is. In Asia, speak of being Human, now does speak too of Carnals (and in further speak too of Carnal Knowledge), while in Japan, theories now do abound too, and of Human nature, and as said to speak too primarily in all of, Blood Plasma / Protoplasma that is. It is in speak of Africa though, and simply where in all again, being Human, now does go along in all, and with speak too of Human Tissue, but it all said too, and to refer, and to speak too of, Christianity in Africa, and that does in all even associate speak of being Human, and with speak of Human Fat too that is.

Perhaps something in all, difficult to comprehend, but that does in all even speak of the very reason why many differing Religions in all, did exist in the old World and so to speak, for it all, can be said and in a general sense, to in all even refer, and to our beliefs that is, and of the Corporeal for instance.

In saying that, life in Africa, is in all even lived, and in speak of the Fight, is to now too, simply describe being Human and in speak too of Africa, and with speak and of only one said term that is: Humiliation. That in now saying that, the Human Experience in all, is in all even said grounded truly, and in speak of Humiliation in itself, is to now speak too, and of Experience, and as said to speak of the Earth, and if not of the African Oracle too, and as said grounded in all, and in speak of only said term/word that is: the Foul. In now saying that, if every living moment of life and on this Earth that is, can be said to refer and to speak of the Foul, and of the Human Experience, grounded and in speak of Humiliation in itself, then in all, life can only be said truly lived out, and in speak truly and of only one thing: the Middle Line.

Saturday 23 May 2015



In attempting to ask of many an African, and of what is truly believed said in all, and to very much ail in all, our said communities or societies too, it all does in all even lead, and to speak and of the Colonial Experience, and as versus speak too now, and of the African Religious Experience that is. That the Colonial Experience, is now believed by many, not as damaging in all, and as most do claim it to be, for it in all, is now associated too, and with speak and of many a freedom in all, and as said emanating, and in speak of many a said Idea that is, and as said generated too, and as now referring in all perhaps, and to speak best, and of what Modern/Western Time in all, is said to be that is [and as versus that said African too that is]. That the Colonial Experience in all, and in the very least too, now does introduce to one, Modern/Western Time in itself, and as probably said offering to one, the best of Experiences, and if not of Ideas too in particular, and as versus that said African too that is.

In having said that, is to now speak and of the African Experience, and as now said too, diminished in its ways, and if not tainted too, and in speak too now, and of 'Black African' Identity, and of that said Black too that is. That the African (Religious) Experience, and as said in the very least now, to speak too of African Communal life, and in further speak and of many an Idea, and as said generated, and as furtherly said defining life in all, and that is believed in all even to make for a life, Abundant, Plentiful, Bountiful, Productive, Copious, Rich, Ample etc. in its ways in all, is to now too, say it all tainted in its ways that is, the African Experience, and in speak of many a said now, Debate perhaps, and of the said Use/Role or Relevance too, and of African customs, traditions, titles, history, invention/discipline, rites. rituals etc., and in helping in all, make truly better, African lives that is. All this said too, and in speak now too, and of what 'Black African' Identity, is believed in all even to embody, for it is an Identity in all, and that does in all even speak too of Africans, and as in all even said practising that is, Corruption, Bribery and if not Extortion in itself too that is. That 'Black African' Identity in all, is in all even said, to speak and of it all not conforming truly, and to African Identity, and Identity too, African, and that is in all even simply said grounded in all, and in speak too of African Social/Traditional Games that is [and if not of African Norms/Mores too that is].

It is that Identity though, and that is said Black, and that is in all even believed, said the most harmful of them all. For it is an Identity, simply said in all, to speak of Tokenism in itself, and as with it all even now, said truly harming in all, African Organization in itself, and in saying the least of it all that is, and in speak now, and of what they do term Nepotism for instance.

African Blood

African Blood.

The complexities in all, and of what does pass for African Identity that is, does in all even continue to Haunt most today. For African Identity, is in all even simply often said today, still very much tied and to speak of Slavery, and if not of Colonialism too, and in further speak too, Physiognomy/Physiology that is, and as versus speak of Phenotype truly that is. In saying that, the end result, has in all even been, speak and of what African Identity, is said to be, and in regards to speak and not only of Race or Creed (and as often said African History in itself), speak now truly though, and of Skin Colour that is, and of Modern History too in all, and which now does in all even refer, and to those too often said mixed-race, mulatto, creole, coloured, half-caste etc.

In all, what is been said here is that, the very question in all and of what African Blood is said to be, does very much appear to be a highly contentious issue/matter to many, and in speak now and of what does in all even pass for Disguise, Illusion or Deception too, and in further speak now too, and of life and as primarily in all even viewed, and from speak of Masks, or of Visages (Shakespeare) too that is.

That the above in all, does truly speak and of what does pass for the African Experience, and outside Africa too, and in speak now too, and of History, and as said too Human in all, and as said referring to speak truly of Intention, Disguised, and in further speak now and of the said too, term/word, and of Volubility too that is.

In saying that, the Egyptian World in all, does not ground life in itself, and in speak of Blood truly, is to now associate Egypt in all, and with speak now too, and of Breathe that is, and if not in speak of the Heart, and of the Solar Plexus too that is. The African Universe or World though, does in all even ascribe in all, and to different notions, and of what life is believed said to be, and as with it all even grounded in all, and in speak, and of Blood in itself too that is. That those said possessing certain Blood in all, do in all even have certain said Experiences, readily made a part of them that is [and in now associating the Slave Experience in Africa, and with those too said of Yoruba Blood that is, and if not that said Nubian too].

In having said that, is to speak too, and in regards to speak of Volubility for instance, and of the very fact that, African Blood in all, is believed said to speak and of Experiences in all again, and that do in all even refer and to the following: Baptism, Imbuement, Blessing, Anointing, Exaltation, Hallowing, Beatification.

The reason though, that the above is in all even spelt out, does in all even have to do, and with the said complexities, and of the Slave experience for instance, and in the Americas too that is. For it in all, is said Experience, often viewed, and from a rather Political situation in all, and that does speak too of Breathe and of the Heart, when in all, it does speak truly, and of African Blood that is. That those having African Blood in all, and as said associated with the above best said here, Chrisms in all, now do have to them, a view of the World, and that does not in all even speak of Victory, but in all ways even, and of the Victor truly that is. That this in all, now does speak too, and of Intelligences in all and so to speak, often truly associated and with speak of Blood that is (and in speak and of the very term in all, and of 'Blue Blood' too for instance), and a term/phrase too, 'Blue Blood', best said associated, and with speak too of Jesuits that is.

However, there are those, who would truly say, that those who do in all even readily attack African Ways of living in all, are not readily acquainted in all again, and with African perceptions in all, and of Defilement, Contamination, Pollution etc., but that in all again, all this too, said a History, European, and that does in all even speak of White Blood, and as versus that said African too, but in speak of the Americas in all, and of the United States of America too, the very History of Freemasonry in America, believed in all even, to refer, and to speak too surprisingly enough, and of African Blood that is.

In attempting to make the above though, said now even conspiratorial talk that is, and of African Blood too, clearer that is, is to now tell one that, White Blood today, does in all even speak of the Jesuit tradition and in Europe/Italy too that is, while that said African-American in all (and not Black or Afro-American too), can now too, be said associated in all, and with speak too of the American Jesuit tradition in all, it is in speak now though, and in regards to speak too of Volubility in itself it does appear and to the Blogger, and where in all again, it is said believed that, that Blood said Templar in all, does actually truly speak of Africa that is [and in further speak too of a World today, best said still associated in all, and with speak of Salvation, and not of Recovery/Insurance truly either].



If most in all, were to be asked, just how in all, to go about perceiving life, and in its most fundamental of ways in all, most in all again, would probably resort, and to speak of Metrics in themselves that is [and in speak here too, and of what an Inch is said to be, and not a Centimeter truly either]. However, there is another manner in all, and of viewing life, and that does in all even speak, and of what, a Unit, is simply said to be that is.

That Units in all, are difficult to fathom for most but in speak now and of life and as viewed/perceived as such, and in speak here too that is, and of it all said to speak too of the Human Body in itself, is to now and in all even ground life in itself that is, and in speak too of Signals that is. That Signals in all, are believed in all again, to very much underlie everything that is, and in speak too of Intuition in itself, and if not in further speak too of Technology in itself too that is.

Africa though, is said home, and to a varying belief, and in regards to all this. For while the Egyptian tradition in all, now does associate life and at a fundamental level too, and with Signals, but in speak here too, and of Civilization in South America in all, and just where life in all again, has often been grounded in all, and in speak too of Vibrations that is, Africa on the otherhand in all, does have its own traditions, and that do in all associate life in itself, and with speak of the Pulse that is.

In all again, and in speak too now of Units, while the Signal, can be said to speak too, and of what a Second is truly said to be, and with Vibrations on the otherhand, in all even refering in all, and to a Second, and as it truly is, the Pulse on the otherhand, does ask of one, what in all, does actually Pass, and for a Second truly that is.

Tuesday 19 May 2015

Goree Island

Goree Island.

What Importance/Significance in all, can Africans, be said to place, and on what they do term/call Symbolic Reference that is? To associate it all, and with speak of the African Psyche, and as said too Impaired or Damaged, or Empowered too, is to in all even say the least of it all that is. However, Symbolic Reference in itself, can be said tied down, and to speak of African Cultural Identity, and in speak now too, and of the Cultural Appropriation, and of the Cultural Destruction too, and of African Culture too in all, and in speak here too, and of Invocation too for instance. In speak of such History and as said meeting that Egyptian, speak now too, and of the said Extermination in all, and of the African races too, and as said in all even referring, and to speak too of African Religious Identity, and of the African Religious Experience that is.

Symbolic Reference though, and as said in all even coming to meet Identity, Political, and as said to speak too and of Africa Developing today, is believed in all even, to speak of many a Political Assassination attempt in all, and in speak too now, and of the Empowered, but of the Disempowered truly too, and if not in speak truly and of the very term/word in all, and of Evocation that is.

Wednesday 13 May 2015

African Tricksters

African Tricksters.

Many are aware in all, and of the said intimate connection, and that Africans do in all place, and on African Names, and as said truly a determinant in all, and on the very lives of Africans that is. That speak of African Names in all, are believed said by some, to speak of Evolution in itself, and of the search too, and of the said Innate, Idiosyncratic and Intrinsic, or speak simply/truly and of the Inner nature in all, and of a said Human too that is.

In having said that, is to now dissociate in all perhaps, the very nature of said African Trickster Figures, from those found elsewhere and around the World too, and who do in all, the latter that is, speak now and of Transformation or Change in itself and as it is often said, and as versus speak too of African Trickster Gods in all, and who are in all even associated truly, and with speak and of what some do term 'the Ascendant' that is.

In saying now though, and in regards to speak of the African Oracle, that African Names in all, can be said associated too, and with speak too of the Autobiographical and of the Biographical in all, is to now speak too, and of those who do in all even believe that, African Identity, and in Name too, does often truly go along, and with the bringing of Change in all. That in all again, it does speak too now, and of the attempt by many in Africa, to simply in all, differentiate, or separate, or disconnect truly too, and from the rest, and in speak too now, and of what is believed said to speak or stand for a Human Drama that is [and in speak now perhaps, and of the very name of Shango/Sango too for instance].

However, in speak of African Tricksters, and of 'the Ascendant', and of African Names too, perhaps now speak too, and of it all, and in speak of the African Oracle and fartherly too that is, and as said viewed in all and from speak of the very word/term of Submission that is, and as simply said too, and to speak of African Family/Group Identity/Consciousness in all, and as said defined now and from speak and of the very words/terms of Admission, Permission, and of Remission too that is.

Sunday 3 May 2015

African Thanatology

African Thanatology.

This very entry, now does have to do, and with the very issue/matter in all, or topic/subject too, and of Death that is. That it in all, does very much hold the very belief that, African Religion and as it does in all even stand today that is, does in all even speak truly, and of 'the spirits of the Dead' / 'the Dead', and as versus speak truly, and of Ancestor/Ancestral Worship that is. That it in all, does speak too, and of Africa, and as said a Continent too, and as often said, at Crossroads that is.

In the link/paper posted above, and by one (Proff.) Matthew C. Chukuweleobe, he does in all even mention, and in the Intro. too, that 'the African World', is simply said Becoming that is. Something in all, probably best understood now, and in speak too, and of the very manner in all, Africans, do in all even define Contigency that is. In speak though, and of Africa, and as perceived, and from speak too of Ancestor/Ancestral Worship in all, is to perhaps associate it all too, and with speak and not only and of Africa, and in Conflict, Crisis or even Concern too, but in speak now, and of the very field of Eschatology that is.

This Blog though, does in all even associate itself truly, and with speak of 'the spirits of the Dead' / 'the Dead', and if not of Thanatology in itself too that is. For Thanatology, and as said African too, now does speak, and of the very defining of Africans in all, and in speak truly of Fear, Phobias and Anxiety too that is. In saying that, it all too does speak too of 'the African World', and as simply said Becoming that is, is to in all even define, the African, and in speak now of Indulgence, Gratification, Morbidity, and if not of Stratification too, and as versus speak of the African, and in Craving, and which does in all even refer, and to an African Eschatology that is.

In a previous post (Link), the very word of Viscosity, was now said tied, and to speak too of African Identity that is. In saying that it did speak of one and in Friction, Social too, is to now not only refer, and to the very world too, of African Charms and Amulets that is, but in all again, now does speak too, and of the very manner in all, Africans, do in all even view, the very origins, and not, their very origins that is, and of life in Africa that is. That this in all, now does speak too of 'the spirits of the Dead', and as with it all even said to speak now, and of the very first of Africans, and in helping give birth/life in all, and to the Continent that is, now said too, and to engage, and in a Drama and of a kind that is. In saying that Drama in all, and as versus Theatre too, is something truly African (and with the latter often believed simply said Egyptian that is), is to now speak too, and of what is believed said African, and of Greek Civilization that is, for Africa in all, it is believed here, is very much home, and to World Drama in itself too that is.

In saying that, speak of Viscosity, and of African Drama in all, now does speak too, and of respecting the very Opinions in all, and of those who did in all even pave the way, and in making life a said reality in all (and in speak too now of accommodation that is), and in Africa (and as with it all even said and to speak of the very moniker in all, and of 'the Africans' too that is), is to speak now of alternate Theories of life in Africa, and that do speak too of 'the Dead', and as said to refer, and to Hybridity/Hybrid Theories, and in speak too of African Resistance in the very least that is. Resistance too in all, and as said to speak, and of the often said Harsh Realities, and of Africa life, and as said to refer to speak too of Disease, Health, Sickness, Illness and of the often said Developed nature and of African Medicine too, for it does in all even refer, and to speak too of 'the Dead', and in speak of them too that is, and in Belief that is (and not Opinion either), for in speak of 'the Dead' in all, is to speak too, and of the very moniker in all, and of 'the African' that is, for it does in all even speak too, and of the very belief that, Africa, is believed said home to World Mythology in itself, but with it all truly said, and to speak and of Africa in Egypt that is [or of Egyptian Religion, and as believed said truly Africans in its ways/manners in all].