Friday 27 February 2015



Many in Africa, probably have a hard time, explaining to many, and on being asked, what it does Mean, and to be African that is. That in all, it does now speak and of the very attempt, and in explaining, why many a thing in all, does happen as it will, or speak too in all even perhaps, and of the African Experience, and as simply said sought out that is. That while many in all, might associate all this, and with speak of Family Duty, Role or Responsibility, Viscosity on the otherhand, does in all even it is believed here, speak of the very manner/way in all, Africans, do in all even perceive Purity, and away too, and from speak of the Hybrid that is. That Viscosity and in many a way, and as said referring to Friction in itself, and in speak of the African Experience too, does differ and from speak of the Hybrid, and which does in all even associate the African Experience and with speak of Taste in itself that is. In all though, Viscosity, and as said meeting the African Oracle, and in speak now, and of what some do term Heuristics that is.