Sunday 29 November 2015

The Psychodrama

The Psychodrama.

When we do in all, speak of the Psychodrama, we can in all too, say it best equated, and to speak too, and of what they do term 'the Pathology of Disease'. That Disease, and in its cure, is said now, and to very much take, said Individual dimensions, and in regard, and to its said Diagnosis that is. That Disease in all, dos very much shape us, and in said Individual formations that is, and in now too claiming that, not only is it known that, Africa, is believed said Disease ridden, but that the said Disease, and as said too, very much defining and of many an African life, and as said too growing up, now too, can be said none other, and than that, they do term Migraine that is.

In having said that, the above that is, the said now, belief here that, the African Oracle, does in all even support the very said view, that life, and in Africa, can too, be said equated, and to speak, and of the said search for Solace in itself, and if not Solitude too, and as said too defining of one, and in Experience or Memory in itself too, and if not in speak truly, and of what they do term, a Psychodrama that is.

Monday 23 November 2015



When we do in all talk of Margins, we are in all even said to speak of, what is said an Error, and not what too, is said too Mistake, or Warning that is. That the Margin, and in Error too, can in all even be said, to refer, and to speak and of the Proverbial, the Mechanical, or of the Technical too that is.

In speak here though, and of Marginalization, and of the African Oracle too, is to not only speak and of those readily said excluded in all, and from speak too of Political life that is, but is to in all again, readily associate it all, and with speak and of what they do term Discourse, Political, Social or Civil too, and as said in all again, to speak, and of the Margin in itself, but that in speak and of Africa and as such, is to now equate, the said Subject, or said Topic too, or said even Matter that is, and of Discourse, and with speak and of Death in itself that is.

Friday 16 October 2015

The Cause

The Cause.

This entry, can be said a follow-through, and to the previous entry, and on Culture Shock that is. That it all, this entry, now too, does deal, and with speak and of said even, African, and Black Identity (and in said comparison, and to speak of African presences too), and in South America, or Brazil truly. That Africa, and in speak too now, and of African Identity, and as said too, entangled or enmeshed, and not matching either, said Identity in all, and to be seen outside Africa that is, could in all even be said, to speak, and of what too, a Popular Vote, is said to be all about, and if not in speak, and of what Popularism, and if not Africanisms, are too simply in all, said to be all about.

That in all, the unknown belief that, African Identity, and outside Africa too, does actually speak of entanglement, or of the enmeshed too, and not of Equality truly either, while speak of the Caribbean and of Culture Shock too, the very belief that, speak of a said African Make-up/Profile, does too actually speak and of the Caribbean, and in said comparison, and to what an African Aesthetic, is simply said to be all about. However, what too can be said is that, in speak of Brazil, or of South America too, and as often said truly racist in all, and towards those said African, and if not Black too, is to now say that, such said groups in all, said African too, and in South America, and Brazil, do not in all even, speak truly of African presences, and as most often are made to believe, but have in all even, evolved, and to speak too and of African, and Black Identities, and which do in all even lead, and to speak and of what, a Political, and Social, Cause, are too in all, said to be all about, and respectively said too that is.

Culture Shock

Culture Shock.

When we do in all, speak of Culture Shock, we can now too, be said, and to approach it all, and from speak of Fundamentals that is. That Consciousness, is believed said to arise, and in Egypt, but does in all even come to be said defining, and of many another Civilization out there, and in now equating it all, and to speak too of an American Consciousness for instance, and if not and of that which does too speak, and of Islam, Jerusalem, or of Buddhism too that is. However, not all of the World, does in all even adhere, and to what Consciousness, is truly said to be, for Europe in all, has often been said Revolutionary, but in speak of Italy, and in Consciousness, said to speak and of Renaissance, while in speak of Africa, speak now truly, and of the Evolutionary that is.

In now though, saying that, Culture Shock, can in all even be said approached, and from a said Global, International, Worldly, or a said even African Consciousness too that is, is to now equate it all, and to the said Slave Experience, and of said African Slaves, and in the Caribbean too that is. That African Slaves, and on arriving in the Caribbean, does in all even now, have to face it all, the Experience at hand it can be said, and from speak too of Culture Shock, and in Adaptation too that is. In now saying that, what they do often term Slave culture, and in the Caribbean, has evolved along such said lines, and of what Culture Shock is said to be (or in speak too, and of what many a said Barrier, Obstacle, (Emotional) Wall, Hurdle etc. are in all even said to be), is to now too though, claim that, Caribbean Culture, has in all even come to be defining, and of the said too Canadian Experience, and in saying too that, most who do travel and to Canada, and find themselves incapable in all, and of simply adjusting to life in the place, do in all even have to face it all, or approach it all too, and from speak too and of Culture Shock, and as said too here, and to speak of the History of the Caribbean in itself, and of the said too Afro-Caribbean Experience, and if not from speak of the said Ambivalent nature, and of the Canadian too that is.

Saturday 26 September 2015

The Lining

The Lining.

It is believed said, that the Egyptian Temples of 'lore', were in all even ruled over, and by those, simply said too, to in all even possess, DNA, and that would too, talk of a Spirituality, and that is said too, to speak and of the Dinosaur that is. That in saying too that, the Dinosaur, does too speak and of the Lizard in Egypt, is to now too say that, when we do talk, and of said advanced societies in all, and with said too advanced Technology to them for instance, African, and in Africa, is to now too talk of Lizards, Iguana, African, and in now simply asking of one, and of what a/the Lining, is said to be [that it all too, does speak and of a said African Technology that is, and of what too, is said is].

Wednesday 23 September 2015

The Egyptian Oracle

The Egyptian Oracle.

This entry, will in all, introduce the reader, and to what one could too term, the Egyptian Oracle that is. For Oracles, and as said too Greek, do in many a way too, speak of Africa that is, and in a said too, Contextual manner in all. That while it was said, and in a differing post too (Link), that the Egyptian Oracle, does in all even speak of Aim in itself (and of the Egyptian Cobra too), the Egyptian Oracle, can too simply be said to speak, and of what Rule is said to be, and in said comparison, and to speak of Regulation that is [and which too, does speak of the African Oracle in itself].

In now too saying that, there is more to this, is to now speak, and of the very manner in all, and in a said distant manner too, that the Egyptian World, has in all even come to shape, what is believed said to speak of the Human, for what too, they do in all call/term Cognition, or speak too of Physical Views in themselves, are too, simply in all even believed said Egyptian that is [and in said speak here too, and of the said birth of Tyranny, and in the World, History, and as we do know it too that is].

That in saying that, the above does too speak, and of the Egyptian Oracle, and as said to speak of Aim in itself too, is to now too say that, the Egyptian Oracle, can too, be said to have its said roots, and in speak and of what they do call/term, the '1000 and One Nights' that is [or of the Alf layla wa-layla, and of the Arabian Nights too that is]. For in speak of Africa, the 1001 Nights, are too said Fable, but what we are trying to say here is that, the Arabian Nights in all, and as said truly having Egyptian origins, does in all even actually speak of Culture, said too African that is, and in speak of the Fable that is, but does in all even and again, speak, and in a said Romantic stance here too, and of the very manner in all, the Blogger here, does attempt to view Africa, and as said even savage or primitive in its ways too in all [that Africa, and in Imagination that is, is now too simply said Fable, and that does too speak of the 1001 Nights that is].

In saying that, the 1001 Nights, are ruled over and by the Ruling, is to now too claim that, the said roots of the Egyptian Oracle, do in all even speak of the 1001 Nights that is, but, what we shall in all even say here, is that, the African Oracle, does too, attempt to free one, and from what too does pass for a said Tyranny here, and that does speak and of what Cognition, Physical Views too, and if not said Logic that is, are, for what it too can be said is that, most don't truly see or comprehend, the very manner in all, the World, is said in all even grounded, and in speak of Views, Physical, and that do too simply speak, and of Egypt in itself that is.

The African Oracle:

Thursday 10 September 2015



In now associating, this very Blog, the African Oracle, and with Evolutionary talk, is to now too speak and of a Line crossed (DNA), and of a Line drawn (RNA), and in said speak too now, and of the very term/word of Transcribing, and as said too, to speak, and of the very Spirituality, and of the African Oracle that is.

Sunday 6 September 2015



The best said here, acronym above, and of TOE (T-O-E), is in all even said to speak, and of the said Theory of Everything. That it all too, now does speak and of the said Intent by some, to in all even uncover it can be said, the said Secrets of the Universe, or of the Cosmos too, but with it all too, said perceived or deciphered in all, and in speak and of what some too, do term a Grand Unified Theory (GUT) that is. In saying though, this entry has nothing to do with GUT, is to now too say it all, GUT that is, to in all probably speak and of the Undeciphered, and of the Undefined too that is. TOE though, or T-O-E, is believed said different, or said to duffer, for T-O-E in all, can too be said, to speak of Africa, and with GUT too, said too here, Egyptian that is, for T-O-E in all, does in all even it is believed here, speak, and of what Regulation in itself, is simply said to be, and as said too perhaps, embodied, and in a Name too that is.



If it can be said, there does truly exist, a said Worldview, and that does too, support the African Oracle in itself, is to now too, not only speak and of the very said term/word of Intent, but in all again, speak now truly, and of what the Nascent, is simply said to be that is.

Friday 14 August 2015



The very name or term truly, and of Kismet, can too, be said readily acquainted in all, and to speak of Egypt that is. That Kismet in all, now too, does speak and of the very manner in all, the African Oracle, does too, perceive Egyptian Civilization, and as said Ancient too. That Kismet, can too, be said associated in all, and with lots of talk, and that does in all even refer, and to speak of Chickens/Cockerels, and if not of said pejorative speak, and of whom in all, the 'Funky Chicken', is said to be.

That in attempting to address this all, speak too now, and of that said age-old question, and that does in all even attempt to ask, or answer too, 'What in all, did come first?' 'the Chicken or the Egg?' That it all too, and in speak of Lines crossed, or drawn, now does too, attempt to ask, what are said believed the said true roots in all, and of Egyptian Civilization, and in now too saying that, Ancient Nubia, did in all even associate itself, and with speak of Grain, and of the Granary too, and in regards, and to speak too of Festival in itself that is.

The second of these, and in speak of displaced Views, and of changing Positions too, now too, does attempt to answer or ask, and of simply why, the Chicken, did cross the road that is. That she actually did, is not what is often openly acknowledged, but, what can be told here, does in all even say that, while talk of Kismet, does in all even hinger too, and in speak of the African Oracle, is to now and in all say that, the Egyptian Oracle, is too said to be real, and is to said even acquainted in all, and with speak of the Cobra, and of what too, Aim in itself, is actually said to be [for Aim, is not often believed said to speak of Instinct, or of Intent too that is].

Thursday 13 August 2015

African Lizards

African Lizards.

When one does think of African Festivities, Festival, or of Celebration too, and in regards and to speak of the African Oracle too, let it all go along and with a Shout or two, and if not of a said Scream too, and that does in all even refer, and to speak too of African Lizards that is.

Wednesday 5 August 2015



This entry, will in all even deal, and with speak too of Social Organization. That it too, will attempt to claim that, what they do term Boundaries, Borders, Limits, Outliers etc., and in African culture today too, is said too, best envisioned in all, and from speak of Social Organization, and not that said Political either, and in speak too now, and of what does pass for an African Worldview, and as said too, and to speak too of Pictographs/Pictograms that is.

This entry though, will attempt to speak of the said Nigerian, Lagos based Music Channel/Station, Soundcity, and as said home too, and to a said even trendy, African Visual Arts Industry that is. That what is been said here is that, the Music Video, and as said too African, and not American truly either, now does in all even speak, and of a said manner in all, and of perceiving or defining, what too can be said termed African Cognition that is, and Cognition too, and which does too, speak of 'Ways of Knowing', or does speak even of Making-out many a thing (Discern, 'Figure-out', Recognize), and in speak too now, and of the said even here, mapping-out of Canada, and in saying too that, those said Canadian, can too be said associated, and with a Media, and which, and from a said even African perspective, is said too Egyptian, for those said Canadien, are in all even said too, African, and in this regard, while those said Canuck, are said too North American in all, and with a fourth group, said now too, Royal Canadian, and in further speak too of the term/word Dynasty, and of Family, and in the United States of America too, and of said even Powerful Ranch owning American/Canadian Families for instance, and who are too even said somewhat, South Asian in their ways that is [for it is the South Asian World it can be said here, and that does acquaint speak of Buddha, and in sameness/equality, and with many another said God, and as said including speak too of Jesus that is].

In all, what can been said here is that, the African Music Video, does instill in one, 'Ways of Knowing' it can be said, and that does speak of the above, but that in all again, and in regards and to speak of Social Organization, not only does the making of a good, or great Music Video, African, it is been said here, speak of one and as said possessing, certain skills or talents, and in the said Packaging of many a thing, and in speak too of a Business that is, and that could be said to transfer, and to speak too of Wealth Generation, and that does in all even mirror talk in all, and of what they do term/call Contemporary America that is [that Contemporary America, does not speak of Modern or Urban America truly, for the latter two, do in all even speak of the American Music Video that is]. 

However, and in trying to enforce a point here, is to now too say that, first off, this Blog does advocate, Canada, and as simply said better in all, and for the African, and in speak of a said 'African Way of life', for the United States of America, does possess, a said here difficult, History to it, and that does in all even directly, associate speak of Africa, and with speak too of American Political Interests that is. However, what is been said here is that, said Political Status or Identity, and in the United States of America, is believed too simply said tied down, and to that said Federal too, and not that said National truly either, but in saying too that, the American Way of life, is too said grounded, and in speak of Family in itself, and if not of Family Networks, and in speak too of Agency here, is to now fartherly say that, those in Africa, said simply in search, and for opportunity in the United States of America, could in all even readily find it, and in speak of said Identity created, and that does speak too of Kinship that is, for Kinship, is something believed said truly African in its ways (for the Egyptians in all, do in all even truly define themselves, and in speak of Kin/Kindred), but in speak of Potential, and of said unforeseeable opportunity too, African Kinship, does in all even translate, and to speak too of Contemporary American Media that is.

Contemporary America:

Tuesday 4 August 2015



When one does in all even think Technology, and the African Oracle, is to now too, simply think Dots, and Points, and of said Connectors in between [and in speak too now, and of Vectors for instance].



When we do speak of Foolery in all, we are too, referring, and to the said even, Spirituality, and that is said associated, and with speak too of the very Tales of Br'er Rabbit / Uncle Remus too that is. For these Tales, are in all even believed, to house to them, certain said Alchemical Underpinnings, and which do in all even associate the African Experience, and in Canada, and with the said term/word of Foolery, or speak too of the United States of America, and of Tomfoolery too that is. In all, speak here too, and of Bluegrass Music for instance, but in saying that, these very Tales of Br'er Rabbit / Uncle Remus, do in all even fit within the African Oracle, is to now associate it all, and with certain said antecedents, and that do in all even underlie, the African Oracle in itself, and that can in all even be said summarized, and in speak only of one said term/word that is: it said too the term/word Here that is (and in further speak here too, and of Offering, and of Sacrifice too that is).



This entry, does in all even presuppose, and to in all even claim that, what they do term Fight, and if not speak too of the Martial, and of the Martial Arts too, do in all even carry in all, or hold or possess too that is, a said even, Logic to them, and that does equal, match or even surpass too, that said to speak of Science, or of Art too that is. That this Logic, is not understood by most, and in speak too now and of most, not simply knowing, what Violence, is simply said to be, or in speak too, and of what does pass for Insult, Harm or Injury too that is.

In now associating Freefight, and with the African Oracle, and if not in speak too of the African Wrestling Circle/Ring, is to now too, speak of the said too, American Fighting Artforms, African-American too, and of 'Catch as can catch', a Wrestling Artform, and if not that of 52 Handblocks too that is. That both these Artforms, are said even falsely believed by many, truly African, when they in all, can too, be placed and within many a said Egyptian context that is. That what is been said here, and in speak of Freefight too, is that, these Artforms, are said too, grounded in all, and in speak of Awareness in itself, and if not in speak of Conscious States too, and in speak too now, and of what is believed said to pass for Demonstration, and as said too, grounded in all, and in speak of Proof that is.

Freefight, is too though, found/seen in all, and in Capoeira that is. It too though, is believed said even somewhat Egyptian in its ways in all, for Freefight and as said Capoeira, and in speak too of Proof, and in Demonstration, is known to lie, and in the said too Capoeira/Candomble Concept of Exu, and as said to simply speak too of the said term/word of Force that is. However, what is been said here is that, and in regards to speak of the African Oracle too, a said even African Freefight form in all, and as said too, possessing its own said Logic, and in speak of what does pass for Demonstration that is, does exist, and as with it all even made out, and in speak now truly, and of a said Traced Line that is, and one too, said traced in all and without any said stops to it all, or Intervals too, and in speak now too, and of what is said to serve for the Underpinnings to it all, and not speak of Proof either that is [that Underpinnings, do in all even speak and of said unknown or unseen Forces in all, and as said too part of it all that is].


of Broadcast.

Many a said African, have in all even truly, heard of the term/word of Broadcast that is. For most though, a said loss in meaning, and with speak now of equating it all, and with speak of Technology too, but in now saying too that, Broadcast, is said a term ancient in its ways in all, is to now too, speak of the Middle East, and of the very said fact that, History in the Middle East, is said even tracked in all, or said recorded too, and in regards and to speak of Broadcast, and as simply said even an everyday tradition in all, and in the Middle East too that is.

When one though, does in all even think Broadcast, and of the African Oracle too, is to now too, view it all, and from speak too of the African (Wrestling) Circle [Ring] that is. That what is been said here is that, this  all is said what, does constitute and for a Broadcast culture, and in regards and to speak of the African Oracle too, and in now truly attempting, to associate it all, and with speak too of a said even African Pedagogy that is. That Broadcast, and in speak of the African Circle in all, of Circles, the Moon, African, the Circular, is now used in helping, learn it can be said, and of what does constitute for problem-solving in itself, and not in speak truly, and of actually, solving problems that is.

That in helping make all this too clearer, is to now too, associate speak of the Circle, and with speak too of the Capoeira Roda for instance. That unknown to most, the Capoeira Roda, is not actually truly African, but can be said Egyptian, for the Roda in all, does attempt to help teach one, how to solve many a said problem, and in a said even, abstract manner too in all, and via speak of Example that is. That Example, is believed said even truly Egyptian, and in Pedagogy, for Africa in all, is believed said even ruled over, and by the Lesson, and in speak now and of what does pass for Markers/Identifiers, and in just about any said given Situation too for instance. In having said this, of Example and Lesson, is to now too say that, most of the World, is in all even guided, and in speak of Pedagogy, and by speak too of the 'Line of Thought', and of the Direct/Indirect, and in Reference too, and if not anf of what they do term in Italy, the Modus Operandi that is.

In saying that, the African Oracle, does differ, and from the rest, is to now associate such a said Pedagogy in all, and that does speak of the African Oracle that is, and with speak truly, and of Trial-and-Error in itself that is. That this in all, is believed said to speak, and of what too is believed said to speak of the Initial, the Start, or the Beginning too, and as said too paramount and to the rest, for it all does not only speak too and of what does pass for a Line drawn, and of a Line crossed too, but in all again now, speak truly, and of said even, ever-changing Perspectives, Views and Lens too, and in regards now, and to speak and of what does pass for an African Pedagogy, and if not of the African Circle/Ring, and as with it said symbolic too, and in having all said Present, as simply said as one too that is.

In all, speak of an African Pedagogy, and in regards and to speak of the Circle/Ring, African, and as said even encompassing, talk of Call-and-Response, talk of Salutation, talk of the Equidistant, or of Equal force/showing that is, talk of Casting (and if not of Technique too), talk of Bartering etc., and in now too associating, the African (Wrestling) Circle in all, and with said Theatrics/Dramatics, and that do in all even speak truly, and of just whom/who in all, one is said to be, and in the said Act too, and of solving any said problem too that is.

In all, and finally, while speak of Broadcast, and in Africa History, does in all even go along and with speak of Egypt, and in speak too of the Egypt of the Pharaohs, or of said 'Egypts land' too, in more recent Times, Broadcast, and in Africa, now said too South African, and in speak of said even African Progress, and in defining oneself, and as said Human too, but in now too saying that, South Africa is not of said paramount significance/importance and to Africa, and in regards to all this, is to now truly say that, African Broadcast, is simply in all even truly said believed Nigerian that is.

Sunday 2 August 2015

Canadian Council on Africa

Canadian Council on Africa.

This entry, will attempt, or does attempt to in all, claim that, Africa's attempts at making a true Headway, and in the said arenas/areas of Business, Trade, or even Intellectual Property Development too, and not Development truly either, and as most do know it too that is, Infrastructural, does in all even lie, and in Africa's said relations in all, and with Canada too, and not in speak truly of the United States of America either, or of Europe too that is. That in speak of the United States of America, and in regards to all this, speak now too, and of what does pass for the Quotient, but in speak of Europe/England, speak now and of Indexes/Indices, for what one in all, could term Canadian Business that is, does too best speak of Ratios/Rations, and in a said here, further comparison and to the rest of the World, and simply where, speak of Business, does in all even refer, and to speak of Percentiles that is.

Friday 24 July 2015

The Whisk

The Whisk.

The Whisk, and with it all too, simply said to speak, and of simply where the African Oracle in all, does actually truly meet, the said African Religion in all, and of Voodoo too that is.

Tuesday 21 July 2015

Efun Chalk

Efun Chalk.

When we do in all, speak of Efun Chalk, we are in all even, referring, and to said manner in all, and of viewing the African Oracle, and as said too, very much Sacred in itself that is. That this in all, now does too, speak of the very manner in all, the African Oracle, does in all even perceive what they do term Mediums, and if not Media in itself too (and as said too, 'all there is'). 

That in getting straight to the said problem/task here, is to first off, ask in all, and of the very manner that is, those who do ascribe in all, and to the African Oracle, do in all even believe, to speak, and of what in all again is said, (1). the Shortest Line, (2). the Thinnest Line. In many a way too, while the latter said, does speak of it all perceived, from a said Talking format, speak now too, and of the Telling format, and of what in all again, is believed said, the Point-of-no-return. Finally, and as with it all even said to speak of a said Timely format, what in all again, is believed said, a Line in itself, and one too, not said short, long, lengthy, thick etc.

That the pondering of these/such things, does in all even open one up, and to what the African Oracle, is said to be, and in a said even Metaphysical sense, and as versus speak now, and of all it all even said, Theoretical in its ways that is.

Monday 20 July 2015

Tom Hanks

Tom Hanks.

New Jack City

New Jack City.



This very entry, now too, does speak on, and on what does pass for Retribution, and in African Culture too that is. That it does in all even attempt to claim or say that, those who are in all even said, members, and of the Igbo-Cameroon Humour (Cultural) Complex that is, are in all even said different too, and from other said African people that is. For the said Igbo-Cameroon Complex, is in all even said home truly, and to the Title of Awo that is.

That in speak of Retribution, and of the African Oracle, speak now too, and of the Violation in itself, and in regards and to speak of the African Wrestling Circle/Ring for instance, and in speak now too, and of Retribution, and as said even perceived and from speak of the African Oracle, and as said too and to simply refer, and to the very said many points it can be said, and that do in all make for a Line that is.

That this all, now does too, speak and of a manner in all, and of viewing the African Universe, and as said to speak too of Retribution in itself, in that, it does too ask of us, to not take the said even, nominal or seminal Worldview, and that does too associate Survival on this Earth, and with speak too of the Painstaking in itself that is. That the Painstaking, does too speak of the said technicalities, and of life/Survival, and in now associating failure in itself, and with speak too of Physical Pain in itself that is. The very said Worldview of the Awo though, now too, does tell us that life, can best be perceived, and from speak of the Warning in itself that is. That this in all, does refer, and to the very said manner in all, we should in all even construct, any said Worldview that is, and in now associating any said endeavour, and in ones life, and with speak too of the Warning in itself, and not of the Painstaking either.

Ifa says,

'the lack of Money, is said a disease'

In all, and in now attempting to very much say that, speak of the Warning in itself, now too, does in all even refer, and to speak of a said African Identity, and as said grounded in all, and in speak of the Warning in itself too, and that now does tell us too, that being truly African, does in all even speak of the Igbo-Cameroon Complex, and vis-a-vis speak now, and of the said Egyptian races, the Moor races, the African races, the Indian races, and of the Black races too. That this in all, is believed said even, a said too concrete, Worldview, said African in all, and as said grounded and in speak of the Warning in itself, and if not in speak of Odu too, and of the African Oracle too that is. That in now interpreting in all, Odu, and from speak of the African Oracle, is to now too, associate it all, and with the Warning in itself, and as said to speak now, and of the said Title of Awo, and as said too encompassing, speak of Odu, and of the Igbo-Cameroon Complex that is. That in all again, it too can be said that:

Egyptian races :- Odu
African races :- Divination
Moor races :- Oriki
Indian races :- Ori
Black races :- Verse

That in all, the above, does speak and of the very belief that, the very said Title of Awo, is believed said one to truly hold/possess alot of Power to it, and from a said even Historical context, and if and only if, it is perceived and from the said above framework/Worldview that is, and which does in all even associate, the Igbo-Cameroon Complex, and with the said Successes, and of the above said mentioned peoples that is.



When we do speak of the miscellaneous, we are now too, referring, and to that Identity, said Canadien, or speak too of the French Canadian, but not said Quebecois/Quebec truly either. For Canadien, does in all even speak and of said Native American (Canadian), presences in Canada, and as often termed too Aboriginal, but that in all again, this said Identity, Canadien, does too, translate, and to speak too of said Africaine Identity (Link), and in Africa too that is. In all, the Africaine, and as said to speak of everything, anything, to love about Africa, and in speak now too, and of acquainting it all, and to the said 'twinning' too perhaps, and of the Black/Green Mambas too that is.