Friday 27 February 2015

Shaft in Africa

Shaft in Africa.



Many in Africa, probably have a hard time, explaining to many, and on being asked, what it does Mean, and to be African that is. That in all, it does now speak and of the very attempt, and in explaining, why many a thing in all, does happen as it will, or speak too in all even perhaps, and of the African Experience, and as simply said sought out that is. That while many in all, might associate all this, and with speak of Family Duty, Role or Responsibility, Viscosity on the otherhand, does in all even it is believed here, speak of the very manner/way in all, Africans, do in all even perceive Purity, and away too, and from speak of the Hybrid that is. That Viscosity and in many a way, and as said referring to Friction in itself, and in speak of the African Experience too, does differ and from speak of the Hybrid, and which does in all even associate the African Experience and with speak of Taste in itself that is. In all though, Viscosity, and as said meeting the African Oracle, and in speak now, and of what some do term Heuristics that is.

Tuesday 24 February 2015



This entry, does serve and for the very purpose, and of attempting to in all put, and into a proper context, what does constitute and for Conspiracy talk, and as with regards and to speak of Africa that is. That in speak of Conspiracy and Africa, it can all be said and to refer and to speak too of Egypt now, and in specifically referring here now, and to speak of African Money that is [Link1, Link2], and with it all even, African Money that is, said here now referring, and to the very manner/way, they did build the Pyramids that is. In speak furtherly though, and of Conspiracy talk, and that does span the Globe, and that those in Africa might be interested in, is to now speak too, and of the true meaning and of the American term Bullion that is [Link1, Link2].

This entry though, does have to speak of the HIV Virus, and of Aids too that is. For HIV in all, does not speak in all again and of Aids, but might in all again refer, and to the Swahili term Ukimwi, and as referring in all again, and to Kenya, and as having been said a former HIV/Aids Hotspot that is.

That in all again, what is Aids? Aids in all, has no true direct association, and with speak of Viruses that is, and such as HIV or Ebola too in all [for Ebola in all again, is often said Disease too]. In attempting to defend all this, a said put forward hypothesis too in all, that Aids, does differ and from HIV or Ukimwi too, is to now first speak of the very manner/way in all again, many have attempted to deal, and with Viruses that is, and in speak too of an African Psycho-Somasis in all, and that does in all even ask us to ponder in all again, whom/who in all we are, and with Acceptance, and if not Communications truly [that these two issues/matters in all, Acceptance and Communications, are the very issues/matters and in all again, dealt, and by those having a Virus to them that is]. While, such issues/matters in all, do often speak of Religion in Africa, in speak of Ukimwi now, and which is often termed AIDS too, is to now in all even speak of a Viral Infection, one said serious too, and that does in all even ask of us, to truly ponder, whom/who in all again we are said to be, and with Media that is [that Viral Infections, do in all even speak of the very fact or belief, and that does say that, we are in all said summarized, and by our very Thoughts too that is].

Aids though, does differ. For Aids in all, is often believed to talk of the Congo that is, and does in all even, ask of Africans, to truly ponder in all again, what does stand for or represent for African Intelligence, and in speak too and of the very manner/way in all, Africans, do in all define Localization that is. For Aids in all again, does actually speak of Intelligence, and that said African too. In helping put all this and in a light most would in all perhaps, truly appreciate in all again, is to first off say that, Aids, can be said three things: Ceremony, Politic and Possession too. 

That in speak of Aids and as said Ceremony, the very question now, and of simply how one does in all, 'catch' Aids that is, and as with it all even said to speak of Behaviour, and if not of the Behavioural too, and that does in all even speak, and of what does constitute for African Ceremony that is. In saying Aids is a Politic, is to now say that, in comparison too speak of Ukimwi or HIV too, Aids, it is believed, can be passed from person to person, and in speak too perhaps, hypothetically too, and of minimal contact that is. In speak of Aids and Possession though, speak now, and of the said Yoruba term Elenini that is, and that does speak of one, and as simply said fear-ridden or fear-filled that is. That herein, and in speak of Elenini, we do in all even find, speak of a said Primal Fear/Instinct in all, and that does speak of Intelligence in itself, and in speak now and of the overcoming of such Fear, and as said Primal too that is.

In all, Aids, and as said to truly speak of the Congo, but in speak of the African Oracle, speak now too and of Kenya & Tanzania (the Maasai Mara and Serengeti), and in speak too of SIV, and which in all is actually truly found in Kenya and Tanzania that is, and that does differ from Aids and in some or many a way that is [and in speak too of a life now, and as said grounded in all again, and in speak of the deepest of Laughter that is].



This very entry, does very much have to do, and with what does constitute for said Racial Inferiority, African, and as versus speak truly of African Inferiority that is [and which is often said associated, and with speak too of African Nationalism in all]. That African Racial Inferiority, does in all even it is believed, speak of African Identity, and as often said to speak of Religion in Africa too, and as having to do, and with speak of Congregation in itself that is. That in understanding all this, and all too clearly, is to now speak of Identity in all, and as said too and to speak of Congregation, society, and Society too that is.

That Africans today, and in speak too and of what does stand for or represent for Development in Africa, simply fail to realize, that so termed Western Development, does have to it, its basis/foundation in all, and in speak of society, and if not of Society too that is. In saying that Egyptian Civilization, does have its origins, its rise in all again, and if not speak and of its manifestation/birth too, and in speak of Congregation that is, is to now present a picture in all, and of Africa and as it is, and as said even simply defined, and in speak only of Existences that is. That Egypt and as said Civilization, is simply said to exist as such, in speak of Congregation, but in speak too of society, and of Society too, and as now said referring in all, and of it, Society, and as said Coptic, and Pharaonic and respectively too that is.

In having said that the Western World and in Development, does in all even speak and of society and Society, speak now, and of what is often termed the Knowledge Divide, and between many a said Developed and Undeveloped region and of the World, and that does speak of the very fact that, those said Developed, do actually know what society and Society do truly mean, and in speak too here and of Agency, and if not speak of Group and Individual Consciousness too, and in speak here for instance, and of the said rise and of society and as most do know it, and as now said associating speak of the Western World and with Christianity, and in speak too now and of Jesus and as said Christ too, for not only does Jesus Christ refer and to speak of Africa/Copt. and in Identity, but that in all again, society is in all even said built up, and on the teachings of Jesus, his sufferings and trials, but in speak too of him and as said Christ, speak too now and of society/Society, and as found/seen in Europe and Italy too for instance. In now saying that, Christianity is often not perceived African truly in all, is to now refer and to the said Backward and Inferior nature of the African, and in his said failing to perhaps manifest Existences in all, and that do speak of Human Behaviourism, Media, Politics, Commerce, Technology etc., and that does refer and to speak of society in itself that is. In saying that, most Africans in all, never do perceive the Western World and as it truly is, thinking it all even, said highly discriminatory, is to now attempt to give a perspective of the Western World, and that does refer and to speak of Evil in itself, and that does in all even speak of Europe and in History, and as said associated and with speak of the Freemason, America / North America, and in its rise or birth, and with speak of Secret Societies, but in speak of South America, speak now and of the Prayer House in itself that is.

In reverting now though, and to speak of the Congregation and Africa, is to now associate it all, and with speak of Belief that is. That Society on the otherhand, and as often said American too, now does speak of many a person/people in all, and as said Meeting, Interacting with each other, Bonding, Mating, Exchanging Ideas, fomenting/creating Group/Individual Consciousness, analyzing Trends/Undercurrents, resolving many an Issue/Matter etc., and such that, the very purpose or meaning of it all, is now said to speak and of one and as said having a rather Clear Picture in all, and of simply what in all again, the Future, is believed said to hold, and not simply promise in all that is.

Congregation though, is many a thing, and in speak of it now, and as said Egyptian, now does speak too, and of the said Unevolved nature, and of often said African Existences that is. That in giving basic examples here, Congregation and in Egypt, often associated, and with speak of Cosmology in all, does in all even now speak of it and in speak too of Dynasty, Pharaohs and of Priesthoods too that is. In having said that, speak now, and of the very manner/way Egypt in all, did in all come to influence the World and outside Africa/Egypt too, and in speak too of the Scroll, and as helping give birth and to Congregation, society, and Society in itself, and outside Africa that is. What of the so termed, Egyptian Tribunal, and of Egyptian Humour too, and in speak too now of Egyptian Law in itself, and as all said Congregation too, and that does in all even lead surprisingly enough, and to an Egyptian Freemason Tradition, and that does in all even refer and to Europe's Freemason Traditions, and that does in all even speak of Mozart and in Concert too that is. It is however, and in speak of Egyptian Rattan Sticks, or Hand Staffs too, that one in all now, does come across Egyptian Identity, and in Congregation, and as said referring and to speak of holding Court for instance [and of the Courtly too that is][and if not speak of Italian History too]. 

In all though, the difficulty and in defining appropriate or proper African forms of Congregation, now does in all even refer, and to the Astronomical, and in speak now of Africa in itself, and as perceived and from speak of Heat/Humidity, and as often said to speak of Africa and in Congregation, and in speak too now of the African Iron/Blacksmith that is [and as said too not only a truly Archetypal African figure, but said too in all again, a maker in all, and of knives, daggers, swords etc.]. What of speak of the Rains, and in a said periodic or sporadic fashion too, and that does in all even speak of Africa now, said grounded in all again, and in speak of the African Farmer, and as often said truly prosperous in his ways/manners in all, and as not said only Agriculturalist too, but in many a way too, a Leader, Ruler, Teacher, Law-Maker etc. Finally, speak too of the African Festival/Festivities, and of Africa, and in Congregation too, and as simply perceived and in speak only and of the African Sun, and of the African Moon too that is.

In all, what is been said here is that, Africa today, believed said to have failed and in properly in all, realizing/defining itself, and in speak of Congregation, and in speak now and of simply in all again, presenting or painting in all again perhaps, a Clear Picture, and of what does constitute and for Development in Africa today that is [that despite talk of Africa Developing, and of many a said Wealthy/Prosperous African Farmer / Businessman too in all, the old Order, is believed said to very much still stand that is].

Sunday 22 February 2015

Ghost Dog

Ghost Dog.

African Photography

African Photography.

African Photography, and as with it all even said to speak and of the redefining and of the African State, and in speak too now, and of the African State in all, and in previous Times too, simply said defined in all again, and by speak of War Drums that is. In all, African Photography, and as said adjudged, or truly differing too, and from that said to speak of Spain, Egypt and of the United States of America too that is.

African Communes

African Communes.

This very entry, now does seek to speak, and on what does serve for Self-Esteem in the very least, and in many an African Country today that is. That this in all, does speak too perhaps, and of the very manner/way in all, Africans do define/perceive Poverty, and as with it all even not said Ancestral too perhaps, but in speak now, and of Inequity too that is.

That in speak of Inequity, and of Equity too, speak now and of African poverty, and as not truly defined and by speak of Descent in all, but speak in all again, and of African Identity and as said to refer and to speak of African Diversity, and as now furtherly referring and to speak of African Opinion formation, and if not speak of African notions and of Judgment too that is.

In speak now of the forementionables, African Opinion formation, and of African notions of Judgment too, a disconnect perhaps, and from the past, and in viewing now, African poverty, and as said to refer, and to speak of Monetarism in itself that is [or speak too, and of what in all, Africans today, do perceive and to be of Value, Worth or Merit/Benefit too, and in speak too now of Country too that is].

In this entry though, an attempt to describe in all perhaps, what did in all constitute, and for poverty and in many a way, and in many a past African society that is, and as best said here perhaps speaking or referring too, and to the Igbo-Cameroon Cultural Complex that is [and as with it all even said a Humour Complex too, and one too, and that could be said to differ somewhat truly perhaps, and from that which does speak of the African Oracle in itself, and as now said to refer, and to the Maasai Mara, and the Serengeti too that is].

In starting of now, and on all this, speak now, and of African poverty in all, and in past African societies too, and as defined truly, and in speak of the Authentic and Genuine, and as with it all even said referring, and to past African Kings, Queens and Royalty too that is.

There are those though, and who did in all even refer to or define poverty in all, and in speak of societies, African, and as defining persons in all, and as said worthy in all again, and in speak of society defined, and in speak of Participation, Contribution and (Knowledge) Sharing too that is [Link].

There are those in all again, and who/whom in all do define society, and in speak of poverty too, and of African Gatherings/Bodies in all, and of the Individual or Group formations too that is, and that do in all even arise, and in speak too of African Knowledge Bodies in themselves that is. That in all now, we do in all again see the Politics here, and of Inclusionism and Exclusionism too, and as said marked in all again, and by African Attitudes, and as arising and with speak of changing Customs too for instance [or of the Customary truly too that is]. In many a way too, speak here now, and of the attempt to create Routine life, and in past African societies too, and in speak too now and of an African Media and that does speak of Popularisms/Africanisms in all, and as said now referring, and to simply what in all again, one chooses to Reference in all, and in speak of the Sun, a Tree, a Cat, a Book or speak even and of an Insult too, and in making it in life that is, and in speak too now and of African Art too, or of African Artifacts in all, and as said rather Impressionable in their ways that is.

Fourthly, speak now, and of the very role of Performance, and in African societies, and as merely said not to speak of Entertainment in all, but truly in all again, and of Cleansings too that is. That Performance in African society, is not only said and to take the very form of Theatrics in all, but in all again, and in a said ceremonial fashion too, speak now truly, and of cleansings in themselves that is. That African Performance, and as said Theatrics too, now having a place or serving a function, and at ones Home, at the Workplace, in Schools, in Marriages/Relationships, in Concert etc., and in regards and to simply cleansing many a person, and of many a said Ailment or Malaise too that is. In all, African poverty, and as now defined and from speak of shame/shaming/insult in all perhaps, and as said arising and with speak too of Popular Performance/Theatrics in all, and as said characterized in all again, and by speak too of Ailments and Malaises that is.

In all, and finally too, speak now, and of the above, and as characterized, and by speak of the Commune, African, but that in all truly even, it does speak of it all said functionable, workable or operable too, and in speak now too, and of African Oratorial skills, and as often said to speak and of African Concepts/Ideas of Energy, and as said referring and to feeding a certain person or group, Positive views in all, and of another person or group, the negating of their views in all again, and from speak of an energy feedback mechanism/response in all, and which does in all even speak of the Traditional African Ruler in all again, and if not speak of African Intelligence now, and as simply said associated, and with speak of Oratory too that is.

In many a way too though, and in speak here too perhaps, and of Modern African Government, and of the very fact that, past African notions of Consciousness, and if not speak of an African Consciousness, did in all lie, and in speak of African Oratorial/Oratory skills in all, the very belief that, such African Consciousness, is now in all even said replaceable, and by speak of African Government Media, and if not speak too and of African Advertising that is.

Saturday 14 February 2015

African Views

African Views.

This very entry, will deal, and with the very world, and of the so termed African / Black Social Reformer that is. That the so termed Social Reformer, and not Reformer truly, African / Black, appears in all, and to be somewhat in all again, mystifying, and onto others perhaps, and as they do now in all, cry out for Equality, and in regards to a said stance, and that does not only associate Non-Africans in all, but so termed 'White people' too, and with their in all again experiencing life, and in a manner/way and that does speak of suffering, and in regards and to speak of Treatment in all. In understanding all this better, is to now and in all point out that, South Africa for instance, and in struggle or pain and as presented and in speak of the above, does now in all even speak of it and as said African, Un-African and Non-African too that is [that White South Africans in all, are best termed/called Non-Africans perhaps, and not 'White people' truly either].

In all, the very belief that Non-Africans or 'White people' in all again, do in all 'owe us', and for said past Transgressions, is to in all even perhaps, not acknowledge that, not only does Africa have to it, people, and with said truly varying Traditions in all (and if not Opinions, Views or Experiences that is), and such that, speak of Interpretations and as with regards to all this, and in speak of Slavery or Colonialism too, does appear to truly differ that is. That Slavery in all, is something believed said not appreciated by most in Africa, and in speak too now, and of Kinship systems, and if not Agency/Agents truly either [that speak now and of the said descendants of African Slavery in the Americas, now does speak and of whom/who in all they are, and in Kinship too, and in speak too now of Kardecism for instance and of Emancipation and not Liberation either, but in all again, speak now of Agents/Agency, and as speaking now, and of African Work Identity, and as still very much said to speak of the Labourer/Worker, and not the Apprentice truly either][Link][that in all again, most today don't realize that, in speak of Name/Naming for instance, so termed descendants of African Slavery in the Americas, are able to carry with them, Names of Prestige, or Names too, and that do not speak of Africa in particular that is][that those termed Haitians for instance, have to them in Name, and if not Kardecism too, Names, and such as Jean-Jacques Dessalines, Touissaint L'Overture, Duvalier, Petion etc.].

In all, what we are trying to get at here, and in speak too of Spike Lee too perhaps, is speak of the very belief that, those termed African today in all, do in all even believe in defining life, or interpreting it all too, and in speak of Undertones, and not Overtones truly either. That the so termed African Experience today, and as simply said a mess, does not speak perhaps and as best said here, and of the Blues and if not of the Modern African Poet too, but that in all again, does speak of Undertones, and of the Pitiable, and of the need to be pitied, and not of Pity in itself truly either.

In helping one discern all this or make it all out, and to ones satisfaction, is to now speak of Africa, and from speak too of Overtones and Undertones, and as said speaking of African Identity, and in speak too of Gender, Race, Age  and Class that is [GRAC]. 

That in speak of Gender, speak now and of it all and from the very perspective of Undertones, calling into critic, African Standards of Beauty, and as now and in all even associated, and with speak of African Popularisms too for instance. That in speak of Overtones now, speak too now and of Gender, and as said defined and in speak of Vulnerability for instance.

That in speak of Race, Africans now, and as said too perhaps, and in speak of the Western World too, fashioning themselves and in speak too now, and of Egyptian History for instance, but in saying in many a way, it does refer and to speak of Undertones in all, Africans and as said finding Identity, and in speak of Race, and of Overtones too, now does speak and of whom/who in all they are, and in speak too of Disease/Viruses, and of Evolution, and as perceived and in speak of the Hybrid / Hybridity for instance [and in speak too and of the most perfect of people that is].

That in speak of Class, speak of Undertones now does refer, and to Middle-Class Mentalities, and of Success in itself, but in speak of Overtones, speak too and of the very manner/way those in Africa / Africans, do in all even perceive African Divination in all, and as said to speak and of Familiarity in itself that is.

It is however, and in speak of Age, that one does find that most Africans in all, have no true notions of Age, and in speak of Undertones or Overtones too, but in speak perhaps of African Traditional / Root Beer for instance, and as said to speak of Undertones, and in Age, speak too now, and of Overtones and in Age that is, and as perhaps asking of one, what they do think of Death/Dying, and not Killings either [that Africans in all, today, and as compared to their Ancestors too perhaps, are not believed to have proper notions of Death/Dying, but can be in all even be said (truly) Suicidal that is].


El Anatsui.

When we do speak here and of the name of El Anatsui, we are not only referring and to speak of our perceptions and of our very environs, but speak truly in all, and of our very views/perceptions and of Time, and in speak too and of these said Present Times we do live in that is.

That in many a way, it is believed that Africans in all, do deal and with many a said problem or issue/matter in all, and that does speak too of them, and in regards and to speak of Age, and not Race or Class truly either. That there are those who do in all believe that, while Slavery did in all deal with Race, and Discrimination in all again, and towards those said of African Blood too, and today that is, often perceived from Class in all, Colonialism on the otherhand, is believed to have dealt and with speak of Age that is [and speak too of belittling Africans in all].

In all, while many an African today, does still very much view Development, and from speak too of Class, it is believed in all that, the major struggles that most Africans today do in all deal with, or face, and in Africa too, do not deal with speak of Discrimination and Class in all truly, but truly in all again, and in speak of Age that is [i.e. Africans vs. the Diaspora].

In all, when we do now speak of Age and Africa, speak now too and of Age-Groups, and of the very manner/way in all, Africans, do go through life that is. That for many an African, and in speak too of Decision, Convenience and Masterly, living life out today, might be said a problem of a kind, and in speak now of Lifestyles too, and as said truly defined, and in speak of Decision, Convenience and Masterly that is. That in all again, it does speak Africa in all, and as often said Undeveloped truly, and in speak now of (Political/Social) Structures, Constructs and Paradigms too that is.

In saying that, Africa is believed to have a poor Infrastructure to it, and as with regards to the above, and in speak now too, and of the very decline and of African Royalty that is, and in further speak to here and of changing African Dress/Custom that is, and for that not believed truly beneficial too, is to now and in all even present many a view, and that does speak too of African Royalty perhaps, and in speak too of African Perceptions of Time, and as said referring and to speak of Ageing/Age-Groups that is.


The first of these, does ask many an African, to truly consider whom/who in all they are, and with the Sabbatical that is. The second, does have us pondering, what in all, is said to constitute and for our Child selves, and as we do grow older, and in speak too of African Sexuality, and as said capable of being defined, and at the Child self level, and not in speak either, and of many an Initiatory Rite too that is. The third of these, now does call into question, the very best manner/way, and of defining African Settings, and as said defined too, and by speak of African Age-Groups that is.

[Tolerance and Africa/Time: - Link].

In all though, speak here now, and of El Anatsui too, and as said in all again, and to speak of defining Africans, and in Time, and as perceived primarily in all, and from speak of Physical Backdrops and Physical Backgrounds too, and as perhaps truly in all again, opening one up, and to interesting manners/ways in all, and of viewing African life, and from speak of the Current, and not the Present truly either that is.

Wednesday 11 February 2015



In speaking of the above images, speak now and of Africa and as perceived from speak of Innocence in all, and not Independence truly either.

Marian Worship

Marian Worship.

When we do speak of Marian Worship, we are in many a way too, referring, and to the problematic nature, Psychological, and that does refer, and to the worship of Jesus, and in Africa too that is. That in all again, not all Africans in all, do actually know, and not of 'the Way of the Cross', or speak too and of 'the Sabbatical' in all, and with both said too, said to speak too of Jesus, but in all truly, and in speak of 'Meditating/Meditations on Jesus' that is [and which does in all even speak of the worship of Jesus in Africa that is]. 

That Africans in all, might know and of whom/who in all they are, and in Meditation (and in speak too of the name Chango/Shango for instance), but that in all even, what we are trying to point out and in many a way is that, African Identity, and as often said truly associated and with speak of Artifact or Symbol, is in all even best said associated, and with speak of Marian Worship, and not that of Jesus truly either.

Bije Medicine

Bije Medicine.

(Brazil & Africa)

What they do call Bije Medicine, is often known to differ and from other forms in all, and of Medicine, African too, in that, it is Medicine, that is simply said Medicament, and not that said Medication either that is. That Bije Medicine, is often said too, applied directly and to the Body, Physical, in that, it does in all not attempt to directly Heal, but in all truly, to simply Ease/Relieve one that is.

In all again, Bije Medicine, can be said and to come down and to speak and of only one term: Concern/Care [and as often said Treatment too that is]. That it in all, is often truly associated, and with many an Initiationary Rite, and in Africa too, and in speak now and of the very manner/way in all, many in society, African, do in all even perceive Treatment that is [and as said Condition too, and if not Societal either that is].

In helping one truly understand Bije Medicine, is to now in all even speak, and of what does pass for Political Organization, and as seen around the World too. That speak of the term Political, is often believed said and to speak of the Ethnic, the Native, the Tribal, the Institutional etc. In making all this too clear, is to now in all even state that, History in all, is said recorded in all again, and in speak of it all, and as perceived, and from speak of the Comparative and the Comprehensive too that is [and whether it be Arthurian History, or that said too Islamic that is].

The very world of Bije Medicine though, is often simply said associated and with speak of Political Organization, and as often said to speak and of one, and as said Socialized, or Politicized too that is. In all, Identity created in all now, and as said to very much speak of African Imagery in itself, and not of Art, or of Religion truly either.

Comparative/Comprehensive America:



This very entry, now does have to do, and with speak of the Polemics, and of African Divinational/Oracular systems, and in speak now and of the very question, and of if, the African Oracle, can truly be said legit or valid and in its ways/manners that is. In helping one understand all this too much better, speak now, and of the very fact that, those wishing to Succeed in life, and as according to the African Oracle, are in all ways truly, out to attain Acclaim in all, and not Success truly either.

What though is Acclaim? In speak of Africa, speak now too, and of Lions for instance, and if not of Dashikis in many a way too. For Acclaim in all truly, is not actually attained in all, but is actually Won (over) that is.

In having said that, speak now and of the very manner/way, Man in all, is believed said to perceive himself, and as in all even said Perfect too that is. That Perfectionism and amongst Man, has often too, been associated, and with speak of the two Halves of Man, and as often said to speak, and of the very manner/way in all, most in all again, do perceive Symmetry and Asymmetry too that is.

For those though, and who do in all even adhere perhaps, and to the African Oracle, Perfectionism, and as in all now, coming to be defined, and by speak of Sacrifice, Initiation and Ceremony too that is. That the three in all, and from a said African Context too, are often perceived, and not from speak of Ritual in all, but from speak of Somatic Identity truly that is [and in speak too now of Psycho-Somatic Disease for instance, and of the very belief here that Somatic Identity in all, now does in all even speak of Taboo in itself too that is].

In now speaking of Initiation, Sacrifice and Ceremony, is to in all even speak of it all, and from speak too, and of the African Gods/Spirits, and as often believed dealing and with one said recurring Theme, and in life too that is: that having to do, and with Exposure in itself that is.

In having said all this, now the difficult view that, Spirit Possession in all, and as said too, and to speak of the African Oracle, now said in all again, and as defining us in Absence, and in speak of Spirit Possession, and as simply said Performance too, and Performance in all again, simply said guided and by speak of Religious Imagery/Iconography, and such that, it does in all even redefine us in all, and in Perception in itself, and if not speak of Time too that is. What of Absence though? What does it in all signify, or hold too as of importance in all, and other than speak and of whom/who in all we are, and as said Insecure too, and in Exposure too perhaps, and as said to refer, and to the Politics of Spirit Possession, and as often believed said, and to speak of the Politics of Globalization too for instance [and in speak now and of the said exchange and of many an idea too for instance].

In having said all this, an attempt here and to present Spirit Possession, and as often said a matter/issue of Political Debate, and in speak now, and of said African Gods/Spirits, and those said too, and to speak of the Diaspora that is. That it could all be said, and to speak of Taboo in all, and in basic speak here, and of those who do believe Diasporan in all, Traditions, African, and of Spirit Possession, are believed said legit or valid in their ways in all, and in speak here too, and of Revolution in Haiti for instance, while those said African in all, are believed in all even, and to have fallen by the side that is [and in speak too of Colonialism for instance].

In having said the above, and in speak now and of it said questioning in all, if, African Spirit Possession, is believed actually said real or true, the very belief here that, the solution to all this, does lie and in the most obvious and of Celebrations in all, and as said in all again, and to speak of the Holiday that is [and in speak here too, and of Juneteenth for instance][that African-American Religious Iconography/Imagery, is actually believed said real, but with the African Imagination in all, believed said in all again, captured and by speak of Religious Iconography/Imagery, and that does in all even though, speak of Haiti truly].

In having said this, that those who do in all even adhere and to the African Oracle, do in all even seek out Acclaim, and not Success truly either, speak now, and of it all now simply said to speak of the Dashiki (and as mentioned above), but in speak of lost Traditions too, speak of it all now, Acclaim, and as said associated and with speak of Initiation, Sacrifice and Ceremony, and as referring, and to speak of Psycho-Somatic disease, and not Ritual truly either, and as most do often believe it all to be said to be, in Ritual that is, but in speak of Psycho-Somatic disease on the otherhand, speak now too, and of Ancestral Traditions, Taboo and Totems too that is [that the Africans of today, are believed even said truly displaced in all, and in connecting to ones Ancestors, and in speak now of Ancestral Identity, Taboo, and Totems/Profiles that is].

In now speaking of what does constitute for Initiation, Sacrifice and Ceremony, and in regards and to the African Oracle, and in speak too of a life lived, and in search of Acclaim [and of African Secret/Mystery Schools/Traditions in all], speak now, and of Initiation, and as said truly redefining us in all, and in speak too and of whom/who in all we are said to be, and in speak of Midsts, Presences and Shadows too that is. In speak of Sacrifice, now asking of us to redefine ourselves, and in speak of Possession too, and in a manner/way in all, and that does speak too and of the African Wrestling Circle in all, and in speak of defining ourselves in Perception, and as said to speak of Openings, Charge/Incitement/Excitement, but in further speak too of African Rule too that is [or speak too perhaps, and of the Orisa Religious Tradition for instance]. In speak of Ceremony, and as now said in all, defining us, and as said perpetual/incessant Daydreamers in all again, and as often believed said an African Psycho-Somatic condition, speak too now, and of Acclaim too, and as very much in all even, made out in all, and in speak of Lines Crossed/Drawn, or speak too of Displaced Views and Changing Positions that is.

In all, speak truly now, and of Modern/Western Images/Profiles, and as in all again, making it all too difficult, and for those who do in all even adhere, and to the African Oracle, and in speak now again and of the defining of Perfectionism, and in our very lives too that is.

Tuesday 10 February 2015

Popular Culture

Popular Culture.

This very entry, does have to do and with the belief, and as often said American too, that we are in all often truly simply said, tied (down), and to the very Land in all, we do inhabit that is. That it does in all again, this post, reference, that on the Extravaganza, and in speak too now, and of the religions of Santeria, and Lucumi too, and as said in all truly speaking, and in Wisdom too, and of one and as said tied down in all, and to the very Land they do in all inhabit, and in speak too now and of Heritage, Opportunity, Country, Ceremony etc.

In having said all this, the very belief too that, it is in speak of Popular Culture in all, that we do in all even again, very much appear, and to know and of what goes on in many another place that is. That this in all now, does speak of the very manner/way in all, we do define Wholesome/Wholesomeness/Wholeness, and as with it all even said to speak of the various States in all, and of the Body or Mind too, and as said to speak and of one and as said Awake or Asleep, Alive or Dead, Living or Dead/Gone, Top and Bottom, First and Last etc., and as in now stating that, this is what actually does pass for the defining of Wholesomeness, and in Africa too that is. That all this, does actually become apparent, and when one does in all even factor in, African Expressionisms, Popularisms, or Africanisms too, and as with it all even now, very much talking of, and not only of the Perfect Whole in all, but truly in all again, and of African Spiritism, and as said a World truly, and where the Dead, and those said Alive, are believed said to be in contact with each other (and in speak too of many a Spike Lee movie), and at just about any moment and such that, speak of the Dead and those said Alive, does in all even speak and of one and as said possessing many a Displaced view in all, and in speak of Man, and as simply said spirit too that is [and Displaced views in all, and in speak too now and of Space and as said redefined perhaps, and in speak of Parallel (Ancestral) Realms for instance].

In all, the Music Video, and as said truly even, a Medium, and that does in all even deal, and with these very issues/matters that is.

Monday 9 February 2015

The African Spirit

The African Spirit.

In speaking here, and of the African Spirit, is to now in all even, speak of what is believed said to constitute in all, and in speak here of the term/phrase 'Key Areas' too, and for African Competitiveness that is. That it does in all appear to many a person, that Africa, and as said lagging in all, does have to do, and with it said now failing, and in defining itself, and in speak of Competition, and as often said too, and to speak of the African Spirit that is. That this all, does become rather apparent, and in speak now, and of what is said to stand for or represent for Black / 'Black African' Competitiveness, and as with it all even said now triumphing in all, and over that said African too that is.

In helping one understand all this better, is to in all even perhaps, associate Black / 'Black African' Identity, and with speak too of Competition in itself, and in Advantage, Edge or Strategy, and in many a said key area too, and of Industry that is [that 'Black Africans', or those said Angolan and in demeanour too, or speak too of those said Black, and in speak too of SOAS / Swahili Identity for instance, are believed to in all even define themselves and in speak of Competition too, and that does speak too of 'Black Enterprise' Magazine for instance (and of the Black Billionaire too - Link), and if not speak of Ebony Magazine too (Link), and respectively said too that is].

Africa today though, or speak too of those said African (and outside speak of Egypt and in confluence that is), and as very much said Nigerian and in demeanour too, do in all even define Competition in all, and in speak here of Affinity in itself too that is [see previous post]. However though, Affinity, and as in all, speaking now, and of Africa developing in all again, and in speak too of the African Statesman for instance, and if not speak of many a Collaboration, and that does in all even speak of China today, and in Africa too that is. 

In having said this, and in speak of it all and as said referring and to the African Spirit, and in speak of Competition in itself too, and as said Advantage, Edge or Strategy in all and in definition that is, speak now, and of many a differing manner, and outside speak of the Collaboration too, and in defining Competition, and as said African too that is.

That the first of these, and as with it all even speaking of the very term African-American, does in all even speak of Consciousness too, and in speak of African-Americans in all again, and as said descendant of Slaves in the Americas, does differ from speak of other said African Slaves in the Americas, in that, African-Americans in all, do in all even appear African, while, speak of the Caribbean, does in all even appear and to speak of 'Black African' Identity that is. In all, the very belief that, Competition now, is said defined, and by speak of Global, Worldly and International Consciousness that is, and as said to refer in all again, and to speak too of Trends and Undercurrents, and as said in all even inspiring Industry/Media that is [that African Intellectualism, can be said to inspire, many a Trend, and in Industry and if not society too, and in speak too of the known world of African Policy Makers in all, and if not of African Advisors, Researchers and Investors too, and as said now to speak of African (Confidential) Intelligence, and not of African (Confidentiality) Leadership truly either that is].

The second of these, now does speak of Africa, and as often said, to speak of the rise of a whole New Civilization, and in speak too of Egypt, and as often referred to, and in speak and of names/terms and such as Kerma, Kemet, Kush, Nubia, Meroe etc., and such that, it does in all even now speak of said Western Civilization, and of the Westerner too, and as said in all even believing that, the hopes of Western Civilization (and as said Republican, and in speak of the name of Nero too), and in speak too of it all and in Spirit that is, and if not Competition too, does in all even actually speak of Africa, and as said serving as an inspiration, and in speak too and of truly redefining the World in all, and in speak of Aesthetic, Taste, Standards of Beauty, Promise, Moment/Time, Humour etc., and as compared in all again, and to speak of Asia that is. That Africa in all, could very well come to simply take-over, so termed Western Civilization, or speak of the Westerner and as said Identity, and in speak too of what some do term Egyptocentric, Eurocentric or Afrocentric Thought, and in further speak too now, and of the very best manner/way, and of perceiving in all, Continuum, and not Time and in Consciousness truly either that is. In many a way, while many have associated South / Southern Africa, and with speak of Western Civilization in Africa, there are those who do believe, and as said French too, that the Sahel/Saharan region of Africa, does actually speak of the future of Western Civilization that is [and as with it even said Marabout too for instance].

What of speak of IFA? For most in Africa, do in all even know of the troubling History of the IFA Religion, and as with it in all even now, said to arise in Myth, and in speak of Obatala or Orunmila too, but that in all again, and in truth too, the very origins of IFA, are believed in all even said unknown that is. In helping one understand all this, is to now in all even associate IFA, and as said African Religion, and with speak too of Ancient Egypt that is. That in speak of Egypt as such, speak now, and of IFA, and as often associated and with the names of Esu-Odara or Ori-san-la / Orisa-nla too, and as with it all even referring, and in speak of Competition too perhaps, and to speak of the Pyramid Builders of Egypt that is, and as said in all even, not truly Freemason in all. In all again, the very belief that African Civilization is real, does speak too of a Vision inspired, and that can in all even at the very least be said centered, and in speak too of it said juxtaposed in all for instance, and in grandeur, and to speak too of the Pyramids at Gaza that is.

We do now too though, have Competition, and in Advantage, Edge or Strategy, and as very much defined too, and by speak of the name/term of America that is. That in helping one understand all this, inspiration now, and in speak of Competition too, and as now said arising, and with speak too of so termed Secret Societies, and as in all even defined, and in American terms, and in speak too of Enterprise in itself that is [Link1, Link2]. That Freemasonry, and as often deciphered as something said Egyptian, Scottish or speak even and of it said Templar too (and via speak of Jerusalem, and not Italy truly either), can be said in many a way, American truly that is. For the Hands in all, and that did build America so to speak, did in all not speak of 'the Man', and as Spike Lee might hint at, but in all truly, and in speak of American Secret Societies, and as said Masonic too (Link), and as said defining America truly, and in Enterprise that is [Link]. Can African Society though, be said to speak of Freemasonry/Masonry? For it does in all even very much, speak of Freemasonry and as said Scottish too, and as said speaking of Rite, that said Egyptian, speaking of the Arcane (Link), while that said Templar, does speak of the Human exposed, and in speak of Wealth, Mystery Murder, Love, Pride etc. Freemasonry though, and as said African, or speak too of Secret Societies, and that can be said somewhat American too, and in speak of African Potential/Commerce that is (Link), can be truly said it is believed here, and to speak of discovering the true Meaning/Purpose, and in Potential too, and of the Human, and in speak now of being fully Human, and as versus speak of being God truly that is.

However though, the above can be said a matter of conjecture in all, and in speak of Organization too, and such that, speak of Africa today, and in speak too of Competition and if not Spirit truly that is, can now in all even be said, and to speak of Tradition too, and as said to refer, and to speak of what some do term 'the talking Drum' that is [that it in all, does actually ask of Africans, whom/who in all they are, and in speak of Conversation too, and between themselves and if not speak of God too, and as with it all even referring, and to the History of Christianity, in Africa, and as often said a 'force of good/change' that is].

Sunday 8 February 2015



This entry, does in all deal with, and with many an issue/matter, and that is often said to plague Africans in all, and in Identity too, and that does in all even deal, and with speak of Affinity too that is. That it in all, now does speak, and of the Dual nature, and of many an African too, and as referring in all, and to speak and of not only of many a Complex, Psychological, but in many a way too, speak now and of what one does in all even Personify, or/and Identify with too, and in speak of Identity, and as said encompassing speak of Gender, Age, Family, Heritage, Country etc.

That in speak of the Dual nature of Man as such, and as said to refer and to speak of what we do in all Personify, and if not what we do Identify with, now and in all even said breeding many a Complex, and in regards to the very manner in all we do define or create in all again, Identity, and as having to do with Gender, Race, Background etc.

In many a way though, and in speak of the World too, and as said African in all, and simply too, does in all even speak of us, and as having an Affinity for something in all, and that could very well go along, and with speak of Personifying something, or Identifying with something too that is. In many a way, this is the very manner/way. many a Media outlet in all, does in all even present Media, and as said too, and to speak of (Media) Consumption that is [that the very idea, and of Identifying with or Personifying something and in Media too, could very well be said to have African antecedents to it, and as compared in all, and to Media that simply entertains, that which educates, or that which does simply report and on many a thing (trends etc.) that is].

In having said this, and in speak too now and of the De-Constructing of the African Mind, and in speak too of many a Construct and as  having to do with Gender, Race etc., and in further speak too of Media, and of 'Keeping it Real' too that is, and in speak here of modern slang in all, speak now, and of the very manner/way most in all, do define Affinity, and as probably having to do, and with Personifying something (or having others recognize one in all,  and in many a way), or speak too of Identifying with something too (or simple speak of recognizing oneself, and in many a way that is).

In starting of on all this, speak now and of the Chakras for instance, Indian, and as now presented and from speak of Affinity too, and in speak too of Personifying something, or Identifying with something too that is [but speak in all, and of the very fact that, this is not the actual manner/way, Indians, do in all define Affinity, and in regards to the Chakras too that is]. What of the Shadow Archetype, and as often said European, and in speak now, and of many a Complex developed, and in speak of Affinity too, Personification and Identification, and if not speak of Regret, and as born of us such that is [in Personification and Identification that is]. What of speak of Italy too, having now given us the very world of studying the Human Body, and in Anatomy too that is, and such that, words/terms and such as Statuesque, or Modelsque too, and if not speak of 'the David' that is, now do have us in all, seeking to Identify with in all again, or Personify in many a way too, and with many a thing that is, for it does in all now too, speak of the very manner in all, Italy, and as said Civilization, does rise/arise in all that is [and in speak of the Italian Mind, and in Genius too that is].

Africa though, does have a similar culture, and to that said Italian, and as often said to speak of the Hunter, and of African Wrestling too that is. However, Africa and in Affinity, has always been truly, associated/defined, and with speak of African Artifacts, and such that, speak of Neo-Colonialism for instance, or of many a Spike Lee movie too, now does have Africans in all, and as said changing, and in Taste too perhaps, and in speak of Artifacts, and such that, many an African in all, and in speak of Affinity and Identity, and if not Neo-Colonialism too, now does have them identifying with Mercedes Benzes, Leather Jackets, Eye Glasses, British Airways, America and England, Stanford University, Hair Straightening Products etc., and such that, Neo-Colonialism is in all now defined, and not in speak of De-Constructing the Mind in all, but in speak too now, and of Denial too, and in speak of Affinity, the Personifying of many a thing, and if not the Identifying with, and with many a thing too that is, and as said in all even, and to speak of African Contemporary, Social and Secular Identity too that is.