Wednesday 11 February 2015



This very entry, now does have to do, and with speak of the Polemics, and of African Divinational/Oracular systems, and in speak now and of the very question, and of if, the African Oracle, can truly be said legit or valid and in its ways/manners that is. In helping one understand all this too much better, speak now, and of the very fact that, those wishing to Succeed in life, and as according to the African Oracle, are in all ways truly, out to attain Acclaim in all, and not Success truly either.

What though is Acclaim? In speak of Africa, speak now too, and of Lions for instance, and if not of Dashikis in many a way too. For Acclaim in all truly, is not actually attained in all, but is actually Won (over) that is.

In having said that, speak now and of the very manner/way, Man in all, is believed said to perceive himself, and as in all even said Perfect too that is. That Perfectionism and amongst Man, has often too, been associated, and with speak of the two Halves of Man, and as often said to speak, and of the very manner/way in all, most in all again, do perceive Symmetry and Asymmetry too that is.

For those though, and who do in all even adhere perhaps, and to the African Oracle, Perfectionism, and as in all now, coming to be defined, and by speak of Sacrifice, Initiation and Ceremony too that is. That the three in all, and from a said African Context too, are often perceived, and not from speak of Ritual in all, but from speak of Somatic Identity truly that is [and in speak too now of Psycho-Somatic Disease for instance, and of the very belief here that Somatic Identity in all, now does in all even speak of Taboo in itself too that is].

In now speaking of Initiation, Sacrifice and Ceremony, is to in all even speak of it all, and from speak too, and of the African Gods/Spirits, and as often believed dealing and with one said recurring Theme, and in life too that is: that having to do, and with Exposure in itself that is.

In having said all this, now the difficult view that, Spirit Possession in all, and as said too, and to speak of the African Oracle, now said in all again, and as defining us in Absence, and in speak of Spirit Possession, and as simply said Performance too, and Performance in all again, simply said guided and by speak of Religious Imagery/Iconography, and such that, it does in all even redefine us in all, and in Perception in itself, and if not speak of Time too that is. What of Absence though? What does it in all signify, or hold too as of importance in all, and other than speak and of whom/who in all we are, and as said Insecure too, and in Exposure too perhaps, and as said to refer, and to the Politics of Spirit Possession, and as often believed said, and to speak of the Politics of Globalization too for instance [and in speak now and of the said exchange and of many an idea too for instance].

In having said all this, an attempt here and to present Spirit Possession, and as often said a matter/issue of Political Debate, and in speak now, and of said African Gods/Spirits, and those said too, and to speak of the Diaspora that is. That it could all be said, and to speak of Taboo in all, and in basic speak here, and of those who do believe Diasporan in all, Traditions, African, and of Spirit Possession, are believed said legit or valid in their ways in all, and in speak here too, and of Revolution in Haiti for instance, while those said African in all, are believed in all even, and to have fallen by the side that is [and in speak too of Colonialism for instance].

In having said the above, and in speak now and of it said questioning in all, if, African Spirit Possession, is believed actually said real or true, the very belief here that, the solution to all this, does lie and in the most obvious and of Celebrations in all, and as said in all again, and to speak of the Holiday that is [and in speak here too, and of Juneteenth for instance][that African-American Religious Iconography/Imagery, is actually believed said real, but with the African Imagination in all, believed said in all again, captured and by speak of Religious Iconography/Imagery, and that does in all even though, speak of Haiti truly].

In having said this, that those who do in all even adhere and to the African Oracle, do in all even seek out Acclaim, and not Success truly either, speak now, and of it all now simply said to speak of the Dashiki (and as mentioned above), but in speak of lost Traditions too, speak of it all now, Acclaim, and as said associated and with speak of Initiation, Sacrifice and Ceremony, and as referring, and to speak of Psycho-Somatic disease, and not Ritual truly either, and as most do often believe it all to be said to be, in Ritual that is, but in speak of Psycho-Somatic disease on the otherhand, speak now too, and of Ancestral Traditions, Taboo and Totems too that is [that the Africans of today, are believed even said truly displaced in all, and in connecting to ones Ancestors, and in speak now of Ancestral Identity, Taboo, and Totems/Profiles that is].

In now speaking of what does constitute for Initiation, Sacrifice and Ceremony, and in regards and to the African Oracle, and in speak too of a life lived, and in search of Acclaim [and of African Secret/Mystery Schools/Traditions in all], speak now, and of Initiation, and as said truly redefining us in all, and in speak too and of whom/who in all we are said to be, and in speak of Midsts, Presences and Shadows too that is. In speak of Sacrifice, now asking of us to redefine ourselves, and in speak of Possession too, and in a manner/way in all, and that does speak too and of the African Wrestling Circle in all, and in speak of defining ourselves in Perception, and as said to speak of Openings, Charge/Incitement/Excitement, but in further speak too of African Rule too that is [or speak too perhaps, and of the Orisa Religious Tradition for instance]. In speak of Ceremony, and as now said in all, defining us, and as said perpetual/incessant Daydreamers in all again, and as often believed said an African Psycho-Somatic condition, speak too now, and of Acclaim too, and as very much in all even, made out in all, and in speak of Lines Crossed/Drawn, or speak too of Displaced Views and Changing Positions that is.

In all, speak truly now, and of Modern/Western Images/Profiles, and as in all again, making it all too difficult, and for those who do in all even adhere, and to the African Oracle, and in speak now again and of the defining of Perfectionism, and in our very lives too that is.