Saturday 14 February 2015


El Anatsui.

When we do speak here and of the name of El Anatsui, we are not only referring and to speak of our perceptions and of our very environs, but speak truly in all, and of our very views/perceptions and of Time, and in speak too and of these said Present Times we do live in that is.

That in many a way, it is believed that Africans in all, do deal and with many a said problem or issue/matter in all, and that does speak too of them, and in regards and to speak of Age, and not Race or Class truly either. That there are those who do in all believe that, while Slavery did in all deal with Race, and Discrimination in all again, and towards those said of African Blood too, and today that is, often perceived from Class in all, Colonialism on the otherhand, is believed to have dealt and with speak of Age that is [and speak too of belittling Africans in all].

In all, while many an African today, does still very much view Development, and from speak too of Class, it is believed in all that, the major struggles that most Africans today do in all deal with, or face, and in Africa too, do not deal with speak of Discrimination and Class in all truly, but truly in all again, and in speak of Age that is [i.e. Africans vs. the Diaspora].

In all, when we do now speak of Age and Africa, speak now too and of Age-Groups, and of the very manner/way in all, Africans, do go through life that is. That for many an African, and in speak too of Decision, Convenience and Masterly, living life out today, might be said a problem of a kind, and in speak now of Lifestyles too, and as said truly defined, and in speak of Decision, Convenience and Masterly that is. That in all again, it does speak Africa in all, and as often said Undeveloped truly, and in speak now of (Political/Social) Structures, Constructs and Paradigms too that is.

In saying that, Africa is believed to have a poor Infrastructure to it, and as with regards to the above, and in speak now too, and of the very decline and of African Royalty that is, and in further speak to here and of changing African Dress/Custom that is, and for that not believed truly beneficial too, is to now and in all even present many a view, and that does speak too of African Royalty perhaps, and in speak too of African Perceptions of Time, and as said referring and to speak of Ageing/Age-Groups that is.


The first of these, does ask many an African, to truly consider whom/who in all they are, and with the Sabbatical that is. The second, does have us pondering, what in all, is said to constitute and for our Child selves, and as we do grow older, and in speak too of African Sexuality, and as said capable of being defined, and at the Child self level, and not in speak either, and of many an Initiatory Rite too that is. The third of these, now does call into question, the very best manner/way, and of defining African Settings, and as said defined too, and by speak of African Age-Groups that is.

[Tolerance and Africa/Time: - Link].

In all though, speak here now, and of El Anatsui too, and as said in all again, and to speak of defining Africans, and in Time, and as perceived primarily in all, and from speak of Physical Backdrops and Physical Backgrounds too, and as perhaps truly in all again, opening one up, and to interesting manners/ways in all, and of viewing African life, and from speak of the Current, and not the Present truly either that is.