Monday 2 February 2015



This very entry, does have to do, and with speak of Lifelines. Lifelines, and as said now speaking of African life, and as believed said more Perilous than most, and in speak too of the Predicament, but further speak now too, and of Stability, and if not speak of Normalcy in itself, and as perceived/defined by Africans that is [and with it all and as said going along in all, and with African notions of Superiority-Equality-Inferiority, speak too of Similarities & Differences, but further speak too of Semblance/Resemblance that is]. That Africa in all, and as simply said perilous in its ways, now does speak of Stability/Normalcy, and as said associated, and with speak of Lifelines in themselves that is.

In speak too of Africa, and as said differing from many a place in the World, and in further speak too of Egypt that is, is to now speak of Religion outside Africa, and as often said even, associated, and with speak of an Observer, and as with he often termed God too, and such that, one is in many a way indoctrinated, and with many a Belief System, Creed, Doctrine, and if not Theology too, and that does in all even guide one through life that is, and in speak too of a plea made here and there, and as said withstanding in embarrassment or shame and to one, and in speak now and of God in all, and as said the only true Observer, and to ones life that is. In all, Religion, and as deciphered as such (and if not observed too), does now speak, and of the believed said Greatest Religion of them all that is.

In Africa though, and outside speak of Egypt, the very world of the Observer, has been known to be rather problematic in its ways, and in basic speak here, and of the very manner/way in all, Africans do define Privacy in itself it is believed here. In many a way too though, African Privacy, and as perhaps believed said to speak of the Congo, and of Theology too, and as said Congo, and in speak too of God in all, and as said Observer that is.

In many a way truly, life in Africa, is believed said lived around truly, and in speak of 'the God of Africa' that is [Link]. That this in all, does speak of the very world of African Masks, and with they in all truly, often not believed said Artifacts, but simply Mask that is. In all, the very belief here that, and in speak of the African Oracle too, African Civilization in all, does actually arise, and with speak of Mask(s), African, that is.

In further speak here, and of African life, and as said differing from that seen around the World, speak now, and of what they do term the Finish that is. The Finish, and as referring in all even, and to not only speak of Performance, but speak too, and of the very manner/way life in all, is believed said to end/finish that is. That for most in the World, life now, and as said speaking of a Culminative process in all, while speak of life and as said known American today too for instance, does speak of it all and as said Cumulative in its ways, but in speak of Africa, life, and as believed even troublesome in all, can best perhaps be associated, and with speak of the Additional/Additive that is. In all, speak now, and of many a said African Artform, and as often truly said Theatric that is.

In speak of Lifelines though, and as said depicted and in speak of the above, speak now too, and of what is believed said to constitute and for African Knowledge Networks/Systems in all, and away from speak of Kinship ties that is. That said African Kinship systems in all, are today, believed, said having failed in their ways, and to some extent, and in speak now and of Christianity in Africa, and as believed said even redefining Africa and in Kinship, but said too and as truly helping solve African problems, and in speak too of Trust and if not Decency in itself, but that in all truly, speak now, and of Religion in Africa, and as said to speak of Family/Kinship in all, and as now truly redefining itself, and away from speak of Blood, Acrimony and Ties, and onwards now, and in speak of Africa and as said changed in Spirit too, onwards, and to speak of Agents that is.

In all though, Lifelines now, and as truly going along in all again, and with the very manner/way, Africans, do perceive Money that is. That for many an African, speak now, and of their said not knowing, and of the very manner/way it is believed, Money, does in all even function, and in the Western World, for it in all again, Money, and in the Western World, is often believed said to speak of Tender / Banknotes, and not Currency truly either. In Africa though, Currency has historically been perceived the norm, but a manner/way of defining Money, not well understood to most, but in speak too now, and of Tendering, and as said known in Africa, and Historically too that is. However though, Money in Africa, and as said Currency, often known to take the very form of Cowries/Shells, Beads, Gold, Ingots, and if not speak of Food stuffs too, but speak too now, and of the very belief that, African Money, and as said Currency in all, now does go along, and with speak of African definitions of Contact, the Internet, Ratings, and if not speak of Glossaries too that is.

In all again, a life, and as said lived in Africa, and away from speak of Lifelines, does in all even speak of whom/who in all again, Africans, are said to be, and in speak of Appraisals/Valuations that is. That this does in all even speak, and of the very belief that, Help, is simply said around the Corner, or speak too, and of the said coined term, 'the White Man', and as believed said derogatory too, but speak truly in all, and of African Institutions, and as arising as such, in speak of Appraisals/Valuations that is, and in speak too and of the very world of African Kings, Queens, Princes', and if not speak of the African Princess too that is.