Wednesday 11 February 2015

Bije Medicine

Bije Medicine.

(Brazil & Africa)

What they do call Bije Medicine, is often known to differ and from other forms in all, and of Medicine, African too, in that, it is Medicine, that is simply said Medicament, and not that said Medication either that is. That Bije Medicine, is often said too, applied directly and to the Body, Physical, in that, it does in all not attempt to directly Heal, but in all truly, to simply Ease/Relieve one that is.

In all again, Bije Medicine, can be said and to come down and to speak and of only one term: Concern/Care [and as often said Treatment too that is]. That it in all, is often truly associated, and with many an Initiationary Rite, and in Africa too, and in speak now and of the very manner/way in all, many in society, African, do in all even perceive Treatment that is [and as said Condition too, and if not Societal either that is].

In helping one truly understand Bije Medicine, is to now in all even speak, and of what does pass for Political Organization, and as seen around the World too. That speak of the term Political, is often believed said and to speak of the Ethnic, the Native, the Tribal, the Institutional etc. In making all this too clear, is to now in all even state that, History in all, is said recorded in all again, and in speak of it all, and as perceived, and from speak of the Comparative and the Comprehensive too that is [and whether it be Arthurian History, or that said too Islamic that is].

The very world of Bije Medicine though, is often simply said associated and with speak of Political Organization, and as often said to speak and of one, and as said Socialized, or Politicized too that is. In all, Identity created in all now, and as said to very much speak of African Imagery in itself, and not of Art, or of Religion truly either.

Comparative/Comprehensive America: