Saturday 14 February 2015

African Views

African Views.

This very entry, will deal, and with the very world, and of the so termed African / Black Social Reformer that is. That the so termed Social Reformer, and not Reformer truly, African / Black, appears in all, and to be somewhat in all again, mystifying, and onto others perhaps, and as they do now in all, cry out for Equality, and in regards to a said stance, and that does not only associate Non-Africans in all, but so termed 'White people' too, and with their in all again experiencing life, and in a manner/way and that does speak of suffering, and in regards and to speak of Treatment in all. In understanding all this better, is to now and in all point out that, South Africa for instance, and in struggle or pain and as presented and in speak of the above, does now in all even speak of it and as said African, Un-African and Non-African too that is [that White South Africans in all, are best termed/called Non-Africans perhaps, and not 'White people' truly either].

In all, the very belief that Non-Africans or 'White people' in all again, do in all 'owe us', and for said past Transgressions, is to in all even perhaps, not acknowledge that, not only does Africa have to it, people, and with said truly varying Traditions in all (and if not Opinions, Views or Experiences that is), and such that, speak of Interpretations and as with regards to all this, and in speak of Slavery or Colonialism too, does appear to truly differ that is. That Slavery in all, is something believed said not appreciated by most in Africa, and in speak too now, and of Kinship systems, and if not Agency/Agents truly either [that speak now and of the said descendants of African Slavery in the Americas, now does speak and of whom/who in all they are, and in Kinship too, and in speak too now of Kardecism for instance and of Emancipation and not Liberation either, but in all again, speak now of Agents/Agency, and as speaking now, and of African Work Identity, and as still very much said to speak of the Labourer/Worker, and not the Apprentice truly either][Link][that in all again, most today don't realize that, in speak of Name/Naming for instance, so termed descendants of African Slavery in the Americas, are able to carry with them, Names of Prestige, or Names too, and that do not speak of Africa in particular that is][that those termed Haitians for instance, have to them in Name, and if not Kardecism too, Names, and such as Jean-Jacques Dessalines, Touissaint L'Overture, Duvalier, Petion etc.].

In all, what we are trying to get at here, and in speak too of Spike Lee too perhaps, is speak of the very belief that, those termed African today in all, do in all even believe in defining life, or interpreting it all too, and in speak of Undertones, and not Overtones truly either. That the so termed African Experience today, and as simply said a mess, does not speak perhaps and as best said here, and of the Blues and if not of the Modern African Poet too, but that in all again, does speak of Undertones, and of the Pitiable, and of the need to be pitied, and not of Pity in itself truly either.

In helping one discern all this or make it all out, and to ones satisfaction, is to now speak of Africa, and from speak too of Overtones and Undertones, and as said speaking of African Identity, and in speak too of Gender, Race, Age  and Class that is [GRAC]. 

That in speak of Gender, speak now and of it all and from the very perspective of Undertones, calling into critic, African Standards of Beauty, and as now and in all even associated, and with speak of African Popularisms too for instance. That in speak of Overtones now, speak too now and of Gender, and as said defined and in speak of Vulnerability for instance.

That in speak of Race, Africans now, and as said too perhaps, and in speak of the Western World too, fashioning themselves and in speak too now, and of Egyptian History for instance, but in saying in many a way, it does refer and to speak of Undertones in all, Africans and as said finding Identity, and in speak of Race, and of Overtones too, now does speak and of whom/who in all they are, and in speak too of Disease/Viruses, and of Evolution, and as perceived and in speak of the Hybrid / Hybridity for instance [and in speak too and of the most perfect of people that is].

That in speak of Class, speak of Undertones now does refer, and to Middle-Class Mentalities, and of Success in itself, but in speak of Overtones, speak too and of the very manner/way those in Africa / Africans, do in all even perceive African Divination in all, and as said to speak and of Familiarity in itself that is.

It is however, and in speak of Age, that one does find that most Africans in all, have no true notions of Age, and in speak of Undertones or Overtones too, but in speak perhaps of African Traditional / Root Beer for instance, and as said to speak of Undertones, and in Age, speak too now, and of Overtones and in Age that is, and as perhaps asking of one, what they do think of Death/Dying, and not Killings either [that Africans in all, today, and as compared to their Ancestors too perhaps, are not believed to have proper notions of Death/Dying, but can be in all even be said (truly) Suicidal that is].