Monday 9 February 2015

The African Spirit

The African Spirit.

In speaking here, and of the African Spirit, is to now in all even, speak of what is believed said to constitute in all, and in speak here of the term/phrase 'Key Areas' too, and for African Competitiveness that is. That it does in all appear to many a person, that Africa, and as said lagging in all, does have to do, and with it said now failing, and in defining itself, and in speak of Competition, and as often said too, and to speak of the African Spirit that is. That this all, does become rather apparent, and in speak now, and of what is said to stand for or represent for Black / 'Black African' Competitiveness, and as with it all even said now triumphing in all, and over that said African too that is.

In helping one understand all this better, is to in all even perhaps, associate Black / 'Black African' Identity, and with speak too of Competition in itself, and in Advantage, Edge or Strategy, and in many a said key area too, and of Industry that is [that 'Black Africans', or those said Angolan and in demeanour too, or speak too of those said Black, and in speak too of SOAS / Swahili Identity for instance, are believed to in all even define themselves and in speak of Competition too, and that does speak too of 'Black Enterprise' Magazine for instance (and of the Black Billionaire too - Link), and if not speak of Ebony Magazine too (Link), and respectively said too that is].

Africa today though, or speak too of those said African (and outside speak of Egypt and in confluence that is), and as very much said Nigerian and in demeanour too, do in all even define Competition in all, and in speak here of Affinity in itself too that is [see previous post]. However though, Affinity, and as in all, speaking now, and of Africa developing in all again, and in speak too of the African Statesman for instance, and if not speak of many a Collaboration, and that does in all even speak of China today, and in Africa too that is. 

In having said this, and in speak of it all and as said referring and to the African Spirit, and in speak of Competition in itself too, and as said Advantage, Edge or Strategy in all and in definition that is, speak now, and of many a differing manner, and outside speak of the Collaboration too, and in defining Competition, and as said African too that is.

That the first of these, and as with it all even speaking of the very term African-American, does in all even speak of Consciousness too, and in speak of African-Americans in all again, and as said descendant of Slaves in the Americas, does differ from speak of other said African Slaves in the Americas, in that, African-Americans in all, do in all even appear African, while, speak of the Caribbean, does in all even appear and to speak of 'Black African' Identity that is. In all, the very belief that, Competition now, is said defined, and by speak of Global, Worldly and International Consciousness that is, and as said to refer in all again, and to speak too of Trends and Undercurrents, and as said in all even inspiring Industry/Media that is [that African Intellectualism, can be said to inspire, many a Trend, and in Industry and if not society too, and in speak too of the known world of African Policy Makers in all, and if not of African Advisors, Researchers and Investors too, and as said now to speak of African (Confidential) Intelligence, and not of African (Confidentiality) Leadership truly either that is].

The second of these, now does speak of Africa, and as often said, to speak of the rise of a whole New Civilization, and in speak too of Egypt, and as often referred to, and in speak and of names/terms and such as Kerma, Kemet, Kush, Nubia, Meroe etc., and such that, it does in all even now speak of said Western Civilization, and of the Westerner too, and as said in all even believing that, the hopes of Western Civilization (and as said Republican, and in speak of the name of Nero too), and in speak too of it all and in Spirit that is, and if not Competition too, does in all even actually speak of Africa, and as said serving as an inspiration, and in speak too and of truly redefining the World in all, and in speak of Aesthetic, Taste, Standards of Beauty, Promise, Moment/Time, Humour etc., and as compared in all again, and to speak of Asia that is. That Africa in all, could very well come to simply take-over, so termed Western Civilization, or speak of the Westerner and as said Identity, and in speak too of what some do term Egyptocentric, Eurocentric or Afrocentric Thought, and in further speak too now, and of the very best manner/way, and of perceiving in all, Continuum, and not Time and in Consciousness truly either that is. In many a way, while many have associated South / Southern Africa, and with speak of Western Civilization in Africa, there are those who do believe, and as said French too, that the Sahel/Saharan region of Africa, does actually speak of the future of Western Civilization that is [and as with it even said Marabout too for instance].

What of speak of IFA? For most in Africa, do in all even know of the troubling History of the IFA Religion, and as with it in all even now, said to arise in Myth, and in speak of Obatala or Orunmila too, but that in all again, and in truth too, the very origins of IFA, are believed in all even said unknown that is. In helping one understand all this, is to now in all even associate IFA, and as said African Religion, and with speak too of Ancient Egypt that is. That in speak of Egypt as such, speak now, and of IFA, and as often associated and with the names of Esu-Odara or Ori-san-la / Orisa-nla too, and as with it all even referring, and in speak of Competition too perhaps, and to speak of the Pyramid Builders of Egypt that is, and as said in all even, not truly Freemason in all. In all again, the very belief that African Civilization is real, does speak too of a Vision inspired, and that can in all even at the very least be said centered, and in speak too of it said juxtaposed in all for instance, and in grandeur, and to speak too of the Pyramids at Gaza that is.

We do now too though, have Competition, and in Advantage, Edge or Strategy, and as very much defined too, and by speak of the name/term of America that is. That in helping one understand all this, inspiration now, and in speak of Competition too, and as now said arising, and with speak too of so termed Secret Societies, and as in all even defined, and in American terms, and in speak too of Enterprise in itself that is [Link1, Link2]. That Freemasonry, and as often deciphered as something said Egyptian, Scottish or speak even and of it said Templar too (and via speak of Jerusalem, and not Italy truly either), can be said in many a way, American truly that is. For the Hands in all, and that did build America so to speak, did in all not speak of 'the Man', and as Spike Lee might hint at, but in all truly, and in speak of American Secret Societies, and as said Masonic too (Link), and as said defining America truly, and in Enterprise that is [Link]. Can African Society though, be said to speak of Freemasonry/Masonry? For it does in all even very much, speak of Freemasonry and as said Scottish too, and as said speaking of Rite, that said Egyptian, speaking of the Arcane (Link), while that said Templar, does speak of the Human exposed, and in speak of Wealth, Mystery Murder, Love, Pride etc. Freemasonry though, and as said African, or speak too of Secret Societies, and that can be said somewhat American too, and in speak of African Potential/Commerce that is (Link), can be truly said it is believed here, and to speak of discovering the true Meaning/Purpose, and in Potential too, and of the Human, and in speak now of being fully Human, and as versus speak of being God truly that is.

However though, the above can be said a matter of conjecture in all, and in speak of Organization too, and such that, speak of Africa today, and in speak too of Competition and if not Spirit truly that is, can now in all even be said, and to speak of Tradition too, and as said to refer, and to speak of what some do term 'the talking Drum' that is [that it in all, does actually ask of Africans, whom/who in all they are, and in speak of Conversation too, and between themselves and if not speak of God too, and as with it all even referring, and to the History of Christianity, in Africa, and as often said a 'force of good/change' that is].