Tuesday 3 February 2015

Old Ghana

Old Ghana.

Those in Africa, are often known to ponder, what does constitute for Wellbeing/Wellness in Africa, and away from speak of Purpose/Meaning that is. That African life, and to most today, does very much appear in all, truly defined, and in speak of Wellbeing/Wellness, and not Purpose/Meaning truly either. In understanding all this better, the very known belief that, only one truly said African Religion is said to exist, and it is that, and which does speak of Blessings that is.

In many a way now, and in speak of Purpose/Meaning, this does in all even speak, and of the very manner/way, we do ground ourselves in all, and in speak too of life, and as now referring and to speak of Intelligence that is. That for some, African Intelligence and as said innate, now said to speak, and of Call-and-Response, and in the very least too that is [and in speak too of the most basic of African Experiences that is]. For others, African Intelligence, and as lying and in speak of African definitions, and of Contribution, Participation and (Knowledge) Sharing that is. For others though, African Intelligence, and as said grounded in all, and in speak now of African Markets that is. African Intelligence in many a way too, simply said now in all again, capable in all and of being grounded in all again, and as said defined and in Religious terms too in all, and that do speak of Altars for instance.

However, this Blog does hold the very belief that, African Intelligence, and as said to go along too, and with speak of Wellbeing/Wellness, and if not speak too, and of the very manner/way we do in all define Blessings (and the Counting of them), and in our very lives too that is. That for some, and in speak here now and of what is believed said to in all stand for or represent for an Equation, speak now, and of Blessings, and as said equated, and to a great meal for instance, to a loving relationship, to a well said functioning family, to speak too of Readership / Reading lists, or speak even, and of a simple Touch, and that does speak of a Hug too, or speak even and of a Mothers Touch that is.

In all, this very manner/way of perceiving Africa, from Blessings, and in speak too and of the said History of Old Ghana, now said in all even, the very best of ways, and in speak too of the African Oracle, and by which Africans in all, do in all view Europe/Italy that is.