Tuesday 24 February 2015



This very entry, does very much have to do, and with what does constitute for said Racial Inferiority, African, and as versus speak truly of African Inferiority that is [and which is often said associated, and with speak too of African Nationalism in all]. That African Racial Inferiority, does in all even it is believed, speak of African Identity, and as often said to speak of Religion in Africa too, and as having to do, and with speak of Congregation in itself that is. That in understanding all this, and all too clearly, is to now speak of Identity in all, and as said too and to speak of Congregation, society, and Society too that is.

That Africans today, and in speak too and of what does stand for or represent for Development in Africa, simply fail to realize, that so termed Western Development, does have to it, its basis/foundation in all, and in speak of society, and if not of Society too that is. In saying that Egyptian Civilization, does have its origins, its rise in all again, and if not speak and of its manifestation/birth too, and in speak of Congregation that is, is to now present a picture in all, and of Africa and as it is, and as said even simply defined, and in speak only of Existences that is. That Egypt and as said Civilization, is simply said to exist as such, in speak of Congregation, but in speak too of society, and of Society too, and as now said referring in all, and of it, Society, and as said Coptic, and Pharaonic and respectively too that is.

In having said that the Western World and in Development, does in all even speak and of society and Society, speak now, and of what is often termed the Knowledge Divide, and between many a said Developed and Undeveloped region and of the World, and that does speak of the very fact that, those said Developed, do actually know what society and Society do truly mean, and in speak too here and of Agency, and if not speak of Group and Individual Consciousness too, and in speak here for instance, and of the said rise and of society and as most do know it, and as now said associating speak of the Western World and with Christianity, and in speak too now and of Jesus and as said Christ too, for not only does Jesus Christ refer and to speak of Africa/Copt. and in Identity, but that in all again, society is in all even said built up, and on the teachings of Jesus, his sufferings and trials, but in speak too of him and as said Christ, speak too now and of society/Society, and as found/seen in Europe and Italy too for instance. In now saying that, Christianity is often not perceived African truly in all, is to now refer and to the said Backward and Inferior nature of the African, and in his said failing to perhaps manifest Existences in all, and that do speak of Human Behaviourism, Media, Politics, Commerce, Technology etc., and that does refer and to speak of society in itself that is. In saying that, most Africans in all, never do perceive the Western World and as it truly is, thinking it all even, said highly discriminatory, is to now attempt to give a perspective of the Western World, and that does refer and to speak of Evil in itself, and that does in all even speak of Europe and in History, and as said associated and with speak of the Freemason, America / North America, and in its rise or birth, and with speak of Secret Societies, but in speak of South America, speak now and of the Prayer House in itself that is.

In reverting now though, and to speak of the Congregation and Africa, is to now associate it all, and with speak of Belief that is. That Society on the otherhand, and as often said American too, now does speak of many a person/people in all, and as said Meeting, Interacting with each other, Bonding, Mating, Exchanging Ideas, fomenting/creating Group/Individual Consciousness, analyzing Trends/Undercurrents, resolving many an Issue/Matter etc., and such that, the very purpose or meaning of it all, is now said to speak and of one and as said having a rather Clear Picture in all, and of simply what in all again, the Future, is believed said to hold, and not simply promise in all that is.

Congregation though, is many a thing, and in speak of it now, and as said Egyptian, now does speak too, and of the said Unevolved nature, and of often said African Existences that is. That in giving basic examples here, Congregation and in Egypt, often associated, and with speak of Cosmology in all, does in all even now speak of it and in speak too of Dynasty, Pharaohs and of Priesthoods too that is. In having said that, speak now, and of the very manner/way Egypt in all, did in all come to influence the World and outside Africa/Egypt too, and in speak too of the Scroll, and as helping give birth and to Congregation, society, and Society in itself, and outside Africa that is. What of the so termed, Egyptian Tribunal, and of Egyptian Humour too, and in speak too now of Egyptian Law in itself, and as all said Congregation too, and that does in all even lead surprisingly enough, and to an Egyptian Freemason Tradition, and that does in all even refer and to Europe's Freemason Traditions, and that does in all even speak of Mozart and in Concert too that is. It is however, and in speak of Egyptian Rattan Sticks, or Hand Staffs too, that one in all now, does come across Egyptian Identity, and in Congregation, and as said referring and to speak of holding Court for instance [and of the Courtly too that is][and if not speak of Italian History too]. 

In all though, the difficulty and in defining appropriate or proper African forms of Congregation, now does in all even refer, and to the Astronomical, and in speak now of Africa in itself, and as perceived and from speak of Heat/Humidity, and as often said to speak of Africa and in Congregation, and in speak too now of the African Iron/Blacksmith that is [and as said too not only a truly Archetypal African figure, but said too in all again, a maker in all, and of knives, daggers, swords etc.]. What of speak of the Rains, and in a said periodic or sporadic fashion too, and that does in all even speak of Africa now, said grounded in all again, and in speak of the African Farmer, and as often said truly prosperous in his ways/manners in all, and as not said only Agriculturalist too, but in many a way too, a Leader, Ruler, Teacher, Law-Maker etc. Finally, speak too of the African Festival/Festivities, and of Africa, and in Congregation too, and as simply perceived and in speak only and of the African Sun, and of the African Moon too that is.

In all, what is been said here is that, Africa today, believed said to have failed and in properly in all, realizing/defining itself, and in speak of Congregation, and in speak now and of simply in all again, presenting or painting in all again perhaps, a Clear Picture, and of what does constitute and for Development in Africa today that is [that despite talk of Africa Developing, and of many a said Wealthy/Prosperous African Farmer / Businessman too in all, the old Order, is believed said to very much still stand that is].