Wednesday 11 February 2015

Marian Worship

Marian Worship.

When we do speak of Marian Worship, we are in many a way too, referring, and to the problematic nature, Psychological, and that does refer, and to the worship of Jesus, and in Africa too that is. That in all again, not all Africans in all, do actually know, and not of 'the Way of the Cross', or speak too and of 'the Sabbatical' in all, and with both said too, said to speak too of Jesus, but in all truly, and in speak of 'Meditating/Meditations on Jesus' that is [and which does in all even speak of the worship of Jesus in Africa that is]. 

That Africans in all, might know and of whom/who in all they are, and in Meditation (and in speak too of the name Chango/Shango for instance), but that in all even, what we are trying to point out and in many a way is that, African Identity, and as often said truly associated and with speak of Artifact or Symbol, is in all even best said associated, and with speak of Marian Worship, and not that of Jesus truly either.