Tuesday 24 February 2015



This entry, does serve and for the very purpose, and of attempting to in all put, and into a proper context, what does constitute and for Conspiracy talk, and as with regards and to speak of Africa that is. That in speak of Conspiracy and Africa, it can all be said and to refer and to speak too of Egypt now, and in specifically referring here now, and to speak of African Money that is [Link1, Link2], and with it all even, African Money that is, said here now referring, and to the very manner/way, they did build the Pyramids that is. In speak furtherly though, and of Conspiracy talk, and that does span the Globe, and that those in Africa might be interested in, is to now speak too, and of the true meaning and of the American term Bullion that is [Link1, Link2].

This entry though, does have to speak of the HIV Virus, and of Aids too that is. For HIV in all, does not speak in all again and of Aids, but might in all again refer, and to the Swahili term Ukimwi, and as referring in all again, and to Kenya, and as having been said a former HIV/Aids Hotspot that is.

That in all again, what is Aids? Aids in all, has no true direct association, and with speak of Viruses that is, and such as HIV or Ebola too in all [for Ebola in all again, is often said Disease too]. In attempting to defend all this, a said put forward hypothesis too in all, that Aids, does differ and from HIV or Ukimwi too, is to now first speak of the very manner/way in all again, many have attempted to deal, and with Viruses that is, and in speak too of an African Psycho-Somasis in all, and that does in all even ask us to ponder in all again, whom/who in all we are, and with Acceptance, and if not Communications truly [that these two issues/matters in all, Acceptance and Communications, are the very issues/matters and in all again, dealt, and by those having a Virus to them that is]. While, such issues/matters in all, do often speak of Religion in Africa, in speak of Ukimwi now, and which is often termed AIDS too, is to now in all even speak of a Viral Infection, one said serious too, and that does in all even ask of us, to truly ponder, whom/who in all again we are said to be, and with Media that is [that Viral Infections, do in all even speak of the very fact or belief, and that does say that, we are in all said summarized, and by our very Thoughts too that is].

Aids though, does differ. For Aids in all, is often believed to talk of the Congo that is, and does in all even, ask of Africans, to truly ponder in all again, what does stand for or represent for African Intelligence, and in speak too and of the very manner/way in all, Africans, do in all define Localization that is. For Aids in all again, does actually speak of Intelligence, and that said African too. In helping put all this and in a light most would in all perhaps, truly appreciate in all again, is to first off say that, Aids, can be said three things: Ceremony, Politic and Possession too. 

That in speak of Aids and as said Ceremony, the very question now, and of simply how one does in all, 'catch' Aids that is, and as with it all even said to speak of Behaviour, and if not of the Behavioural too, and that does in all even speak, and of what does constitute for African Ceremony that is. In saying Aids is a Politic, is to now say that, in comparison too speak of Ukimwi or HIV too, Aids, it is believed, can be passed from person to person, and in speak too perhaps, hypothetically too, and of minimal contact that is. In speak of Aids and Possession though, speak now, and of the said Yoruba term Elenini that is, and that does speak of one, and as simply said fear-ridden or fear-filled that is. That herein, and in speak of Elenini, we do in all even find, speak of a said Primal Fear/Instinct in all, and that does speak of Intelligence in itself, and in speak now and of the overcoming of such Fear, and as said Primal too that is.

In all, Aids, and as said to truly speak of the Congo, but in speak of the African Oracle, speak now too and of Kenya & Tanzania (the Maasai Mara and Serengeti), and in speak too of SIV, and which in all is actually truly found in Kenya and Tanzania that is, and that does differ from Aids and in some or many a way that is [and in speak too of a life now, and as said grounded in all again, and in speak of the deepest of Laughter that is].