Sunday 8 February 2015



This entry, does in all deal with, and with many an issue/matter, and that is often said to plague Africans in all, and in Identity too, and that does in all even deal, and with speak of Affinity too that is. That it in all, now does speak, and of the Dual nature, and of many an African too, and as referring in all, and to speak and of not only of many a Complex, Psychological, but in many a way too, speak now and of what one does in all even Personify, or/and Identify with too, and in speak of Identity, and as said encompassing speak of Gender, Age, Family, Heritage, Country etc.

That in speak of the Dual nature of Man as such, and as said to refer and to speak of what we do in all Personify, and if not what we do Identify with, now and in all even said breeding many a Complex, and in regards to the very manner in all we do define or create in all again, Identity, and as having to do with Gender, Race, Background etc.

In many a way though, and in speak of the World too, and as said African in all, and simply too, does in all even speak of us, and as having an Affinity for something in all, and that could very well go along, and with speak of Personifying something, or Identifying with something too that is. In many a way, this is the very manner/way. many a Media outlet in all, does in all even present Media, and as said too, and to speak of (Media) Consumption that is [that the very idea, and of Identifying with or Personifying something and in Media too, could very well be said to have African antecedents to it, and as compared in all, and to Media that simply entertains, that which educates, or that which does simply report and on many a thing (trends etc.) that is].

In having said this, and in speak too now and of the De-Constructing of the African Mind, and in speak too of many a Construct and as  having to do with Gender, Race etc., and in further speak too of Media, and of 'Keeping it Real' too that is, and in speak here of modern slang in all, speak now, and of the very manner/way most in all, do define Affinity, and as probably having to do, and with Personifying something (or having others recognize one in all,  and in many a way), or speak too of Identifying with something too (or simple speak of recognizing oneself, and in many a way that is).

In starting of on all this, speak now and of the Chakras for instance, Indian, and as now presented and from speak of Affinity too, and in speak too of Personifying something, or Identifying with something too that is [but speak in all, and of the very fact that, this is not the actual manner/way, Indians, do in all define Affinity, and in regards to the Chakras too that is]. What of the Shadow Archetype, and as often said European, and in speak now, and of many a Complex developed, and in speak of Affinity too, Personification and Identification, and if not speak of Regret, and as born of us such that is [in Personification and Identification that is]. What of speak of Italy too, having now given us the very world of studying the Human Body, and in Anatomy too that is, and such that, words/terms and such as Statuesque, or Modelsque too, and if not speak of 'the David' that is, now do have us in all, seeking to Identify with in all again, or Personify in many a way too, and with many a thing that is, for it does in all now too, speak of the very manner in all, Italy, and as said Civilization, does rise/arise in all that is [and in speak of the Italian Mind, and in Genius too that is].

Africa though, does have a similar culture, and to that said Italian, and as often said to speak of the Hunter, and of African Wrestling too that is. However, Africa and in Affinity, has always been truly, associated/defined, and with speak of African Artifacts, and such that, speak of Neo-Colonialism for instance, or of many a Spike Lee movie too, now does have Africans in all, and as said changing, and in Taste too perhaps, and in speak of Artifacts, and such that, many an African in all, and in speak of Affinity and Identity, and if not Neo-Colonialism too, now does have them identifying with Mercedes Benzes, Leather Jackets, Eye Glasses, British Airways, America and England, Stanford University, Hair Straightening Products etc., and such that, Neo-Colonialism is in all now defined, and not in speak of De-Constructing the Mind in all, but in speak too now, and of Denial too, and in speak of Affinity, the Personifying of many a thing, and if not the Identifying with, and with many a thing too that is, and as said in all even, and to speak of African Contemporary, Social and Secular Identity too that is.